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Meeting the Counselor

Posted on 08 Dec 2023 @ 9:44pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Ensign Autumn Cole

2,434 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Tomcat
Timeline: Enroute back to sb51


In her wanderings about the ship, Autumn realized that she'd not met with the Counselor. The redheaded Ensign gave herself a facepalm as to not even making sure that happened. Now, should she just go to the counselor's office and request a meeting or, maybe have lunch with her? Autumn worried her lower lip as to her small dilemma. She came to the decision as to asking Counselor Aderne her preference. Tapping on her commbadge, Autumn sent out a message.

=/\=Lieutenant Aderne, this is Ensign Autum Cole, I've not met with you yet. Do you wish to have it take place in your office or, someplace where we can have something to eat or even tea?=/\= Autumn closed communication to wait for the Counselor's answer.

Lamia couldn’t help but smile as she sat at her desk, usually people who hadn’t yet come to her were the last ones to get in touch. She tapped her comm badge. =/\= Arderne to Ensign Cole, we can meet in the lounge in say...fifteen minutes? =/\=

=/\=Okay sounds good I will see you then.=/\= Autumn replied and gave a smile, the counselor sounded like a lovely lady.

Fifteen minutes later, Autumn arrived at the lounge. Her eye sparkling with laughter as she had been told a joke by another crew member. She looked around to see if she could spot the counselor.

Lamia was running late, having been caught on the way out of her office. Walking through the doors she smiled and waved as she saw Autumn already waiting for her.

Returning the wave, Autumn walked over to where Arderne was. "Hello, I'm Autumn, er maybe I should say Ensign Cole." giving a light laugh her eyes crinkling up as she did so. "How would you like to be refered as. Counselor, or Lieutenant Arderne." and expression of concern became evident. "I don't want to do too many faux pas, I think I am up to ten so far today?" the corners of her mouth started to turn upwards once more.

Lamia couldn’t help but grin. “I don’t stand on ceremony, so feel free to call me either Counsellor or Lamia. I prefer to make you feel at ease, and we aren’t in my office right now. Would you prefer Ensign or Autumn?”

"Well if you don't mind, when at lunch or off duty I don't mind being called Autumn. Also, Lamia is a very pretty name. Shall we find a table?" Autumn looking around for one to take a seat at. "Any favorite table you prefer sitting at?"

“I’m not picky, but I suggest somewhere quiet where we can talk privately.” Lamia smiled warmly. “Not that I’ll delve into anything too private whilst in public.”

Autumn gave a nod, then spotted a table over by the viewport, which two others had just vacated. "How about there? I do like looking out into the stars." moving in that direction.

“Funnily enough I enjoy sitting there too” Lamia smiled warmly. “Let’s get over there before anyone else beats us to it.”

Autumn gave a nod and quickly moved over to get that table she had set her eyes on. When Lamia joined her, Autumn gave a happy sigh. "There we go. I do love watching the stars as we move through space. A bit calming in nature."

Lamia nodded as she sat down. “It is indeed, after a long day I find it quite calming.” She paused to sip her drink. “So tell me more about you.”

"Well, what can I tell you... I love to dance, I have strong feelings for someone." her cheeks going a light pink in color as she thought of Remy.

"I am barely getting to know him but, he just makes my heart sing when I think of him. " Autumn's face lighting up as she thought of Remy. "Enough of that though. Probably best if I spoke of that in the privacy of your office?" her eyes rather large with concern. "As for things I like to do outside of work, I love to dance. And I have a special sort of dance style. I've not told anyone on the ship as of yet what I like to do, as I well... Not certain what they would think."

“Ohh?” Alicia looked at Autumn curiously. “Do tell” she looked around making sure there was no one in ear shot. “Would this man happen to be Remy by any chance?” She gave Autumn a knowing smile.

Autumn's eyes widened at Lamia's guess."Oh! And yes it is, Remy." her cheeks going a dark pink. "He is so wonderful."

“Has he told you about what happened to us?” She gave Autumn a curious look.

Autumn had a confused expression upon her face. "I do not understand, I did read something that you and Remy and others had been captured at some point but, my reading anything more, I think it is above my paygrade. If it is something that happened in the past, Remy and I haven't gone into sharing much of our pasts. The answer to your question is no, he's not told me anything about what happened to you or him."

At that point a server came up to get the ladies order.

Autumn ordered a bowl of chicken soup with crackers and a sparking lemonade.

Lamia ordered herself a salad and a lemonade as well, before turning back to Autumn. “I guess now I’ve started I might as well tell you, I don’t think Remy will mind me telling you. I won’t go over the whole story, long story very short we were under the influence of drugs we were given, pheromones. They paired us, and I became pregnant. Due to meddling with the natural order of things our daughter Mia Tabitha didn’t survive.” She paused. “Remy and I have become closer for the experience, we’re good friends nothing more.”

Autumn's expressive eyes showed shock, dismay, and sadness at what Lamia had told her, in fact a tears filled her eyes a tear escaping down her cheek. "oh that is terrible!" she softly gasped out. "The loss of the baby." Autumn wiped the tear away, her voice thick with emotions. "That must have been terrible for both of you." Autumn reaching out to touch Lamia's hand giving it a squeeze of comfort. "And being captured and being put through something like that, I had no idea at all." her feelings were honest and genuine, a warmth of compassion emanating from the ensign.

Lamia was touched by Autumn’s caring gesture. “Thank you Autumn, I’ll admit it took a long time to accept that I’d lost her but now I’m engaged to be married I’m looking forward to having a family at some point. Remy has been a big support.”

