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A good team to to war

Posted on 24 Nov 2023 @ 3:21pm by Lieutenant JG shakram Coro & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Ensign Lauren Jordan & Lieutenant JG Margeurite "Maggie" LeFebvre & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews

2,105 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Hanger Deck -USS Tomcat
Timeline: after itching for a fight

=Hanger deck-USS Tomcat=

Paul sat in his office going through some paperwork while he still had a time when the klaxon changed from yellow to Red, he looked over at Lauren and knew what she was thinking, said “ Call the boys Lauren to get ready,” as he headed for the locker room to get changed and his flight gear, she called after him “Be safe Paul and come home with everyone,”

“I will,” he replied as he raced out the door towards the locker room to get changed and his flight suit, he knew that this was his first combat mission since returning to flight, as the door slid open for him, Paul found his locker and started to get changed.

= few minutes later=

Paul exited the locker room and ran towards his fighter that bore his Call Sign “Gunslinger” he climbed and the cockpit and began his pre-flight checks, he opened the coms to his pilots and said =/\= All Pilots check in=/\=

He heard the voice of his Klingon counterpart reply =/\= Scorpion, ready to go=/\= as she growled over the com, Paul knew that all Klingons wanted to do was fight.

LtJG Povis L'Nek heard the CAG's voice over his comms badge. The Romulan pilot clicked back over. =/\=Sir, Lt. L'Nek reporting in.=/\= He sat up in his seat in the Hangar's break room, where he was reviewing flight manifests and checklists. Things were getting hairy-the Roosevelt already had a pilot down and a shuttle was lost.

Mickey"Rook" Stephenson, was the youngest and newest member of the flight team. The Rook was short for rookie a pet name by the team until they bestowed something more substantial on him. He didn't mind it. He was just glad to have been assigned to one of the most esteemed flight units in Star Fleet and right out of flight school nonetheless. The call to arms was easier now after the last few assaults. He was excited and nervous at the same time as he suited up and went to fall in with the others.

having received the order to Launch, =/\=Copy that Greyhound One=/\= replied Paul over the com channel as he pushed his throttle to full throttle and shot out of the hanger followed by the rest of his team, he opened his com he said=/\= Right boys let's go to work and gain the high ground,=/\= as he targeted his first target.

Micheal fanned to the right in the formation locking onto his first target as well.

Povis moved his fighter into position. The Romulan was logical and calm. "L'Nek is ready," he said into his radio. He put the sensors on to his target-the right most plane. "Ready for your orders."

Mean while-

To say things were not going to plan was a major understatement. Major Hakem Nebito shot the federation interloper a scathing look. If not fo the fact that the mans life was in just as much peril as their own Hakem might have suspected a double cross. Yet it had not been the Tal Shairs work that had led to the capture and subsequent assassination of the Admiral bellow. No that was all federation business. Business that Hakem wonder why his captain had allowed it to the front door of their ship. He left the bridge unable to watch the spectacle of the fighters being deployed from the USS Tomcat. His fighters. His men. Involved in a fight that he felt had nothing to do with any of them. Federation business should be federation business, not Romulan business. Here they were footing the bill in blood for a cause that was unknown to them. Surely there was not glory to be had in any of this.

The soft swushing of the door was announced the departure of the taciturn Major. The Captain Ensot Sujilith paid it no mind. He knew of his second in commands thoughts and feelings on the matter at hand, having had to listen to them several times over the past weeks. Still there was no way to explain the importance of this mission. It was a shame that the ambassador had chosen to die rather then to help them. His rewards would have been immeasurable. Now he was nothing more then a pile of rotting flesh on the planet bellow. The fighters had scrambled the moment the annoying ship the USS Tomcat had come into sensor range. One set of fine Romlan attack fighters to draw out their fire and scatter their team, whilst anther team of nearly half dozen Federation fighters on loan from section 31, their powerful ally, lay in wait to swoop in and blow their brother crafts out of the sky at his command. It was a masterful plan.

“I wish I could see the look on their faces.” The captain said to the stoic looking human a few feet away from him. He had never seen the man look so lost in thought. He understood that the loss of the admiral was indeed not the ideal solution to their desired outcome. Then to be attacked so soon after the fact was indeed unnerving. Still with a bit of work and their combined superior resources this should be an easy enough win. Certainly nothing to be brooding such about.

“Your fighters are in stand by correct? I want them to get behind and cut them off from the main ship. Pick them off slowly so we can let Captain Sommers see what it costs to come up against the IWS Neptune.” The smile was full of pride. His tone betrayed his blood lust.

The human just nodded and continued to watch the display screen. He no longer had to keep up appearances really. The job was a failure and all that was left was to clean up the mess. The fighters were not in fact waiting to help them destroy the Tomcat. No.. In fact, they where moving into position to destroy the very ship they sat upon. Under the guise of responding to a disturbance in the area.

