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Engineering Preparing

Posted on 31 Jul 2023 @ 11:03pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi
Edited on on 01 Sep 2023 @ 2:10pm

784 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Deck 07, Engineering Labs
Timeline: Current


Leland sat at the laboratory engineering console on Deck 07. He was currently analyzing purity calculations of the dilithium crystals. The chamber before Hawksley held laser fields and fluxing capacitors, creating a fusion reaction.

Punching in codes and commands to mimic and augment the flow rates for purity levels of reactionary plasma was a standard procedure for engineers to undertake periodically.

Leland then ensured that the inner force fields would be overcharged to prevent internal damage.

“Thex.” Leland gestured to his left, where she sat. “Would you slow the negative ionization? And repeat the feeder segments through 9-5 and report for me.”

" On it," Thex said as her blue fingers began typing away on the console. " Ionization slowing, feeder segments 9-5 repeating," she said her blue eyes viewing the results. " Ionization levels are holding. Decay level at 0.05% per cent."

"Right. That's the standard output. Not optimal. We must cut that because it has been achieved in over 1/3 of Akira Class vessels. But to do it, safety is the key!"

They watched as Hawksley timed with his wrist chronometer, both watching into the chamber. They witnessed the gasses flow and intermix at various speeds, levels, and blues and fluxes eventually occurring in the matter stream. Then a stream of static, intermittent particles occurred. "There. See. We can't hold the stream at the levels specified. We need to take in many factors. We cannot pull a level one system check."

" I could bring up the reports from the other Akira's to see how they achieved it. " Thex suggested as she kept one of her eyes on the readouts coming from the chamber. " We could try adding in some nezadonic radiation to see if it stabilises it." She suggested.

“Nezadonic Radiation would work as an emulsifier. Then we could stabilize the intermix.” Hawksley clapped his hands together and then rubbed them.

“There was a reason the Nezadonic Radiation sensors were on the inventory listing. Now we know why!” Leland then tapped some buttons. “Let’s get the sensors out of inventory, plug them into the EPS taps, and sour the milk.”

" On it boss," Thex said as she walked over to the room's inventory panel and had the sensors beamed from the ship's cargo bay. Opening the box ran her eyes over the sensors.

Hawksley looked over the node in the metal casing that was energized from storage. He nodded, looking it over as he stepped back. “Looks great.” He clasped his hands together. “Now. Let’s go get dirty!”

Deck 09, Corridor Junction A-5

As Thex and Leland exited the turbo lift, Leland asked. “So, how are you enjoying it on the Tomcat?” Leland added. “I think you are fitting in well.” He offered a smile. A smile from Leland was pure.

" I'm liking her and I'm hoping the crew is liking me. " Thex replied with a smile on her blue face.

“Ok…. Here we go. Junction…. Junction……. A-4…. No, the next one over. Keep walking!” Hawksley used his engineering tricorder to scan the EPS flows through the bulkheads as they walked the hallway to Junction A-5. The malfunctioning Nezadonic Radiation sensor unit was in this bulkhead.

“Then, would you mind..” Hawksley motioned to the cowling as he punched a few codes into his tricorder and accessed the hallway’s main computer screen.

Thex nodded as she headed over to the computer screen. With a few touches, she had the area shut down meaning it would be safe to operate and fix the repair. " We're good to go, boss."

"Alright. Conduit re-setting."

Hawksley got his supplies in order and closed up his tool case. Getting Leland to check his wrist chronometer and made notes on his padd of the junction work they had completed and noted sectional components to re-check on follow-ups in the future star base crews. "Alright. Everything looks flowing good." Leland took a last check of his tricorder.

"What do you think Thex?"

" No sign of leakage or loss of portion flow," Thex said her antenna twitching as the results flew past her eyes. " Everything reading well within acceptable perimeters."

"Well done, Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi. You must have worked on plenty of routine conduit repair and checks?" Leland gestured that they should leave and get back to Engineering.

" I have," Thex replied as she started talking about the nightmare the power system and conduits had been on her last assignment as they headed back to engineering and the next assignment.




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