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Itching for a fight

Posted on 03 Oct 2023 @ 4:41pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Hanger Deck -USS Tomcat
Timeline: After Down the Valley of Death"

=Hanger deck-USS Tomcat=

After leaving the bridge, Paul returned to the hanger deck to find the engineers were hard at work making the fighters ready this was good news, and how well he had trained them. He heard “ATTENTION ON DECK” as they looked up and noticed that he had arrived as he moved over to the Hanger chief. He asked How is it, Chief?”

Chief Halford spun round to face his boss and replied, “All fighters ready to go, boss,” as they had been for half an hour and the engineers were making their final adjustments to each of the fighters, he continued,” The Klingons are itching for a fight” with a Smile. Paul knew that Shakrham and her team of Klingons Paul knew the saying well that this was a good day to die. And that Shakram and her team were itching for a fight as was himself, He asked How long are the Birds ready Jack?”

“They should be ready in half an hour tops, boss” replied Jack looking back at the Deputy CAG, he asked, “Why is that?” as he knew the answer that was forthcoming, but still asked the question. “The order is given as we have just come out the end of the Corridor,” replied Paul, “we are not to Launch unless ordered to,” he stated as he knew the Engineers would have their tasks finished in time.

“Copy that Boss” replied Jack being professional as always when on duty as he received his orders, he finished” They will be ready when you need them,” looking back at the Deputy CAG. Paul replied “ Thanks Chief, you are Dismissed,” as he watched the hanger Chief leave him barking orders to the engineers, Paul turned and headed towards the office that he shared with Serina and let the Colonel know the update of readiness of the fighters.



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