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Friends together

Posted on 20 Oct 2023 @ 9:22am by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

2,912 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Crew lounge


At the end of her shift with not much else to do while Chris was busy, Lamia decided to head for the crew lounge. There were times she just wanted to soak up the atmosphere, and the lounge was one place to do that. Plus she could choose something different to her usual choice of dinner when at home.

Choosing herself a meal and a drink she looked around, seeing Remington she made her way across. “Hi, would you like some company?”

"I actually would like to have friend to chat with." Dodd replied. "I know I have been sort of hiding in plain sight lately." Dodd adjusted his posture and made a better presentation of himself as he was about to talk with a friend and wanted to make sure that she knew he was interested in having her join him.

Lamia nodded and took a seat opposite, making herself comfortable she sipped her drink before asking a question. “So tell me what’s bothering you. Off record of course.”

"I have literally been beside myself, mentally and emotionally and then physically, I need a release." Dodd replied. "You came along at the right time as I am ready to pull myself back together and get back in front where the first officer should be."

Dodd then took down his mental wall to allow his friend to feel his perspective. "I have been fighting my caged emotions about Iria and the new romance I have developed with Autumn. I am also dealing with a resurgence of my guilt and dread from when my mother died and then my father basically treating me like an outsider as he raised my half sister with my step-mother and then their passing. I felt it best to blend into the shadows and hide in front of everyone so they would never know what was hurting me to my core."

Lamia nodded as she listened to what Remington had to say. She could feel his turmoil now he wasn’t hiding it from her, but also his determination in wanting to try and sort it out. “You’ve hid this from me for all this time, I wish you’d come to talk to me. Still you’re talking to me now, that’s what matters.”

"I felt it was best to be the stronger man and hold it all in and keep my walls intact and not let the crew see me a a weak person." Dodd replied. "However, my last date with Autumn really did something to make my jar crack and the flood hit me like a Mac truck. When I first saw her, I knew something about her would change my life. Well, it did and now I have to work to make myself the better man for it and talking to you now seems the best way to fully get myself on track. You can sense my raw emotions and my walls are down as I felt it was best to do now since we are friends and you are a professional shrink so I figured as my friend this would be the best point to start my climb up out of the dark place I was in."

Lamia smiled and nodded. “I’m glad you've decided you want to work through this, I’m also very happy that you’ve found new love with Autumn.” A part of her couldn’t help but feel sad at the fact that they had never gotten the chance to be together, but she would never have betrayed Chris. “Do you want to talk more about here or would you prefer to talk in the privacy of my office? It doesn’t have to be now, just when you’re free.”

"I am open to talk here if you have time." Dodd replied sensing the concern from her for him being open in a public area on the ship. "I am talking to a friend who happens to be a professional, so I am cool with being in the open." Dodd added as he looked around and found the lounge to be about only a quarter full and they were all spaced out so the room was not crowded.

“Fair enough, as this isn’t a Counselling suite its an off the record session.” Lamia smiled. “As you said it’s just two friends having a chat and a meal together. So why don’t you just start where you’re comfortable starting from.”

"So, I will share with you my first counselling session ever. It was with Iria Walon and I was assigned to see her for helping me hone my abilities and use my telepathy and empathy for good and not when I felt I needed to. As you know I am a hybrid of Betazoid and Ullian genetics. All my life I have been told to say I am Betazoid and that is not a full lie, I have been given selected traits that are enhanced as was I. I can do all a full Betazoid can do with my mind but I have the manipulated Ullian DNA that enhances my telepathy and allows me the ability to enter the memories of another's mind and experience them as well as alter if needed." Dodd started. "I was working with Walon when as I approached the end of the assigned sessions, I was not only efficient at the control of my abilities, I had developed feelings for her. We synced in a way I never had outside a member of my family."

Lamia nodded taking in everything Remington was saying, as she popped small amounts of her food into her mouth. “So Iria was originally your therapist, relationships do occur but they’re generally frowned upon.”

"But the connection I had made it hard to not want to be with her. So I asked her out and that progressed to an engagement. Yet in the middle of all that I entered the mind of a crew member under orders and the request of the crew member to help her with some dark trauma locked up in her mind. Also, I unintentionally wiped the mind of an enemy also while under orders trying to get information from him about his factions intentions. But overall, I was genuinely happy and healthy and Walon was the soulmate I longed for."

Lamia smiled. “I could see that when she was still here. You were both so happy together.”

"Then after some soul searching Iria and I settled on a plan for our wedding and we worked to make it happen, until a cousin long thought deceased appeared and we had to assist him. While he was to be my family as well, I was happy for Iria now having family back in her life. However, he needed care and I wanted to remain on the Tomcat and pursue my career.

Lamia gave a thoughtful look. “I couldn’t help but wonder if Iria’s departure had anything to do with what happened between us. We didn’t have any control over what the Orion slavers did to us, or the fact that I fell pregnant. I just know that it couldn’t have been easy on Iria.” She paused to sip her drink. “It would have been more complicated if our daughter had survived.”

"The incident between us when in captivity by the Orions was not an issue as she knew we were not ourselves. I do hold that relationship very close and feel like we are family and you will always be important to me. However, Iria felt that during captivity she was not chosen for the breeding program due to her genetics and how they may not have been fully compatible to rest of us. That got her to thinking and while we planned to have children, she felt that would be a problem. I had grown in my abilities and thus could sense her turmoil about our lives after getting married. The physical aspects of our relationship was pure love and I would not have traded it for anything. Iria and I were supposed to be together for at the very least the time we had. I would have loved to had the chance to be with her longer than I had and part of me feels that she may have been pregnant when she departed but she has completely cut off all communications with me. She likely does not want me to know she had children as she would not expect me to leave my career for her and them." Dodd stated.

