S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Main Story)

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

A Year or more after an aborted mission into the Hydaransz system the USS Tomcat lost a few good men and the extra marines they had with them most had been lost. However, in the end, they managed to capture a Cardassian-built Starbase they called Omega and since then they had managed to secure the outer system, which included the Deuterium Mines. There is a heavy presence of Federation Alliance members there this includes the Klingon’s. For some a return here will have a bad memory for others it will be an experience.

Mission Group Season 2 Episodes
Start Date 02 Jan 2017 @ 6:22pm
End Date 20 Jul 2017 @ 6:22pm

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Title Timeline Location
Back to Exploration
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant JG Riabi Pames & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Mission day 27+1 USS Tomcat/Space/Hydaransz 4
In the Aftermath
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant JG Riabi Pames & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Ensign Teela Tjaansz
Mission day 27 Hydaransz IV/Inner planets
The Final Battle
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant JG Riabi Pames & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Mission Day 26 Inner Hydaransz system
Battle Royale
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant JG Riabi Pames & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Mission Day 25 Hydransz Inner Sector/Various
A Time to Fight
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Mission Day 2 Hydransz Inner Sector
Into the Darkness -Extension
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel & Ensign Angelica Wright
Mission day 15-1 Hydransz Inner Sector
Into the Darkness
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel & Ensign Angelica Wright & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson
Mission Day 15 Hydransz outer sector/inner Sector
Arrival at Hydaransz
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel
Mission Day 14 USS Tomcat/Various
Maia strolls through Engineering
by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Before we reach Starbase Omega USS Tomcat/Main Engineering
If you stare too long into the Abyss, it stares back
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel
Mission Day 0-1 USS Tomcat/Various
Return to Hydaransz System
by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel
Mission Day 0 USS CRR/Tomcat Briefing Room/Starbase 39 Sierra

Mission Summary

Two Years after serious losses the crew of the USS Tomcat return to the Hydaransz system to finish what they had began two years previously. Last time they had been here, they faced cyborg type beings, these were not like the Borg; but crude cyborgs that were mindless if not linked to some hive type mind, and the crew never did find the source or rather their leader. By the time, they had finished the outer system planets were mapped and secured now the ship with the most experience will be sent into the inner system not knowing what dangers await them.

But they will meet the architect of the first incursion by Starfleet forces and with the system being in Federation space but on the border between the Romulan Star Empire and Klingon Empires the system is not known to be a safe haven. Also recent reports of numerous incursions of Orion Pirates and Orion Syndicate trying to get a foot in the system, the Syndicate were working through legal means for once, the Pirates and slavers were not. However, on the M-Class Planet, a surprise awaits for the crew of the Tomcat, one that they had no idea existed.