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07 Oct 2024 @ 7:00pm

Master Sergeant Thomas Zang

Name Thomas Zang

Position Rifleman NCO

Second Position Demolitions

Rank Master Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 155 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Thomas is a young-looking human that stands slightly above average height. He has black hair that's cut short and spiky with non-descript brown eyes. He is slender but under the uniform he's muscular from tough training.


Spouse none
Children none
Father George Zang
Mother Martha Zang
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview He can be a bit on the quiet side but once you get through his shell, he's a friend for life and one who is willing to sacrifice himself for his friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses --Strengths--
Thomas is a crack shot with any gun he gets his hands on, whether it be an old school projectile gun or a phaser rifle.

He has a strong skill with both creating and diffusing bombs and other explosive devices though he loves to build them more.

He can be naive at times.

He can be hot headed at times especially when in a combat situation.
Ambitions To be the best he can be. To become an officer one day,
Hobbies & Interests Weapons training, practicing his demolitions skills, wood working, hunting and survival camping, anime, Japanese culture.


Personal History Thomas was born on earth in the Washington state area on a wilderness homestead. His mother passed away when he was very young, and he has no clear memories of her but strong emotional memories. His father raised him on the family homestead and taught him hunting skills as well as advanced survival techniques and skills. Unfortunately, when he was about 15, his father was critically injured on a hunt and dies in Thomas's arms. He continued his last three years learning to join Starfleet and when he was 18, he left his home and traveled to San Fransico where he applied. he unfortunately was turned down but was recommended to join the federation marine corp. He applied and was admitted where he took top scores in everything weapons based and found he had a proficiency for demolitions. When training was over, he became his unit's secondary sniper and main demolitions expert.

Service Record

Service Record 2388- 2389 - Marine academy - Recruit
2389 - 2392 - sb99 - Private
2390- Promotion - Private first class
2391 - Field Promotion - Corporal
2391 - 2395 - USS Timmis - Corporal
2395 - field Promotion - Sargeant major
2395 - 2396 - SS Titan (decommissioned) - Sargeant Major
2396 - present - Uss Tomcat - Sargeant Major