Season 4 Episodes
For all Season 4 Episodes
Group Post Count: 150
Included Missions
S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Main)
Post Count: 57The Federation has lost contact with data-gathering efforts on a planet that the Preservers had apparently selected as a safe location for humans retrieved from Earth a long time ago. The Federation sent a team to the planet to observe the culture and civilization that has developed to learn more about the ancient cultures and societies on Ancient Earth. However, the team of observers have disappeared, and the data collection satellites have malfunctioned. When the satellite data stops, the Federation is alerted to the situation. It was a long-term mission so they could watch children grow into adults. The mission of the original observation team was to be for 15 years; however, it has now been 20 years and still no word from the team. Now the Federation has decided to send a ship to investigate.
S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Post Count: 93Please see Description of S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Main)
This is essentially the same, except it is for Incidental posts that are part of the main mission, but not directly involved with ship b-based operations i.e. Away Missions etc.
S04 Episode 02 The Hackers Backdoor (Main)
Post Count: 0Section 31 tech gets into the wrong hands.
Things for Kelnar have not gone well. His recent deal with the Orion syndicate spectacularly fell through. Now the Ferengi fear he will be dragged before the Grand Nagus and ridiculed. For his lack of business sense. He needs a successful business deal and fast.
S04 Episode 02 The Hackers Backdoor (Incidentals)
Post Count: 0Please see details in S05 Episode 02 Backdoor (Main)
This is essentially the same, except it is for Incidental posts that are part of the main mission, but not directly involved with ship b-based operations i.e. Away Missions etc.