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22 Sep 2024 @ 6:01pm

Ensign Sh'asi M'Rori

Name Sh'asi K'Meia M'Rori

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species ½ Caitian and ½ Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 145
Hair Color White and black striped
Eye Color Bright blue
Physical Description White fur that covers all her body. Black sibeiran tiger like markings. Her face is a blend of cat and human like features. Her ears are more folded to the sides of her head, and her mouth is more humanly shaped like her mothers. She has bright blue eyes and a Caitian like nose. She does have a mane of striped white and black hair.


Spouse none
Children none
Father G’Rah
Mother Margo CherryWine
Brother(s) ½ brother - Sirahl (Different Caitian father)
Sister(s) none-
Other Family adopted- sealed info

Personality & Traits

General Overview Very friendly. Sh’asi enjoys the company of others and is always trying to come up with ways to improve the morale of her fellow officers and crew.
Strengths & Weaknesses Str:
Has a powerful will
Is kind and courteous even when it's difficult to be
Is honest and trustworthy
A loyal friend

Is allergic to alcohol and chocolate
Can be stubborn
Can be naïve in her desire to trust people and their intentions.
Is not a very strong hand to hand or weapons fighter. (is passable but only just)
Ambitions To seek out new life and civilizations and boldly go where no Caitian has gone before.
Hobbies & Interests Singing, Dancing, and being with friends. She is a real go getter not unafraid to try new and interesting things. Her curious nature has always been a leading point for her. As she is always wanting to get to know other people and places and things. She isn't however incapable of just sitting around and enjoying a nice book or some leisure time painting or sewing or baking. A full list of things she had been exposed to and enjoys can be added later if needed.


Personal History Sh’asi did not have the best start in life. She was born to a galactic hooker named Margo CherryWine. Some say her mother had fallen in love with Sh’asi’s father and had tried to clean her life up for him. Even going as far as getting married and so forth. He however died shortly after his daughter was born. All she has of him is his looks and the name he left her with. So Sh’asi is very proud of her name for that reason. Margo kept the baby out of grief many think instead of sending it away. Margo was loving to her daughter and raised Sh’asi up as best she could even though she had gone back to being a prostitute, the only life she really understood before her brief marriage.

After two years her mother ended up married again. To another Caitian man, For a year they had a fairly good life together and a year later with help Margo was pregnant with a son. Tragically her second husband also died in a shuttle accident. Heart broken, Margo again opted to keep this baby as well. So Sh’asi was gifted with a baby brother. His name Sirahl was given to him by his sister. Who loved him dearly and spent all her time helping her mother to raise him and take care of him. Especially when her mother had to go out and “work”. That was until her mother propositioned the wrong man…

One night Sh’asi’s mother never returned from her work. This in itself was not uncommon. So for the first several days Sh’asi did not worry much. It was not until her mothers body was found and authorities came after learning of the children that she had any idea her mother was truly gone and never coming back.

She and her brother were sent to live on Cait. She didn’t like it there. She was unaccustomed to their ways and missed the freedom of the life she’d had before. She was then separated from her brother who was adjusting far easier due to his young age of 4 years. He was adopted into a family early on whilst Sh’ari struggled to fit in and adjust. She was eventually sent to live on a space station in an institution where she finally was able to find the help she needed and wanted. They seemed to better understand her need to be self sufficient. Respected it and began to help to guide her to a better life.

At age 12 she too was sent back down to Cait and adopted to a family that helped her to learn her people's values and culture. She was even reunited with her younger brother and by the time she left for StarFleet she had done a complete 180 with her life.

She studied to become a counsellor in honor of those who spent their time helping her in her youth. She ended up becoming a Morale officer instead because she found she enjoyed the task of helping people feel good and have a good time getting together. As well as seeing to the needs of others was more appealing.

Service Record

Service Record Joined at age 19

Academy training: 4 years. Plus an extra 2 years in SF A- Schooling to finish up her needed degrees in Psychology and Public Diplomacy and passed her FSE . A three-part examination (Foreign Service Exam) consisting of an oral interview, a written test, and a simulated negotiating exercise

Did her first assignment on the USS Titan. She spent that year as an aide and a padawan, shadowing under Doctor Heithe Alenargio. He recommended her to the USS Tomcat when he heard there was an opening.