"I told Remy he was a wonderful man. And I am glad he has been able to help you. Also, who is the lucky person that you are engaged to? I can see how your eyes light up when you think of this man you are thinking of. Your face is just glowing." Autumn giving a smile. She wasn't up to date on the Tomcat grapevine so didn't know who was with whom at the time.

Lamia smiled the biggest smile yet as she thought of Chris. “His name is Christopher Kildare, he’s a marine demolitions expert. He completely swept me off my feet on our first date and I’ve been smitten ever since!”

Autumn gave out a little bit of a quiet squeal, "Oh my gosh that glow brightened even more. I well... couldn't take my eyes off of Remy when I first laid eyes on him. It was when I first came onto the Tomcat, I had gone to the lounge, Remy had made something called a Tiberius Flirt I had lost count of how many I had partaken and well got a little sloshed." giving a light laugh. "He made certain I got back to my quarters, was a total gentleman, made me something to eat, which helped me get to feeling better. Waited until I got ready for bed, and made certain I got under the covers, kissed my forehead and he left. I was smitten, still am." wrapping her arms about herself just beaming at that memory.

Lamia grinned. “I know he’s just as smitten with you! He cares very deeply for you and I’m glad that he has you. Remy deserves to be happy, you both do.”

"Thank you, I do really hope so. He has such a musical heart and soul, words just fail me when I try to convey my thoughts. He though is so creative and ingenious. Oh well I guess I can go on and on about him. However, what do you like to do on your personal time. I would love to hear what you like to do."

Lamia relaxed back in her seat. “Well I’ve various hobbies, I love reading books, I prefer actual books though to reading on a PADD. I also enjoy time on the holodeck, nothing like a nice trip to the beach!” She smiled warmly.

"The beach does sound lovely, warm sand, the sound of the ocean so peaceful and relaxing." Autumn giving a bit of a smile. "I love to read as well. I've got a few books in my personal Library. Actual books as I love to feel the texture in my hands and the weight just to read it. And i enjoy turning the page as well."

“Exactly!” Lamia nodded and smiled. “What type of books do you like? Any particular authors?” She was curious if they liked any of the same authors.

"I do like reading some of the classic authors out there, The Count of Monte Cristo Novel by Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet. I do love Shakespeare, and also read mystery novels, such as Sherlock Holmes, Mrs. Pickerell written by Ellen MacGregor. There is a mermaid story that I love to read, it isn't one written by Hans Christian Anderson. It is instead written by Louis Slobodkin. The title of the book is The Little Mermaid Who Could Not Sing. It is a wonderful book!" Autumn said with a little bit of glee.

“Wow! You certainly like to read” Lamia grinned. “I can’t say I’ve read Shakespeare, but I do like Jules Verne, Roald Dahl, and Steven King, among others.”

"Ooh I love Jules Verne as well, I've read a book or two of Steven King, And Roald Dahl. He was quite the writer." Autumn responded, her eyes lighting up. "Books to me can be counted as best friends that I like to just read and visit with them."

The waiter brought over the two ladies food placed it upon the table then quietly left.

"Thank you!" Autumn called out after the waiter.

Lamia picked up her fork and politely started eating her salad, she had fancied something light for now. “Mmm delicious” she smiled as she paused to sip her lemonade.

Autumn crumbled up a few crackers into her soup and began to eat, sipping at her lemonade as well. She paused, "This is really good."gesturing towards her bowl. "When we get back to the star base what are you planning on doing for shore leave?"

Lamia finished off what was in her mouth then answered. “I plan on making up for lost time with Chris!” She grinned. “He’s been away for what feels like forever.”

"Oh he's on that marine mission?! Oh! I hope he will be ready for your happy reunion. We probably won't see you for a couple of days or so." Autumn having a dreamy look in her eyes then, an impish expression showed itself as well. "I do hope that is the case."

“That’s my plan!” Lamia grinned a wry grin. “Just me and Chris spending time together, everything else can wait!”

Autumn held out her fist to do a fist bump with Lamia. "I like the sound of that. I am hoping to spend some time with Remy as well." her cheeks coloring in a light shade of pink. "he and I have been taking turns planning our dates. And they have been fabulous. And he has quite the sense of humor. I had mentioned I like onions on my sandwiches and I was going to make certain to bring mouthwash when he and I went on our date. And he made certain to bring some for me." Autumn giving out a delighted laugh. "It was great"

Lamia grinned. “Remy is amazingly thoughtful, for what’s it worth my relationship with him is purely a close friendship. We have that I can’t explain, but there’s no physical romance between us. Just to put your mind at rest if you see us hanging out together anytime.”

Autumn reached out and took both of Lamia's hands. "I am not feeling jealous, you and Remy... are truly close especially with what had happened. He has such a great capacity to love people, I just don't see why I would or should get jealous. You are such a lovely woman, kind, warm and caring. A delight to be around."

Lamia couldn’t help but blush. “Thank you Autumn, you’re very kind. If there’s ever anything you need, whether as a friend or in my capacity as Counsellor just let me know.”

Autumn's eyes went rather wide, "You want to be friends? That is great!" lifting her hand in a fist in the air. "yes!" then she blushed as several people looked towards her and Lamia. "Whoops I need to tone down my exhuberance." then she giggled.

*giggling* “To hell with that! You carry on being exhuberant! Who cares what anyone else thinks.” She was enjoying Autumn’s enthusiasm. “I can see us having lots of fun together.”

Autumn impulsively rose from her side of the table and leaned over to give Lamia an warm embrace. "Thank you, and I feel that we can have a lots of fun too."

*Returning the hug* “Likewise Autumn Likewise. We’re going to be very good friends.”

A huge smile from Autumn, she felt this was true, wholeheartedly.





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