--- Back to the battle ---

Aerv Vindik followed the plan. Though to be honest she wasn't very confident in it. She had trouble trusting any team that she had never worked with before, add in that she had never met them, and the fact that they were Feddies just like their pursuers. Well, it made the whole hot mess very hard to swallow. A lot of strange things have been happening on the Netune as of late. A lot of strange rumors as well. Now they were in battle with a federation team. It didn't sit right. Her gut told her that they were being set up. But set up for what was anybody's guess. She had never wanted to be part of the Tal Shiar. As a young girl, she had wanted to dance and write holo novels. She had never been ambitious as far as politics went. However, her grand father and father had insisted on a course that they had preplanned for her. Flying had become a passion. It was like dancing through space, A bob a weave and turn a spin. It was freedom from the expectations of her family. Never had she figured that she'd find herself firing on federation attack fighters, or in this case leading them on a merry chase to be shot down by their own... The very thought made her stomach churn. As a Romulan, it wasn't as though betrayal was a new concept. It was just she'd never seen the federation display such. She had always thought their undying loyalty was too much like that of the Tal Shair deeper even. Perhaps that's why this didn't sit right. It was so un federation.... She rolled out of the way of a few shots taken at her. then flashing her tail at them she headed back towards the planet hoping her little fish would follow her to where the ambush waited.

She wasn't the only one she saw several of her team take a few shots towards the advancing fighters and then they too broke up and began fishing for a chase.

Povis took his shot-carefully, methodically. Unlike his colleagues in the aux craft designation, he didn't fly because it was in his blood-but out of necessity. Likewise, the Romulan would be able to fire at will because it was his job. He fired again, in rapid succession. The other fighter fought back, but wasn't much of a challenge to the Fleet fighters' firepower. He watched as the plane fell. "Left flank target eliminated," he radioed back. He trained his sights on the next.

=/\= Don't get cocky boy=/\= replied Paul as he knew that any first-timers might not come back, he kept his focus on the enemy fighter that was dead ahead of him, He continued, =/\= and keep an eye on your wingman,"=/\=

Povis sent back a reply. ==/\=Being too confident will not serve us, sir. =/\= The Romulan was definitely more Vulcan-like in his demeanor. =/\=I will ensure that the wingman-wingwoman-is safe. No one will die if I can help it. You have my promise. =/\= He clicked off, and lowered his bird slightly, so to be out of the line of direct fire. To the other Romulan, he radioed. =/\=Vindik, are you still doing ok?=/\= He asked.

---Tomcat team ---

Mickey gave chase after the Romulan fighter. He was impressed by how easy they seemed to avoid being locked onto. As he began to move in closer, gaining on the offending craft he noticed another wave of what appeared to be federation fighters coming up from the surface. They moved to intercept the Romulan craft. Soon however Mickey was having to swerve out of the way to avoid friendly fire as the unmarked federation craft opened up on the Romulan fighter with extreme prejudice.

Much to Mickeys surprise the Romulan fighter weaved through the shots with admirable skill. Mickey saw an opportunity and took a shot himself clipping one of the tail rutters sending the craft twirling towards the Tomcat out of control.

----Romulan fighter

As Povis remained stoically calm, and took a few shots, he watched as Vindik's shuttle took a direct hit. Gods, that was not good. He radioed back.

=/\=We have a man down here =/\= He said. He maneuvered his plane to meet the one that was free-falling through space; he could guide it carefully to a gentle landing back at the ship.
=/\=I will tow her back. =/\= He said, to Paul.

As he moved in, he radioed back to the Tomcat.

=/\=LtJG Povis to the Tomcat. I am towing a downed shuttle. Will need the tractor beam, please. Also, we'll need medical.=/\=
As soon as they were close enough, Povis released the controls used to tow, and let the Tomcat recall Vindik's shuttle with the beam while he flew back out.

Aerv Vindik was careening towards the enemy federation ship the Tomcat. Twirling and barely managing to slow her vessel she used all her years of skill and knowledge to drift it towards what she hoped was an landing port. She was losing concessness due to the g force pressing in on her. She expected the ship to blow her out of the sky before she got there. There was nothing she could do to prevent it neither as her mind started to go black. She was unconscious as a tractor beam grabbed a hold of her damaged craft and began to pull it safely into the hold.

-----Back to the federation side-----

Povis resumed his hunt of the errant enemies. He was very careful; Aerv was more reckless than he, but even he knew that one wrong move could be deadly. If he died, he died with honor. If he lived, he lived with honor, right? A couple of volleys hit their target, and he prepared for them to fire back, maneuvering so he was a bit out of the way of the likely trajectory. Hopefully, he had calculated correctly.








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