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06 Oct 2023 @ 1:18pm

Ensign Drevas

Name Drevas

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Kelpien
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 6'8"
Weight 85kg
Hair Color N/A
Eye Color Golden amber
Physical Description Standing at a towering six feet and eight inches tall Drevas is, for lack of a better description, your average lanky Kelpien male, if not for his eyes, which are a brilliant golden amber. When not on duty one will find him casually but neatly dressed; to him a Starfleet officer should look the part even in his downtime, that is, looking well kept and put together.


Spouse None
Children None
Father MCPO Arandatar (presumed KIA)
Mother SCPO Avila (presumed KIA)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family B'nilla (aunt, maternal)

Several cousins resident on Kaminar, of varying age and gender

Personality & Traits

General Overview Drevas never not thinking. At times he comes off stoic, sometimes a little bit logical, not quite Vulcanlike but getting there, in a sense, though he really doesn't mean to. He may not vocalize everything that goes through his head, but really, a lot goes on in his head at all times. Perhaps it is a leftover habit from being a chess player, perhaps it comes from his childhood spent mostly with his head buried in books; Dune has plenty of thoughts, looking around him, studying all the variables at play and forming his own analysis as to what to do next in all situations. A chess player does not clearly show his opponent that he is finding difficulty with the game in front of him and Dune has learned to do that almost to a habit - even in regular life, free of the dangers that sometimes come with his job. Does this mean that he never shows emotions or puts on a constant bluff to keep himself safe? No, not really. He smiles plenty, one can see at a glance when he is unhappy or displeased about something and even in the absence of the latter two one can hear it in the tenor of his voice though he tries to keep it even.

Making friends has never really been easy for him; not that it bothers him excessively. The few friends he has he keeps close to his heart though the distance between them may be vast. One wonders if he spends way too much time in his head, thinking and working efficiently through his day sometimes to properly notice that the world around him is rich and full of others willing to connect to him and come into his life in a meaningful fashion. Picking up on romantic or other such overtures is unfortunately not his strong suit as a result.

That being said, confident, eloquent and with a speechmaker's ability that could one day probably find its way into the Federation Council if he so has the ambition and with some proper training, vahar'ai and all the benefits that it bestows aside and with a work ethic to rival most up and coming officers there is never any doubt that with time, experience and probably a few more connections in his life he might go far.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Confident
+ Decisive
+ Well versed in his former area of expertise
+ Keeps a cool head despite any and all situations thrown at him, like a chess player does.

- Perfectionist
- Tendency to overwork, though this tendency has reduced much since he came into service
Ambitions * Captain his own starship

* Find his parents, wherever they may be

* Start a family of his own, though given his luck with women, is rather unlikely
Hobbies & Interests * Chess. He occasionally plays competitively, though he usually only does so when he has free time.
* Cooking. His aunt and mother insisted that he learn, and he has continued to practise since he was a boy.
* Reading, especially poetry. He's got a few too many books trapped in his bald head by now.


Personal History Drevas was born off world, on the Galaxy-class U.S.S. Riposte. His mother and father were a pair of enlisted Engineering personnel who married on Kaminar before beginning their service. Growing up, He was the tallest child in his kindergarten class aboard the Riposte. The other relatively normal-sized children would all look at him and maintain some distance, visibly afraid of him. As a result, he would grow up with a sort of social awkwardness and distrust, believing that everyone feared him because of his relatively imposing appearance, for a child, anyway. His parents, however, treated him quite the opposite way. Like all parents, they tried hard to give him more opportunities to succeed, such as enrolling him in self-defense courses taught on board, along with courses in engineering skills and other activities such as chess. While he didn’t have much engineering or scientific aptitude, he uickly found that he had an unusual aptitude for anything that required him to think strategically, and his physical strength and speed made his ventures into martial arts and self defense that much easier.

He slowly earned himself recognition among the ship’s crew, being one of the best and youngest chess players on board. At 15, he entered the ship’s chess tournament and came second, defeated by the ship’s First Officer, who himself was an accomplished chess player in his free time.

This continued until one day, at the age of 18, he was sent back to Kaminar to live with his aunt by his parents, as the Riposte was to be sent to the Gamma Quadrant as a diplomatic vessel, and they did not want to put him in unnecessary danger. He stayed on Kaminar for about two years, helping his aunt to run the little eatery she ran in the town, working in the kitchen as a junior chef, before he grew bored - he longed to explore the stars like his parents once had. No way was he going to spend the rest of his life being a sous chef! He took time on the weekends to study and prepare himself for the difficult entrance exams ahead of him. At the end of the year, with the blessing of his aunt and uncle, he departed for Earth on a civilian transport.

His Academy days were relatively uneventful. He did manage to make a few friends in his four years, but did not grow particularly close to anyone, not enough to form anything deeper than simple friendship, anyway. Practically the only interesting event in his Academy life would be undergoing vahar’ai during his final year tactical strategies written test, causing him to be carried out of the examination hall with his PADD speared through with his nails. Thankfully, he was allowed to retake the examination and passed by a handsome margin. He graduated just shy of earning a magna cum laude certification. Only his aunt attended the graduation - his parents and the Riposte had been declared missing a year earlier and she'd felt that it was best that he not be told for fear of disrupting his studies.

Straight out of the Academy he was assigned to the USS Babylonia, an exploratory vessel assigned to map the Elturun star system. Predictably he was excited to finally be an explorer and move on with his career, as any fresh-faced young Starfleet personnel might be - though he would soon find that things wouldn't quite be that way. After serving for five years aboard, his new department head at the time seemed rather keen to send him on away missions at every given opportunity, even if he were physically incapable of doing so due to fatigue under the pretense of giving him 'experience' - for some time he put up with this, until one fine day he wound up in sickbay, having nearly collapsed from exhaustion after having undertaken mission after mission at her behest. It was only at this stage that he learned that he'd been purposely overworked on the basis that she'd neglectfully thought he could take it with his supposed stamina as a Kelpien. Disgusted, he requested a transfer off ship, determined to find somewhere where people made a few less assumptions about him.

Service Record

Service Record 239206.28-239501.24: Security/Tactical Officer, USS Babylonia