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18 Nov 2017 @ 11:31pm

Lieutenant Solan Jekkar

Name Solan Jekkar

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 190lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Solan is average height, with short white hair and white Eyebrows. He has a tattoo of a series of hollow five points stars running along his left forearm towards his wrist.

He is average build with a small scar on his right side.


Father Rear Admiral Trax Jekkar
Mother Captain Aylaa Jekkar
Brother(s) Lieutenant Golen Jekkar
Sister(s) Lieutenant JG Denna Jekkar

Personality & Traits

General Overview Solan is a fairly easy going individual, he knows when to switch off from his duty and make friends but then he also cares for his subordinates and his shipmates.

He takes his job very seriously when given a task to complete. And is often seen as putting the welfare if his Ship and Crew above that of his own. He isn't afraid to speak his mind if he feels something must be said.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is an expert in Phaser and Disruptor technology having trained with a variety of different weapon types. He also is a qualified Criminologist which he graduated in the top 5 of his class in.

Solan can be a bit of a hot head, and may open his mouth when it is not needed and as a result may cause tension with others.
Ambitions He would like to Command his own Starship one day, something like a Sovereign or a Galaxy Class, then become an Admiral.
Hobbies & Interests When not on duty he is an avid fan of Alien Cultures, with a keen interest in Pre Starfleet history and also classic earth crime novels.

He is also a massive Ice Hockey fan and takes the chance to see a game when he visits Earth or a Starfleet Facility with a Hockey Rink


Personal History Solan was born on 6th November 2360, at Starfleet Medical on earth. His parents were Officers assigned to Command. He is the middle of three Children.

Being from a Starfleet family meant that he frequently travelled around to various assignments with his parents and siblings without staying long enough to settle. As a result he has a close bond with his brother and sister.

When he was old enough he followed in the footsteps of both of his parents and his brother, and joined Starfleet. He chose to study Tactical and Security based subjects. With a keen interest in Energy Weapons, but also in the field of Criminology with which he finished in the top five in his class.

Upon his Graduation he was assigned to the USS Ontario as a Security Officer, an Assignment he enjoyed when he had the chance to explore the Galaxy.

In 2384 he was reassigned to Earth and Starfleet Security taking up a position as a Investigation Specialist. This Assignment was his personal favourite and he received several commendations for his dedication to the job including a promotion to Lt JG in 2385.

In 2387 with the need for experienced Officers, Solan was transferred to the USS Leveller as he Chief of Security. He was made her acting Second Officer in 2388 after an Away Mission resulted in the loss of 4 Crewmembers during a cave in.

Solan was promoted to Lieutenant in 2389 and moved to Armstrong Station as Security Chief. He was the Senior Investigator in the series murders dubbed the 'Armstrong Assassinations', in which 5 separate people were killed by an unstable Crewman. He was praised for his investigative approach and released a book about the case.

He was promoted to Lieutenant Commander shortly afterwards and in 2391 moved to Earth as Guest Lecturer at Starfleet Academy teaching Cadets a Course on Criminal Investigation techniques and Small Unit Tactics.

As of 2392 he missed being in Space and requested a posting to Deep Space.

Service Record