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Engineering take back

Posted on 13 Oct 2023 @ 11:46am by 1st Lieutenant Jasmine Allen & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Captain Mazal Falk & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews

1,382 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Location: Main Mining Base
Timeline: MD 28


Currently, the level where Engineering was located seemed quiet, maybe too quiet. A door opened and footsteps could be heard walking down the corridor. A rather large man not wearing a Federation uniform reached up and scratched at an itch that had developed on his upper left arm as he came into view. He paused gave a nod to the two men who were stationed at the turbo lift door and then continued.

Within the recesses of the stairway, away from possible detection, Corporal Trevors wiped away the droplets of perspiration that trickled down his cheek. He glanced towards Lieutenant Allen, waiting for her signal to the team to go in and free engineering. Private Osborne was at the ready and glanced over towards one of her Rifles.

"You going to be ready for some action?" he whispered to the Caitian Warrant Officer.

Allen was at the head of her team, they were at the top of a stairway, as they were heading to engineering they would need to head down after listening Allen turned to her team "Okay, ready Rifles, be careful where you shoot, as the confines will not be as spacious in Engineering so one shot kills, any questions before we move out?" Allen asked.

"I got nothing" Kildare simply said.

"One shot one kill," Osborne responded. "Only shoot when you see the white of their eyes." he also said. "I do have a question. Heavy stun wouldn't that bring them down faster? And keep any possible fatalities of any innocents?"

Matthews was a little bit quiet on this matter. Lieutenant Allen was the lead on this part of the mission. Which suited her just fine.

With that the team moved towards the Engineering section, as they neared they could hear unfamiliar voices Allen stopped raised her arm and made a fist, signifying her team to pause there, she crept forward to have a visual look. The Pirates were not bothering to download information, they were planting explosives, and they meant to destroy this station, Allen could not allow that, so after seeing what she wanted she quietly returned to her team.

Trevors looked at Allen, "What's the situation, sir? From what I see on your face, it isn't good. Time to do some rodent cleaning now?"

Even though he had spoken about using heavy stun for taking the pirates out it seemed like it wasn't going to go that way, as there was a furrow upon Allen's brow.

"Right, so quick update Lieutenant, what is the situation? Or is it time to move in and take out the slime?"

A quick moment of thought "Okay move in, precision shots, we do not want to damage the consoles" Allen said moving forward as she took down the first of many Pirates in Engineering.

Mathews nodded and following the others fanned out and taking quick yet careful aim took out two of the further targets in rapid secession. One of the other teammates blasted the two closer simultaneously dropping four in the space of a wink before moving forward to engage the rest.

As her team advanced taking out the enemy with pin-point accuracy, they finally retook Engineering, "Trevors, Osborne stand guard" Allen said then pointed to the random MArine who was a tech "You work with Lieutenant Matthews and secure all systems, and Tech, if you find anything programs that are of Pirate origin, delete them, but secure the station's system" Jasmine added.

Trevors and Osborne having gone and taken out their targets stood guard, to watch over things while Techie went to take care of the pirate ware that had been loaded into the system.

Cassandra moved off with her comrade taking care to keep a close eye out for any loudering pirates that might be waiting to ambush them. She let the techno nerd work his engineering Vudu on the computer to secure it. Her eyes drifted to the shadows. The books and crannies are constantly vigilant.

Allen moved away to let her team work and tapped her Commbadge =/\= Allen to Falk, we have secured the Main Engineering Captain, and we are in the process of securing the systems =/\= Allen reported.

=/\= Good to hear Allen. We're about done here. =/\= Falk answered.

=/\= Affirmative Captain, how are the Stations crew doing? Also when completed here we will meet your team at the shuttle =/\= Allen said, jumping a little as Pirate suiciders tried to blow engineering up, but were taken care of by Trevors and Osborne.

=/\= They've been shaken up, but are doing well. Let's get to the rendezvous point and get ourselves back to the Roosevelt. Time to go home. I am sure the rest of you will agree.=/\= Mazal replied. =/\= Good work and tell Matthews am glad she is with us.=/\=

=/\= She can hear you, Captain, will see you at the shuttle Allen out =/\= Jasmine said and signed off, then she looked at the Marine tech, "Rifleman lock down the system and create a new code to access systems and the doors to engineering" she said then said louder "okay rifles lets wrap it up and get back to our insertion points" she said.

Cassandra allowed herself a bit of a smile. She was glad to be able to do her part and help. The thought of going home, back to the Tomcat brought her more joy than any praise ever could. The home was where her brother would be waiting. That thought made her nearly singsong happy. Still, they had to get there first. To she tempered her joy and kept her head here in the now.

When all was done "Okay let's go, Rifleman send those new codes to Command and seal engineering" Allen said and the tech marine nodded and followed the rest out, while they kept watch the tech marine secured the door and nodded when he sent the information to command.

With that the team made for the shuttlebay, thankfully there were no interactions with the hostiles, it seemed that they had been cleared from the station.

Jasmine's team began to board the shuttle when Falk's team arrived, Allen looked up with a smile "Cassie, make sure all is secured, even though we will not be under fire, the small asteroids will not be friendly to a shuttle" she said.

"Aye aye," Cassandra replied automatically moving into position to carry out the task handed to her. She was glad to see Falk the MXO and the rest making their way safely back as well.

As the rest of her team boarded Jasmine walked up to Falk "All my group are done Captain, you ready to go back to the Rosey?" She asked.

"I am ready as I'll ever be," Mazal stated, having a determined expression in her eyes. "Let's get back to the Roosevelt and then on our way back to the Tomcat."

Once everyone was safely onboard Cassandra fell in behind and helped get things locked up. She was still energetic and almost hyper from the constant movement and alertness of the great many engagements she'd been involved in these past few days. It wasn't over yet. They needed to get home first then the weariness could set in and she might rest. Just a little longer. The worst was hopefully behind them.

Now all teams were aboard the shuttle the pilot took off and headed back to the Roosevelt, as they cleared the station the pilot had to reinforce the shuttle's shields to fend off the small asteroids the station was in, it took them some time but eventually they cleared the fields and did a quick warp jump, Allen who was in the Co-pilot seat looked at the Roosevelt and whistled in amazement the ship had extensive damage and off to its port was a burning Pirate Carrier.




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