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22 Sep 2024 @ 6:03pm

Lieutenant JG Douglas McDougal

Name Douglas Fredrick McDougal

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4
Weight 154
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Tallish, and a bit on the lanky side. Doogle hides his athletic nature well. He is a very active young man. Who enjoys reaching out and helping those around him to find themselves. He keeps his hair long to cover what he believes is a rather femine looking face when he is not on duty.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Sean Franklin McDougal
Mother Sarah Rose McDougal
Brother(s) Johnathan Z. McDougal (27)
Sister(s) None
Other Family Uncle Marcus James McDougal

Uncle Charles Arial McDougal (a bit of a womanizer)

Aunty Destany Rose McDougal

Various cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fun loving and friendly. He loves to spend time getting to know the people around him and making friends. He is dedicated to his work and to the well being of those under his care and will fight ruthlessly for them if necessary.
Strengths & Weaknesses Loyal
fun loving

Tends to give people the benefit of the doubt. A bit of a bleeding heart.

Ambitions Explore the universe and help people along the way.
Hobbies & Interests Vast and many he is forever learning and trying new things. Some of his favorites being: Music (Playing and listening), Reading (classics mostly) Dancing (All sorts and he is not shy) getting to know people and their stories and walks of life.


Personal History It's standard really, he grew up on Earth with his best friend Renny and his parents. Was a bit of a class clown and a bit of a show off in his youth. He was directed to a youth program run by the federation for troubled youths. He made friends with a girl his age who was studying as a counselor's youth aide. She seemed to help him gain some focus. Over time he developed a crush he still has on her to this day.

He started to buckle down and do better with school and then joined the academy when his crush did to maintain a connection with her. Until her father, a prominent diplomat made communication impossible for them anymore and even tried to wreck Doogles career by dredging up incidents from his youth to the academy board and trying to link them to mishaps that were taking place at the school at that time. He was proven innocent for the most part due to his friend Renny and several of his instructors who stood up for him and defended his career. This show of love and loyalty has stayed with Doogle through the rest of his training and career. It's why he changed professions and decided to go into security instead.

at 16 was volunteered for a youth program through the federation. His interest in the field of psychology and human relations peaked after he met a girl there.

Joined the academy at age 18. He barely passed the entry exams but had several high standing letters of recommendation.

He immediately took on extra classes in his spare time in diplomacy and Psychology. Mostly so he could attend the same classes as a girl he was crushing over. Though he did study hard so he could impress her with their intelligent conversations and often shared perspectives. He also opted to take the security course work with ith his friend Renny.

His third year there was some controversy about a prankster that was making trouble around the campus. He was accused and had evidence brought against him. However in the end he was proven innocent and by the end of his fourth year he had learned to keep his head down and to carry on with his work for himself and not because of a girl he could never have. He discontinued his study in psychology and turned his focus soloy on graduating from the security program.

After graduating he decided to stay another 5 years to finish his degree in Psychology and neuroscience, as well as a secondary degree in diplomatic affairs. Simply because he wanted to. He also found the knowledge useful in his job working security.

Service Record

Service Record The TomCat will be his first deployment from the academy. Spent most his career on Earth so far.