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Down the Valley of Death Rode the 600 Part 2

Posted on 18 Aug 2023 @ 4:34pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

1,575 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Main)
Location: Various/L’Horzel Corridor
Timeline: MD: 27



Looking at the assembled "Okay people you know what to do, go to it, you are dismissed, I will keep the ship here until the ship modifications are done, the Medical injection will only be used if someone falls ill" Somers said looking at Dex who nodded.


As the assembled left the CRR Somers returned to the bridge, and she was glad to see nothing important happened "Thank you Mr SIlver" she said as she retook the command I will take over now" she said.

“ It was a pleasure, ma’am,” Ted said returning to the Science station.

Ze looked over his console and looked back up to see the captain "Welcome back Ma'am" he spoke as he sht off all of his readings to medical for dex to look over.

Dex looked first at Silver and then Ze "Could you both please send your readings of the corridor data to medical for me?" She asked.

Ted nodded but before sending he checked the data. The Romulan Warbirds' main weapons were based on plasma. Due to their ships being powered by a quantum singularity. Thanks to the Nebula and its unique mixture of ionised hydrogen and a strong concentration of cosmic dust containing a usual amount of amorphous organic solids. This boosted the power of the Warbird's weapons.

Tapping his Commbadge =/\= Silver to Sickbay come in please=/\= he said.

While Silver was speaking with Medical Alex tapped her COmmbadge =/\=Somers to Hawksley, how goes countermeasures to protect this ship in the corridor progress? =/\= Somers asked.

=/\= Hawksley Here =/\= Leland tapped his wrist com on his EVA suit. =/\= Thex and I are at Junction node 44. We have a few silicon sets to swap, then hit re-initialize, then The Tomcat’s neroduranium alloy is set up!” =/\=

=/\= Good, keep me updated Lieutenant and let me know when you are done =/\= Somers said.

Leland looked to Thex. =/\= Latticework assembly is engaging the Tomcat’s hull Captain Somers. Stand-by. =/\=

- Medical -

Dex was working hard in sickbay to prepare an antidote should it be needed when her Commbadge sounding suddenly startled her, making her spill some liquid that she was working with, tapping her badge.

=/\= Dex here! What is it, Mr Silver? =/\= Dex asked.

=/\= I have the data from the corridor are you able to download it?=/\= Ted asked

=/\= Affirmative Lieutenant send it down and thank you =/\= Dex responded.

=/\= Doing it now. Our scanners picked up some unknown elements could you give that data a look over first please?=/\=

=/\= Will do, thank you, Dex out =/\= she replied and signed off and got to work.

- Engineering Lab 01 -

“Neodeonium levels look in check.” The Chief was in the Engineering Labs of the USS Tomcat. Leland was determining a delivery mechanism for the micron carbon crystallized latticework. The lattice worked as a shielding from the corridor’s radiation, and a limited cloak. His face is consumed with work, coffee, and communicating with his colleague.

“The Carbon-crystalized lattice work has passed first returns from the Lab Computers.” Hawksley stood next to Thex as they both analyzed the computer run series of tests. “Computer report on VAC-valve 4 cut-off sites on Saucer and underbelly of the Tomcat.

The Tomcat’s Main Lab Computer reported. “VAC Vacuum space realization liquidating hull properties are 89.009007 at an SEM: NDF Ratio 1:3.”

“Thex.” Leland pondered. His glossy sheened brown eyes searched the information. “Will you incorporate the Borg technology and Federation enhancements?” Leland pointed to the main lab engineering screen showing the diagrams for Leland and Thex to work together. If you do, we can actively capture ionization cannons. Any disruptor weaponry directed from 0-point pulse weapons.”

" I think so sir, though incorporating Borg tech can always turn into a nightmare. " Thex responded. The tech itself wasn't the problem it was making sure it would work without setting off the numerous federation security systems.

Leland handed Thex the PADD. “This might take a short spacewalk. Are you ready for one with me?” Hawksley grinned mischievously, rubbing his calloused engineering hands together in delight.

"Sounds like fun. Been a while since I've donned my space suit." Thex replied with a cheeky smile on her face.