”I can understand that” Lamia offered an understanding smile. “Iria knew that if she had children you’d leave the ship to be with her. As you said she wouldn’t have wanted you giving up your career.”

"But I would have given it all up to be a father and raise a family surrounded in love. Had the daughter that came between us, I would have been a father regardless of the relationship you have with Kildare. I long to be a father but I want to be at a position that will help me provide the best for my children. I do hope to one day have children." Dodd continued.

Lamia smiled warmly. “I have no doubt you will, I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful father. Right now you’re the First Officer, a sought after position if there ever was one! It gives you a chance to further your career before you move on to having a family.”

"However, I have taken to Autumn Cole and while she is a junior officer, I can't help but feel she is the one. We have been taking it slow but the time we spend together is amazing and we have not been physical yet as I know she wants to have it grow over time. I enjoy the fact that she can't read my mind and emotions but has to rely upon my body language. I want to make her happy. I must also add here that I have been going through a rough patch as well as this is the time of year that everything negative has occurred to me, mother, father and step-mother passing. Then the departure of Iria was harder on me than any of those losses. I guess me fading in the the shadows was what I felt best. Using my telepathic abilities helped to mask my presence and yet allowed me to still do my duties and tend to the needs of the ship and crew."

“I think you’ve coped well considering Remy” She hoped he didn’t mind her using the nickname that she’d heard Iria use in the past. “The fact that you’re being so honest and open with me is a good sign, one that says you want to heal and move on. That’s what I’m here for, to help you do just that.”

"I need you to know that I am very appreciative of our friendship. The relationship you and I have will always mean a great deal to me. The relationship growing between me and Autumn also means a great deal to me and I want to do this one right, my urges are being held back and I don't want to pressure her into anything until she is ready. That is part of what made me need to have a slight disappearing act. I am dealing with the what if factor and I just know that mentally I have been depressed and feel like I have an illness that my telepathy has been masking." Dodd added.

Lamia nodded. “Your relationship with Autumn is what’s enabling you to express yourself easier, you know she’s there for you. Have you told her about how you’re feeling? It may help to involve her in your recovery.”

"I know I need to talk to her, but I needed to delve into it deeper than I feel she would understand. I am very glad you arrived when you did. You are the only person I would discuss all this with until I feel very comfortable with my own skin. Autumn I am certain can understand in the long run but I have to be comfortable talking before I try to go over all of it with her. I knew you would understand. I really am grateful for you." Dodd stated as he looked deep into Mia's eyes and also as a tear rolled slowly down his face.

“I’m always here for you my friend, anytime you need me. We can talk for as long as you need, it doesn’t have to be covered here and now, we can take it a piece at a time.” Lamia gently reached up and quickly wiped away the tear. “You were there for me after we lost our daughter, and when I was struggling afterwards. Now I’m going to be there for you.”

"As for me, how the heck are you? I have been blending into the shadows I need to get current with you." Dodd asked of the closest friend he had on the ship or in life for that matter.

“Me?” Lamia offered a wry smile as she relaxed back in her seat. “I’m okay. It’s been pretty quiet and lonely with Chris off ship, the only problem with that is it gives me too much time to think!” She sighed. “Chris and I haven’t been engaged that long, and I still can’t get the thought of having a baby out of my head.”

"I know you have been holding back the thoughts and I know you would be a great mother when the chance comes back to you. Chris is a lucky man and if he was not in your life, I am sure things would be different between us. But I am happy you have him in your life. He loves you very much and I am certain once he returns you both will have some time together." Dodd commented. "I know that after this talk and once we get some shore leave, I plan to have a long talk with Autumn about what I have been going through and what maybe in store for our future." Dodd added.

“I hope that goes well for you.” Lamia offered a warm smile. “I think the two of you make a wonderful couple. Would you like to double date with us one evening?”

"I would enjoy that and think it would be fun." Dodd stated with look of intrigue. "Maybe a week at Risa would help us all."

“Now that would be just fabulous!” Lamia grinned. “I think Chris is afraid I’ll wear him out at the best of times, he finds, a lot to deal with.”

"I think Autumn may enjoy the fun Risa has and that may help her go to the next level with our relationship. I have a few favors with the director at the southern most resort on Risa and could get us a private island and I am sure I could get you and Chris one as well. Then Autumn could discover my comfortability of being a nudist. The warm air and the sandy beach would be a perfect means to helping her understand me more overall." Dodd replied with a twinkle to his eye. "We should make the plans and we could spend a night or two as a double couple then go to our private islands and spend the rest of our shore leave with the ones we hold dear."

Lamia nodded enthusiastically at the thought of that. “I think that would be great fun! I’ll obviously have to speak with Chris about it first, it’s no good me making all the decisions without consulting him.”

"Oh by all means, the other halves have to be offered the chance." Dodd stated with a cheekish grin. "We have time to discuss it and make the arrangements."

“We do indeed” Mia smiled and nodded. “Have I helped you to feel better?”

"Mia, you have a means to always turn my mood around and I am glad you are you. I feel good enough to get back to enjoying what life has to offer. Now if I could just figure out how to get the Colonel to chill out and have some fun while on duty we would all be happier, don't you think?"

“I do indeed” Mia couldn’t help but grin. “It’s been lovely talking with you Remy, let’s do this again soon okay?”

"You bet, we will do this again." Dodd replied. "We need to do this a lot more often and keep our strong friendship thriving."

Dodd then leaned over and gave Arderne a hug. He needed her in his life in addition to the love he had growing with Cole. He would be a content man going forward and he appreciated all Arderne could provide in support.

The two friends then got up and went their separate ways for the evening.





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