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Posted on 14 Dec 2023 @ 1:23am by Gunnery Sergeant Ernst Rommel & Sergeant Major Bronco (Bronc) Hardway

1,431 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Roosevelt
Timeline: On the way back to SB51

Once all were back on the Roosevelt, Bronc sought out one of the marines, SGT Rommel. Getting the location of Rommel, the tall broad shouldered Sergeant Major went there. He was carrying a bottle of whiskey, and two glasses. He wanted to talk and he wanted to gain some answers as to, the mission Rommel had been on.

"Rommel, a word if you please." Bronc said when he found Rommel.

"Of course sir." Rommel replied and followed the Sergeant Major. "What can I do for you sir?" He asked as they walked. He took his position on the right of him and back half a step.

Bronc led Rommel to a small room, which had just a couple of tables and some chairs, with a replicator on the wall. He placed the bottle and the two glasses upon one of them, then took a sear.

"Rommel take a seat, care to have a drink?" him gesturing towards the two glasses and the bottle. He reached over and picked up the bottle opening it up and poured himself a shot.

"I won't say no sir." Rommel answered and sat down. "What's the occasion?" He asked, taking the drink offered.

"Well, first off how did things go on your mission with Captain Falk?" Bronc asked, before taking a drink from his glass, enjoying the burn of it going down his throat.

"About as expected sir." He said taking in the aroma of the liquor. "She was cool and collected. Little hesitant here and there, but not when it became clutch. Pretty sure that was all because of inexperience being the big boss. Filling Captain Jackson's shoes on short notice is not easy, but she was up for the challenge in the field." The Gunnery Sergeant took a long drink from the glass, enjoying the treat.

"I was a bit worried where things were concerned. And I agree, having to lead on such a short notice. Granted, I miss having Captain Jackson out there leading. I was impressed though that Falk called on for others to present ideas as well, to make certain not to try to not lose too many of us. I heard tell of the loss on your team. That must have hit her hard, though I've not seen any indication of that yet." Bronc stated. "I still haven't challenged her in the ring, just for sport. I have a mind to do so, just to test her mettle. Sure she's seen some action Falk carries herself well but how would she handle being in the ring with me." Bronc mused.

Rommel nodded. "We did lose some. Not as many as we could have though. She is putting on a good show. If you know what to look for though, you can see the sadness in her eyes. They lost some sparkle, some fire. She is leading though. You wouldn't know unless you are close up to her." He said taking another swig.

"As to your question on who would come out on the ring," Rommel continued, "I think you would sir, but she would make you earn it. She's got that tight little dancers frame and the grace to go with it. Be like trying to swing at a leaf in the wind, soon as it gets close it moves again. She also seems to have some endurance to keep it up. You have the experience and the strength, just a matter of landing the strikes." He thought a moment. "Would be almost an endurance match."

Bronc gave out a grunt, then drained his glass, to fill the glass up once more. "Interesting take, sounds like it would definitely be a good work out." A sip, then pushed the bottle towards Rommel. "What sort of plans do you have when we get back to Starbase 51?"

"Oh, probably the usual." He said taking a sip. "Say hello to the dog, call my wife, spend time at the watering hole, break up a fight at the watering hole, rinse and repeat." He chuckled. "What about you sir?"

"I intend on asking someone out on a date, we'll see how that will go, I am interested in this lady. Don't know how it will turn out but still, can't hurt trying, right?" Bronc replied, with a slight smile.

The Gunnery Sergeant chuckled. "Usually doesn't, but may want to be careful if they decide to buy you a drink all of a sudden. Who's the target?" He asked finishing the glass and pouring another.

"Well she maybe out of my league but, there is a cute redhead who well...." Bronc took another drink before he revealed the name. "Its, well..." he cleared his throat. "Captain Jasmine Somers. I know I'm shooting rather high, don't know how she's gonna take it." he slugged down his drink then poured another one. "About all she can do is say no. And that would be it. Just that she's a beauty. Why not try, even if regs may say nope." Bronc rubbing the back of his head.

Ernst set is drink down. His eyes perked up a little. "Way to swing for the fence sir. Nothing wrong with swinging high. She is definitely tough as nails and I have no doubt she would put professional interests first if things went into a relationship. As a grunt, I don't see the conflict of interest, but I also didn't write regs. Bearly read them for that matter." He said with a joke and took a drink.

"Sir, if you need a wing man, hit me up. If it's meant to be, it will happen. Look at my wife. She's way out of my league. Smart, attractive, a joy to be around. Everything opposite of me." Rommel said with a joke.

Bronc chuckled. "I'll be certain to talk with you on this matter. Quite frankly I'm nervous and if you tell anyone I'll deny it flat out." cocking an eyebrow upwards. You and I have been through a few things together, so, well that's why we're talking like this."

"Secret is safe with me." Ernst promised. "You got any timeline set up or just doing mission planning at this stage?

"Just mission planning, need to see the lay of the land is. Can't do much of anything until we get back to the station. Then it will be scouting time." Bronc replied. I know I'm shooting for the high ground, won't hurt to try though." He poured himself another glass then sipped at it. "I'll just be glad for some down time though. It will be needed."

"Yes, sir." Rommel replied. "Some bumps and bruises but a lot of mental fatigue. Have a fair number of new boots that will need time to process everything that happened. I might have a couple sent to counciling. See how they hold up during the transit back to 51."

"I hope that Falk does that as well, talk to a counselor. I had learned, from my own experience that can't keep things bottled up, otherwise could prove detrimental to a relationship as well as my life. Just gotta realize that it isn't a weakness to go seek counseling." Bronc remarked.

Rommel nodded. "It's not an easy task. Especially for a Marine. Trained to overcome adversity but when it's in your minds battlefield, harder to overcome. I hope she goes too. Need to keep her around."

"Probably so." Bronc giving a nod. "Well." taking a look at the bottle and the glasses. "We probably should make preparations as we're heading back to SB 51. Bronc lifted up the remaining bit that was in his glass towards Rommel. "Here's to us making it back and honor to those who have fallen. And also here's to seeing Captain Jackson once more. Will be good to see him."

Rommel raised his glass as well. "Gone but not forgotten." He said and drained his glass. "Yes it will. I thought he had gone and left us without saying goodbye. Be good to have him back."

"Indeed it definitely will be good to see him. I will drop in on him as well just to check on him." Bronc replied. He finished off his drink, and moved to get up from the table. Before he did that, he reached over to shake Rommel's hand. "Thanks again for coming to chat."




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