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18 Feb 2025 @ 8:10pm
Lieutenant JG Shoniara T’ghann Dex
Name Shoniara Grace T’ghann Dex
Position Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Vulcan/Risan Hybrid | |
Age | 40 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6ft 2in | |
Weight | 166 Lbs | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Green/Silver | |
Physical Description | Typical Vulcan ears but other Risan features. Muscular, well built. Extensive burn scars on back from neck to waist, also back of the left hand. |
Spouse | Marc Duchev Dex (deceased) | |
Children | Shasta 5yo female (deceased) | |
Father | Shon Adenkar (deceased) | |
Mother | Liara Grace Adenkar | |
Brother(s) | Telvan John Adenkar. Cmdr Starfleet. exobiologist. Missing presumed deceased. | |
Sister(s) | None | |
Other Family | Bond sister to Ambassador T’ghrek of the house of T’ghkann. Vulcan R’ustai Bonding Ceremony, Anasatin ‘wolf feather’ Maternal Grandfather. Old Sehlat ‘Puss’ designated service animal for help with meditation. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Can appear cold and clinical at times and has initial difficulty in making friends outside her profession. Loyal and generous to those who earn her trust. Recovering addict Klingon narcotic J’heek. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths. + Excellent clinical organizational skills. + Thinks out of the box + Expert in virology. + Able to Multi-Task + Fierce advocate for her patients. + Stamina Weaknesses. - Sometimes does not recognise when she has gone too far. - Recovering from an addiction to Klingon Narcotic - Can become over-emotional. - Argues with her superiors when she thinks she is right. - Works too hard. - Has an addictive personality. |
Ambitions | To become Chief Medical Officer through her work. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Terran flute Vulcan harp. Chess. Virology Terran fencing Meditation and the cult of Surak. Orbital Sky diving Cliff diving Endurance swimming. Terran and Riasan opera. Flying Vintage History General History |
Personal History | Shoniara ‘Shon’ to her friends was born in the city of Dogan on Riasa on 20th June 2355 where her father was the current attaché to the Vulcan Ambassador. Her mother Liara was an exobiologist teaching at the Dogan Academy of Science. Her younger years were spent with her brother Telvan living between Vulcan and Risa. At the age of 12 her brother was sent away to the Vulcan Monastery school of DHarda. Shon’s behaviour, always wayward became uncontrollable and she ran away from several schools. She was then sent to Earth to live with her Maternal Grandfather. Here she settled and learned the love and respect of nature and all living things. He taught her self-control and a certain spirituality and encouraged her growling love of medicine. Here she became a proficient pilot loving to fly his collection of old 21st-century Aircraft. In 2374 at the tender age of Nineteen, she applied for and was accepted to the Medical School of New Nova Scotia where she obtained her medical degree. At age 20 she met and fell in love with Lieutenant Marc Duchev Dex a Betazoid Counsellor with Starfleet. Against her parent's wishes, Shon joined Starfleet and married Marc and they had a daughter Shasta. On Graduation, they were sent to The Ensara Colony to help repatriate civilians from Klingon incursions during the Cardassian war. Whilst there she continued working whilst her husband went to collect their daughter and pack. Due to her work, Shon arrived an hour late to find their home in flames. She was unable to save them and watched them burn. Trying to rescue them burning roof bars fell on her and she herself was repatriated to San Francisco. She refused reconstructive surgery and uses the scars and pain to remind her of what she has lost, supposedly through her own fault. Following their deaths, she took an LOA from Starfleet and became withdrawn and depressed. She became addicted to a Klingon narcotic J’Heek initially for the pain of her burns but then just for the way it made her feel. During this time she worked for a year as a pilot for an ore consortium in the mining Colony of Arcybite and spent most of her off-duty time drunk. Whilst there she met T’Ghrek of the Vulcan family T’Ghann. They developed a friendship and he helped her free herself of the addiction through meld and Vulcan relaxation techniques. She then saved his life after an assassination attempt and he made her his ‘Bond Sister’. After a year she returned to Earth and returned to duty. Awarded Starfleet Medal of Honour for rescuing 70 colonists during Klingon Attack on Ensara. Awarded Citizenship and Gold Star for curing viral plague on Trilota II. |
Service Record
Service Record | : Cadet Years not Shown 2351 Derval School of Girls Dogan on Risa. 2355 Home-schooled Yellowstone Earth. 2371 Medical School New Nova Scotia. Medical Degree Fellow. 2374 Joined Starfleet. 2378 Graduated from Starfleet at the rank of Ensign 2379 Done a fellow of Emergent Space Medicine [Starfleet Exchange Program] Harvard. 2381 Done a fellow of Virology Tushla Medical Centre. Starfleet Exchange Program. 2382-2384 Took Two years off from Starfleet 2385 Took refresher course upon return to Starfleet 2386 Assigned to the USS Kerellian a Nova Class as a Medical Officer 2390 Assigned to the USS Dynamic an Excelsior class as a Medical Officer 2395 Assigned to the USS Tomcat as Assistant Chief Medical Officer at the rank of Lieutenant Jg |