Leland had suited up in his EVA suit. Leland and Thex exited the exterior hull in Sector 7, just a few decks from Main Engineering. Both Thex and Leland were carrying engineering kits and silicon chipsets to access node 33. Node 33 allowed for adjustments to the hull's neodymium lattice arrangement.

The two used their EVA suits, utilizing a wide array of readily available tools and manipulator options coupled with reaction control thrusters.

“We need to utilize the EVA for unique hardware modifications. Do you remember your Starfleet EVA 2.2 Course lectures? Is that still Professor Juni teaching?” Hawksley struck up some pleasant conversation as they were surrounded by the infinite background of outer space. A cold vacuum full of distant twinkling stars.

“Here we are…” Hawksley reached the Tomcat's attenuation node hull systems. “Node 33.”

" Last time I checked they were still teaching. " Thex replied as her blue eyes gazed at the vast ocean of space. It never failed to make her realise how small she truly was. A sentient speck of dust in an ocean of black. Turning back to the job at hand she bent down to look at the panel they'd be working on and began the realised process.

"Alright, Thex." Hawksley stepped back with his large-sized gravity boots thinking to the hull as he did... "Now is your turn. Replace the chipset and re-initialize in analogue mode T-033."

Thex nodded as she knelt down and opened up her toolkit and got to work. " Really makes you feel small doesn't it boss." She said as she worked.

“Well.” Leland slowly knelt next to Thex to overlook her work as a second set of eyes. “Or it makes the work we do here. All that more important.” Hawksley tried to sound insightful.

“That is… my insightful talk.” Leland overlooked the various codes and sub-locks that Thex needed to attend to lateralize the hull.

Thex chuckled slightly as she carried out her work. Typing in the various codes and removing the sub-locks one by one.

“Excellent work Thex,” Leland never let his eyes off the codes and locks that Thex entered the unit-lock interface.
Leland took out his tricorder and then accessed the port.

“Computer.” He spoke through his EVA communications link open as well to the bridge and Thex. Leland was holding the ISO Linear chipsets in a silver engineering case.

“Access Port V5.” He pulled up his command codes on his tricorder to allow the changes to be made to the exterior systems on the Tomcat’s hull. “Hawksley Delta-Zeta Niner Niner One One Eight Enact.”

“Hawksley Authorized. Codes enacted. Access to exterior hull parallel-processing blocks, primary power loops.” The computer authorized and reported back.

Taking the chipset and entering the specialized programming enacted the hull changes in polarity and sarium karide emitters. A groaning was felt but not heard through the hull. A latticework of LiCu 521 emitter assemblies began to charge in unison.

Hawksley then tapped into the V5 port and slowly shunted a receiver node. A constant humming would be heard as the lattice work energized and raced across the outer hull in millecron increments. Leland smiled. “It’s working.”

=/\= Hawksley to Captain Somers, =/\= Leland gestured for

Thex to begin the short walk back to the exterior port...

=/\= Hawksley to Captain Somers, We are ready. Thex and I have upgraded Tomcat's shields for the corridors' radiation. The Tomcat’s ram scoops are upgraded as well to redirect the superheated plasma gasses in the corridor for our weapons. We’re heading back in. =/\=

Somers tapped her Commbadge to make the two-way connection =/\= Excellent work Lieutenant, now see if you can apply the same methods to our fighters and auxiliary craft =/\= Somers said sitting back, realising that they were almost ready to enter the corridor. She had gotten a text message from Doctor Dex that the serum to assist in protecting any damages was ready to be used if needed, soon they would find out what happened to the Ambassador.

=/\= Captain. The fighters are complete. I’ve already synthesized the mechanics and instituted the schematics into the Fighter's systems.=/\= Leland watched Thex in front of him as they went slowly, each large boot print magnetizing as they walked back to the port.

Thex and Leland entered the air-tight port hole.

=/\= Thank you, Lieutenant, Somers out =/\= she sat back and looked to the helm officer "Okay Lieutenant take us in half impulse if you will" Somers added as the ship started to move forward.




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