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22 Sep 2024 @ 5:43pm

Master Sergeant Candice Laramie

Name Candice Felicia Laramie

Position Engineering Officer

Second Position Rifleman

Rank Master Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 118
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Petite, wirey. What little bulk she does posses is muscle. A lovey face with friendly eyes and a constant smile.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Charles Phillip Laramie
Mother Terisa Deluna Laramie
Brother(s) Theodore 'Teddy' Zolan Laramie - 27
Sister(s) Crystal Dawn Laramie -16

Chesney Marie Laramie -16
Other Family Various

Personality & Traits

General Overview Friendly and out going. Likes most people. Takes her job seriously. Does her best at everything she tries. A great friend. Loves having fun. A real perky attitude.
Strengths & Weaknesses Young and nieve
Not a fan of combat or conflict
Can be over confident
Can be manipulative
Can be a bit self serving at times, but not often
Learns fast

Ambitions To travel and see the universe. To have fun and live life to the fullest.
Hobbies & Interests Various, ask her sometime.


Personal History Ask

Service Record

Service Record Early cadet program - 16

At 18 joined the Marines as a field engineer. 10 weeks training due to an injury that set her back a week.

A- School: 2 years advanced course, Mars colony Station 5. Division 32

Was transferred to Starfleet Academy to finish her last year of training.

Age 20: first duty station 2 years on the USS Normandy.

Recently transferred to the USS Tomcat