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Real Honest to God Booze?

Posted on 05 Dec 2023 @ 2:13pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan

1,425 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Captain's Quarters - Tomcat/Various
Timeline: After Current Mission before Awards Ceremony


Serina remembered what Jasmine had said about the Colonel getting REAL booze for their wedding, and went looking for the Colonel.

=/\= Colonel Somers, Serina Donovan here, is there somewhere we can meet before you leave? The captain said you were the one to speak with about getting the real thing for our wedding=/\=. All Serina could think of was a twelve-year-old bottle of Scotch and what it tasted like, scrumptious.

Alex was in the Captain's quarters on the Tomcat, she had not felt the need to get a Starbase one as she had not planned on staying too long, but now she regretted it. She had packed her little personal items and sent word to the ship's armoury to have her weapons sent to SB51 customs ready for transport back to Earth. She had just finished packing her toiletries when her Commbadge went off startling her, she walked over to the table where she had left it and picked it up.

Gently tapping it =/\= Somers here, yes come to the Captain's quarters on the Tomcat, I will be waiting, Somers out =/\= she said and closed the link wondering what Serina could want.

Serina was grinning like a Cheshire cat as she acknowledged the Colonel. Skipping down the corridors headed for the Captain's quarters, she looked and acted like a giddy schoolgirl on her first day of class. She was still giggling when she hit the door chime.

By this time Alex and changed into a vintage set of shorts and a hoodie and had her hair up in a ponytail on the top of her head, this, of course, showed her scar on the left side of her face, she could have had it removed, but it was a prominent reminder on not to go into an aggressive negotiation when one had no idea what the hell to do, she stood a glass of red wine in hand and a bottle of it on the table her small amount of belongings around her still her as she walked to the door and opened it and smiled "hello Serina, please come in" she said as she left the doorway to allow Serina to enter.

Serina entered with that silly grin, "Thank you, Colonel Somers. The captain told me that you were the one to speak to and out getting honest-to-God booze. It is for my wedding with my intention. No one knows how to get their hands on the real McCoy and I was wondering if you could help. Synthahol doesn't do a wedding justice," Serina said smiling sheepishly.

"Please Serina we are off duty and if you are asking me for such things you should call me Alex *points up with her finger* off duty that is," she said with a smile as she sat down and asked Serina to do the same. "This must be your first time in the Captain's Quarters on this ship! She said now what types of booze are you looking for, I can get any of the human-based drinks should take two weeks tops estimated, the Andorian Ale and Bajoran Spring Wine same period, but Romulan Ale will take longer to get. My Husbands contacts are good, but not that good to get the Romulan stuff quickly, so what do you want and how much, I hope you have the Latinum as the dealers are not cheap, you should see what they charge me when I order some vintage Klingon Bloodwine, well they did until Paul connected me with a Klingon dealer and thanks to my families standing in Klingon eyes I can get the best discount" she paused waiting.

"Well ....Alex I mean, since I have no idea of who drinks what, I guess a case of Scotch, Rye, Vodka, Gin, Bourbon, Brandy, Rum, and of course Blood Wine would do. I've got about four to five hundred bars of Latinum saved for such an occasion. Compliments of a few bets and card games," Serina said giggling. "I have to admit however the stunt flying was tricky. I had to be precise in my movements to win the bet and at one point refuse because of the dangerous implications if I had gone through with it. Don't play many cards now, however. Not as interesting as flying is. I would rather fly than play a card game," smiling at Alex. "Oh, and no it is not the first time I'm in Jasmine's quarters. I've been here before," she finished. Serina had tried to be as thorough in the ordering of the booze, but she felt that she was missing some of the alcoholic beverages. "If I have forgotten any, can I request them later? If it isn't too much of a problem?" she added finally, trying to hide the heat building in her face.

Alex noted down the drinks "Don't forget the Bajoran Spring Wine, I will try to get some Romulan Ale too, but how much can you afford to spend, I need to know so I can try and get you the best price. I hope the suppliers have heard of this Rye drink because I have not" Alex said. She then looked up "When is the wedding planned for Serina I need a date, but keep in mind the timeframe it will take to get the drinks here" Alex asked.

Laughing, "Alex, Rye is not a drink, it's another type of alcohol like Scotch. Also, I have 500 bars of Latinum to spend. The wedding is in about four weeks barring anything short of war. Hope that gives you what you need Alex," asked Serina.

"So Rye is a drink then! If it is another type of alcohol, as for the list, three weeks tops, but be prepared for a few days longer, the payment is applicable upon delivery" she said finalizing the list and sending it to her husband's contacts along with another list for someone else.

Trying very hard not to jump up and hug Alex, Serina lost the fight and gave Alex a big bear hug. "Oh thank you, Alex!! You have no idea of how happy you just made me and a few dozen others. Getting the real thing is a real treat. I hope you will be here for the wedding," Serina said finally letting Alex breathe, still giggling.

*eyes widen* Serina bear hugs her, she is so shocked, that she does not respond and there was also the fact that she could not breathe, when the other woman released her she was breathing heavily as she could not during the hug. "Damn Serina you do not know your strength, no worries I can put it through with another order I am doing for someone else too.

"Can I get you a drink? Serina?" Alex asked "I have some red wine here," she said.

"Oh yes, please. I have not had a good glass of red or for that matter any wine in a coon's age. Thank you, Alex, I appreciate it," Serina said, sitting down once again grinning from ear to ear.

Standing up walking over to the counter and getting another glass, Alex returned to where she was sitting poured Serina a Glass of wine and handed it to her "It is Chateau Picard 2310 Vintage" Alex said as she picked up her glass.

"A very good year too," she said taking a swallow of the delicious wine. "Oh lordy! To taste a good red wine is wonderful. Thank you, Alex," Serina said smiling. "You are coming to our wedding right," she inquired.

*Thinking a moment* "I think I can delay my return to the Academy for a wedding" she said diplomatically and with a smile as she took a sip of her wine and wondered what dress she would wear.

"Great news. Now I have to get my ass moving as I am on duty in an hour. Thanks so much, Alex", Serina said to Alex, Giving her a kiss, Serina left the captain's quarters quickly.

*Looking at the departing, but excited Serina Alex was taken aback* "Well, that was unexpected!" she said and finished off the wine, before clearing the glasses and bottle, she made a mental note to go see Jasmine, as the woman would be taking back full control after the Awards Ceremony.




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