Posted on 15 Jan 2018 @ 2:23pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt
Greetings All
While most awards have to be earned, there are some awards i.e. Time served awards that are given out at landmark events, today like all ships Captain I am pleased to announce the following three members of the Tomcat crew have been with the sim for over 1 year and there is a 1yr, 5 yr and 10 yr award for being with a sim.
So getting the 1 Year Service award on the USS Tomcat are as follows:
Lieutenant Remington Dodd Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Solan Jekkar Chief of Security/Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Jg Nicole Taggert Deputy Chief Engineer
Congratulations to all three on surviving 1 year on the Tomcat, their site bios will be updated with these new awards.
Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat
Category: General News