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24 Dec 2024 @ 12:00am

1st Lieutenant Gavin Ross

Name Gavin Ross Dr.

Position Chief Medical Officer

Second Position Marine Medic

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 178 Lbs.
Hair Color Dark
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ensign Gavin Ross is a 24-year-old male, standing 6 feet 2 inches tall. He possesses a lean physique with a well-defined, medium level of muscularity. Gavin’s body suggests a healthy and fit lifestyle characterized by a balanced height and muscle tone combination. Overall, his physical appearance exudes a sense of athleticism and youthful vitality.

Gavin has short-cut, tussled dark hair—his blue eyes sport twenty-twenty vision, with steady, strong hands for a Surgeon.
Gavin religiously exercises and participates in sports. Ross enjoys canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, rollerblading, and triathlons.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Malcom D. Ross (DR)
Mother Lydia L. Ross (DR)
Brother(s) Braydon E. Ross (DR)

Lieutenant Braydon Ross is a Brain surgeon on the USS Mayweather. At 28, Brayden is four years older than Gavin and the eldest of the three Ross Family siblings.

All siblings received training through Starfleet Medical Corps and have been peer tutoring with their Father, Captain Malcom D. Ross, an innovator in the Medical Community for Advanced Brain Surgery.
Sister(s) Hannah J. Ross (DR)

Ensign Hannah Ross is 24 years old. Hannah is the youngest of the three Ross Family siblings by 2 minutes 45 seconds.

Hannah is on a humanitarian relief mission in the Utara Sector, overseeing a Medical Station on Galos II. Hannah is exclusively trained in brain transplantation of in vitro growth treatment methods.
Other Family The Ross Family is an influential Family within the Starfleet Corps of Medicine. Primarily based on inherited philanthropy, the Ross Family has numerous wings and medical technology techniques pioneered by their collective efforts.

As such, within the Philanthropic community of Starfleet Medical, the Ross Family is a firm name when discussing potential donor lists and private medical advancements outside of Federation Science and Medical programs.

The Ross Family is well known and has many connections, friends, and like-minded individuals who are dear, good friends.
- The Federation Foundation
- Starfleet Medical Corps Foundation
- Starfleet Medical – Mental Health and Advancements
- Fleet Sport – Federation Charity Foundation on Sport
- Edgemont And Ross Enterprises, Private Bio-Medical
Research Foundation Talos IV

Personality & Traits

General Overview As a good surgeon, Gavin possesses technical skills, interpersonal qualities, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

His technical skills are rated excellent. Ross has skilled hands, as surgical procedures demand high manual agility and coordination.

His problem-solving skills are exceptional. Ross often encounters unexpected challenges during operations. He can think critically and adapt to changing situations, crucial to his patient's outcomes.

Dr. Ross exhibits relentless attention to detail. While in surgery, he completes intricate procedures.

Gavin never has a pause. He always knows what his next decision is. Quick and effective decision-making is essential in Ross’s operating room.
Strengths & Weaknesses Gavin's Strengths

- Technical Proficiency
- Problem-Solving Skills
- Attention to Detail
- Humor
- Kindness
- Empathy
- Hand-Eye Coordination
- Decision-Making Abilities
- Stamina and Endurance
- Leadership Skills
- Continuous Learning

Gavin's Weaknesses

- Perfectionism
- Emotional Stress
- Work-Life Balance
- Risk of Burnout
- Limited Patient Interaction
- Cigarettes
- Whiskey

Ambitions Ross, first and foremost, aspires to achieve a high level of clinical expertise, mastering a range of surgical procedures and staying up to date on the latest advancements in medicine.
As a surgeon, Gavin aims to specialize further within his field of brain surgery, obtaining certifications in subspecialties to enhance his skills and knowledge in specific areas of surgery.
Gavin is ambitious enough to engage in research, contributing new knowledge to their field. Ross shares his learned insights and advancements by publishing articles, case studies, or participating in clinical trials.

Early on, Ross contributed considerable time to global health initiatives. Gavin participated in medical missions to Terra I, Ativan IV, and Calistus Prime. Gavin has experience collaborating with inter-species medical organizations.
Hobbies & Interests Sport

- Hockey
- Downhill Skiing
- Snowboarding
- Mountain Biking
- Kayaking
- Tai Chi
- Weight Lifting
- Jogging
- The Gym

Arts & Culture

- Enjoys Art
- History of Earth
- Earth Movies (New and Old)
- Earth Music (New and Old)
- Federation/Earth Politics
- Technology
- Travel


Personal History TBA

Service Record

Service Record TBA