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09 Oct 2024 @ 11:29pm

Chief Warrant Officer Glenn Stone

Name Glenn R Stone Mr

Position Chief of The Boat

Rank Chief Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Humen
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 220
Hair Color Sandy brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Stone looks muscular, appears in his 30s, and is human. He is of large stature and athletic. He is 6' 2", weighs 220 lb., and has tan skin.


Spouse None marred to the fleet
Children None that he knows of.
Father Glenn K. Stone retired from Star Fleet
Mother Danice Stone retired from Star Fleet
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Jacky Danice Stone is in Star Fleet medical
Other Family Uncials and Ants all over the Federation Star Fleet mainly serving

Personality & Traits

General Overview Stone strives to be the best he can be. He tends to make sure that everything is done for a reason. Stone tends to go carefully into all situations. If Stone disagrees with someone, he will let them know. He hates incompetents and will deal with them harshly. Traveling around the galaxy has had an awe-inspiring effect on him. In a room, Stone has a commanding presence. No one can hide from his gaze.

Favorite quote: Cowards never start. The weak never finish. Winners never quit.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Innovative
+ effective
+ inquisitive
+ Courageous
+ Confident
+ Dedicated
+ Ambidextrous

- Rigid
- intolerant
- headstrong
- Workaholic
- Fussy

Stone has been known to be aggressive under great combat stress. It can take an hour for him to relax after combat or a stressful situation, but the best way to deal with this problem is to mediate. A Doctor could administer medication to help calm him.
Recommendation fit for duty: yes
Report by: Roberts James C., Surgeon Star Fleet

Languages: Romulan, Vulcan, Federation Standard, Klingon, Cardassian, Ferengi
Ambitions To be the best of the best in Star Fleet.
Hobbies & Interests Martial Arts: Many forms of martial arts and weapons have been studied in various federation cultures. MMA 7th fleet champion
Ice cream
fresh fruit
Stone likes to collect old firearms and Books like Art of War.


Personal History Stone has grown up on many space stations and Star Ships. He learned more about the races of the federation and many others with his experience, and he was known quickly for his abilities on ships during tough times. He was on a mission when the ship he was on was attacked. Stone and others were held as prisoners. Some say he held his position outnumbered and injured. Stone fought his way out and resolved the situation. The ship's Captain put a letter of commendation for his actions.

After his actions, he was promoted and Then assigned to the Special Warfare Operator course. He had proven himself loyal to the Federation. With everything Stone has done, he has found a new position as CWOIC of Special Warfare Joint Special Operations Forces. Glenn Stone was assigned to the Fleet Headquarters as Special Warfare Joint Special Operations. The tour did have its problems as well. He, at times, could have been more balanced when dealing with other races. Stone wanted more from life. After some time as a Special Warfare Operator, he was accepted to an Advanced Special Warfare Operator School (ASWOS) and Joint Special Operations Interplanetary Operations. Stone took other training courses to help with his career. He left That assignment with awards. After leaving, he was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer and assigned to different operations with other races, such as Vulcan, Klingon, and Andorian. On one of the missions, the team was led into a trap; his actions allowed the team to be released. He was the only one captured and held for six months until rescue.

After a stay in a hospital, he recovered and was sent to the Federation Academy as an Advanced Special Warfare Operator course instructor and a Close-Quarters Combat instructor. He attended the Planetary Assault Warfare, Fleet Command and Staff, Advanced Operational Tactics and Intelligence, and Advanced Security and Tactical courses. Stone was itching to get back out to Space and requested to be put on a ship he was assigned to, USS Tomcat, rank Chief Warrant Officer (WO2) position Chief of the Boat.

Service Record

Service Record 2375 - 2379 Attained Star Fleet basic at 17 years old. He attended primary and advanced training courses, finishing 5th in his class. He left the course The Rank of Petty Officer Third Class.

2379 - 2382 assigned to the USS Patreit as Security tactical officer. The Rank of Petty Officer, 1st class

2382 - 2392 Special Warfare Operators course, Fleet Headquarters as Special Warfare Joint Special Operations force. The rank of Chief Warrant Officer.

2392- 2395 Federation Academy as a Special Warfare Joint Special Operations instructor and Close-Quarters Combat instructor. The rank of Chief Warrant Officer (WO2).

2395 Assigned to the USS Tomcat the Rank of Chief Warrant Officer, (WO2) Chief of Boat.