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09 Oct 2024 @ 11:48am

Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir

Name Thyra Sh'shraaqir

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 150lb
Hair Color White
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Typical tall, average build Andorian female. Blue skin, brown eyes, white long hair. She wears her hair a lot in a ponytail.


Father Oshral Th’shraaqir
Mother Vara Sh’shraaqir
Brother(s) Theb Th’shraaqir, Seriv Th’shraaqir
Sister(s) Thovia Zh’shraaqir, Zassa Zh’shraaqir, Syvi Sh’shraaqir
Other Family Athira Zh’shraaqir (Stepmom) Ishrar Ch’shraaqir (stepfather)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Thyra is a deeply passionate and emotional andorian. Being the eldest sister in the family, and coming from a big family with lots of brothers and sisters, given her a caring personality. She cared a lot for her younger brothers and sisters when growing up. And she shows that to her fellow crew as well. She goes out of her way to help others and make others feel comfortable.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Caring personality
-can sometimes be a little smothering
Ambitions Thyra dreams of commanding a family ship, have a big family to share the galaxy with.
Hobbies & Interests Thyra loves to cook, listen to sensitive music and paint. Martial Arts.


Personal History Thyra is born the oldest in the Shraaqir family. It’s a large family, and she had many brothers and sisters follow after her. Growing up, she liked helping her parents, all four of them, take care of her brothers and sisters.

Growing up she has been interested in people. She liked social gatherings, she had a lot of friends, and people loved to be around her. And because of that, she dreamed of a career in starfleet. Her parents supported her every step of the way to make her dream come true.

First step for her was entering the academy. Once she was in the academy, she chose very social courses. Communications, languages, and minored a little psychology. She also studied minor social sciences and engineering.

In the second half of her academy training she switched to security. She used her technical skills to study weapons. She also learned several martial arts styles while she was at the academy.

With her communication training, her instructor advised her to do an intelligence training as well. With her skills in engineering and communications, she learned quickly how to hack as well. She wasn't sure though if she needed that in security but she never know. She was trained in covert operations, but mostly in hearing and information gathering.

When she left the academy she got her first assignment on the USS Pelican as a security officer. She proved herself a capable and loyal officer. She was also a caring one.

On an attack on the ship, she showed her caring self, by going out and helping carry injured to sickbay and assisted the operations department with repairs to the ship. Luckily the ship wasn’t boarded and they managed to get out of the attack.
After her first year in the service, the USS Pelican was taken in for refitting. It took a while, as the last attack did do a lot of damage on the ship.

Thyra was reassigned to the USS Tomcat as the assistant chief security officer.

Service Record

Service Record 2389-2393 Starfleet academy
2393-2394 USS Pelican: Security officer