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Goo Goo Gah Gah, Girl Talk

Posted on 05 Dec 2023 @ 2:19pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Vivian Corsair
Edited on on 05 Dec 2023 @ 2:20pm

1,137 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Post mission


With Chris’ suggestion that she speak to someone, Lamia walked into Sickbay hoping to catch whoever she could to get some straight answers.

“Excuse me Lieutenant” she smiled warmly as she approached a woman she hadn’t actually met before. “I was hoping to talk to someone.”

"I can help you, please come over here and have a seat on the biobed." Vivian then offered assistance to the biobed.

“Thank you” Lamia smiled and made her way over to the biobed.

"You are Lamia, correct?" Vivian asked. "I have heard about you from Commander Dodd when I came aboard the ship. He is your biggest fan."

“My biggest fan” Lamia couldn’t help but grin. “We’re best friends, long story!” She made herself more comfortable. “Commander Dodd and I were taken as slaves along with others aboard ship, long story short I conceived a daughter, but due to meddling with the rate of her growth I suffered a miscarriage.”

"I am very sorry for the tragic history of not only a miscarriage but to be taken as a slave." Vivian replied. "Remy did mention that part of your shared past. He is a good friend to have and I am glad to have had a chance to bond with him some. But what really brings you to see me today?

“I think I asked at the time if there would be any long term side effects, but I wanted to check.” Lamia gave a somewhat guilty look. “My fiancé Chris and I haven’t been very careful of late, as much as we agreed to wait we’ve decided we want to have a baby. I just wanted to see if there’s a reason I haven’t already fallen pregnant.”

"Go ahead and lay back on the bed and we will take a look an see what may be going on." Corsair requested and once Arderne laid down, Corsair moved the shell over Arderne's abdomen and started a scan. "This will take a moment and we can get a better idea of your situation."

Lamia couldn’t help but feel nervous, she didn’t want any bad news to tell Chris. She just wanted to hear that she could have a baby. “I’ll be honest, losing my daughter was the most horrific moment of my life, I want to be able to have children.”

"Well, I can say you are appearing to be in excellent health. There is some internal scar tissue from a previous miscarriage and I don't see it making any problems for you or the baby." Vivian stated. "I would say from the scan you are about seven and a half months from having a baby."

“I’m What!?” Lamia propped herself up on her elbows giving Vivian a wide eyed look. “I’m...pregnant!?” A smile soon crept across her face, leaving her grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat.

"Yes, you are pregnant but I will have to place a limit on your duties as your mixed genetics will make this sweet baby a difficult pregnancy as time goes on. Your species and humans have been known to mix but all documented cases have some gestational difficulties." Vivian added doing her best to present all in a positive vibe. "I trust that we will be able to provide you the best treatments for your future course to motherhood."

Lamia nodded, the last thing she wanted was complications. “How much of a limit on my duties? Being ship’s Counsellor I spend most of my time sitting in my office anyway, though I do enjoy getting off ship when I’m needed.”

"I will have to limit you to no more than six hours a day and ask that you get in a full hour of exercise every day." Vivian replied. "The only exercise you should do is walking in two thirty minute segments and I would encourage the two segments to be before and after your six hour shift."

Lamia nodded as she listened, she was surprised that she was going to be restricted this early in her pregnancy. “I take it that starts immediately? Chris and I are usually pretty active when it comes to love making, will I need to be careful where that is concerned?”

"Well, I was only making that recommendation based upon what I have read from files about interspecies procreation with your species. I did not take into consideration that you are one who is pregnant. The files I have accessed are only for human women carrying the child of a mixing with your species." Vivian replied. "I may be jumping to conclusions. So you will be a study of sorts. I will request you come in on a regular schedule for follow ups and you are in luck, as I am also certified midwife. As for the restrictions, you can proceed as normal until you feel you cannot."

Lamia nodded. “I appreciate your advice Lieutenant, I’d rather air on the side of caution than end up having something go wrong. Having lost a baby already I’d be devastated if anything went wrong.” She sat up on the biobed, “how soon would you like me back for a checkup?”

"Well on my watch you will not have any issues, I will do my best to live up to that promise." Vivian replied. "I would like you to return in two weeks and if all is well then we will look to have you back for regular check-ups every two weeks for sure but we will play it by ear otherwise. You can be the loving partner to Chris and still have the relationship you are accustom to. You seem to be doing fine."

*Smiling* “I will be here in two weeks, that’s a promise!” Lamia was still grinning from ear to ear. “I just have to work out how’s best to tell Chris that he’s going to be a father!” She stood up from the biobed and straightened her clothing. “Thank you so much.”

"Well, I wish you the best in how you decide to tell him. And I will not share anything about your situation with anyone other than you unless ordered to do so. Congratulations and we will be seeing one another often." Vivian replied.

Dr. Corsair then offered to assist Lt. Arderne down from the biobed.

"You have a great day and I will look forward to our next visit." Vivian added.

”Likewise Lieutenant Likewise” Lamia nodded and smiled then headed on her way.


LT Vivian Corsair
Medical Officer/Surgeon and Midwife
(I don't have a signature image for this character that I can find.)



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