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Love is in the Air, Everywhere you look around...

Posted on 09 Jan 2024 @ 3:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Ensign Autumn Cole

4,315 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Starbase 51, Arboretum


-Starbase 51 Arboretum-

Dodd had reached out to Cole to arrange a long over due date.

He could not recall who's turn it was to make a date but he owed it her to explain why he withdrew from personal/leisure activities which included their courtship.

It was now, the day after shore leave started and Dodd has arranged a visit to the arboretum on the Starbase. This was so he could visit Rocky and spend time with Autumn.

Dodd had all set-up in a quiet corner of arboretum, he had a picnic blanket and a basket of food, which had fried chicken, potato chips, some bananas and apples and even a bottle of sparkling strawberry cider. He even had a few bottles of water on stand by. Dodd had arrived early at the arboretum to spend time with Rocky.

Rocky had grown almost twice the he was when he was moved into the starbase's arboretum. Dodd had a box of mice and a couple of hamsters for Rocky. Dodd had not visited in a while and yet Rocky seemed to remember him and sort of hugged him with his tentacles and then picked Dodd up to give him access to his orifice for the feeding of the mice and hamsters.

Dodd talked to Rocky and updated him on what has been going on. The last time Dodd saw Rocky in person was right after Walon left with her cousin to a very distant settlement. As Dood talked to Rocky, he realized that this was therapeutic in an odd way. He opened up about what was bothering him and why he withdrew from some aspects of his normal life. To Dodd, Rocky was sort of a safe therapist as there was no judgement when talking to him. Dodd was also happy to have Autumn come and meet Rocky and for him to be able to confess to her how he felt and how he is now ready to reignite his life and make a stronger future for himself and her if she would have it. Who knows maybe in the future there could be a different sort of relationship.

Autumn when she received the invitation from Remy, her heart just leaped within her bosom. She felt tingles run over her body, feeling the thrill that it gave her. There was just something about Remy from the first time she met him, that she felt an attraction to him. She arrived in the arboretum wearing a light blue summer dress its length hitting just below the knees, it had a silken feel to it and Autumn loved how it swirled about as she walked. It had the cut of a dress that one could dance in. It hugged her body in a flattering way showing some curves but not obscenely tight. Autumn was one who liked to dress pretty but yet also had comfort.

Autumn walked around the arboretum until she came across the area where Dodd had set up a picnic. "Hi Remy, I am here." her voice sang out happily.

"Hello." Dodd stated as he turned around to see a vision before him. "I have some pull so we are the only people in here for the next six hours." Dodd states as he handed Cole a mimosa. "I asked you here to meet a part of my life and to have a talk with you about why I have not been myself lately."

Autumn accepted the mimosa from Remy and took a sip of it, giving a pleased nod."This is good." walking over and giving him a one armed embrace and a kiss on the cheek. She didn't want to spill her drink on him, and neither her dress. Autumn then looked at Remy. "I am glad you called for me." She stated softly. She looked around then noticed the large plant which looked like something from the movie Little Shop of Horrors. "This is interesting, I've not seen a plant like this before up close."

"This is Rocky. He was my pet for a long time but a starship is no place for a carnivorous plant that should be allowed to grow as large as he wants. I found him in a burning arboretum on Rigel VIII and nursed him back to health and kept him for a long time. I had him transplanted here since we dock here regularly and thus I could visit but also share him with others. From what I have learned his is one of only twelve of his species known to exist and so the botanist and others are learning from him while he is here. When I brough him here, he was as tall as me, but this environment has allowed him to more that triple his size and branch out his tentacles. He eats rodents and small animals such as lizards and birds, but he may one day start to want to eat other things. For now he is enjoying his time here and I am glad to see him when we are docked here."

Autumn gave a nod, taking another drink from her mimosa. "He is an interesting friend, that you have. I do wonder though, what do you plan on doing where he is concerned and grows larger?" She mused aloud. "I am a little bit curious." Autumn commented. Her emotions were of some worry, but also of curiosity as well as she gazed towards Rocky then back to Remy.

"Well, he will live here for at least the next four years as his size will not out grow this facility in that time." Remy replied. "However, he may need to go to planet based facility in the next five to six years as he will more than quadruple his size by then."

Dodd then reapproached Cole and put his arm around her. "You are here for me to expose all of my issues to you to make you more aware of who I am. Rocky is a part of me and I hope to keep him involved in my life for as long as possible as I have been with him since he was a sapling."

Autumn slowly gave a nod. "I am not going to say you can't have your friend in your life. It's not how I am like. Please though, I would love to hear your concerns and listen to your voice as you open up to me. I am listening." turning her full attention to Remy. Her eyes were warm and tender as she gazed at him, before she leaned her head upon his shoulder. Enjoying the warmth of his arm about her waist.

"So let me start, I was born on Terran date 23 September 2357 on Betazed which was the same day my mother passed as she died from complications during my birth. When I was seven months old my father then moved us to Earth as he got work at the Betazoid Embassy. When I was a year and a half, my father married a human woman and then three years later she gave birth to my sister, Danielle. She is half human and 1/4 Betazoid, 1/4 Ullian, but I was instantly able to to communicate with her telepathically. It was odd but my father thinks it was something about my Ullian heritage. I was always told I was a Betazoid. However after my sister's birth, my father got ill and it was an illness that only Ullians have ever contracted. So I was isolated with my sister and step-mother while he was treated and then eventually passed. Before he passed, he had made a recording so he could explain my heritage to me in his words. It was via this recording that I then learned that my mother was full Ullian and that my father was half Ullian and half Betazoid. He encouraged me to only talk of being Betazoid as Ullians were sometimes not seen in the best of light with other non-telepathic species.

Once I was old enough to do the research, I looked into the Ullian heritage and I was embarrassed by it. I have learned that while I am only 1/4 Betazoid, I appear to have the full telepathic abilities of the Betazoids and the full memory abilities of the Ullians. I then joined Starfleet at the age of 18 and worked to be an engineer." Dodd stated. "I bet you are now so bored you want to go do more exciting things."

"Tell me more, Remy" Autumn responded with a warm smile. "I like learning about you. Everything that you have gone through has brought you, has brought us, to this point." a pause as she took another drink of her mimosa enjoying the flavor.
Then Autumn remarked. "I do need to tell you something, earlier while on the Tomcat, I had lunch with Lamia. She briefly told me about what you and others had experienced when having been captured. She did mention the loss of your baby, Mia." Her voice became filled with emotion. "I am sorry for the loss of the child and what you both went through."

Remy then leaned down to give Autumn a kiss. "Thank you for that. It was a rough experience. I must say that I can sense you are very interested and that is sort of making me more into what we have together." Remy then paused as he looked into Autumn's eyes. "I want you to know that I have a very strong feeling that when Ira departed to be the caregiver for her cousin, I feel she was with children as I could sense a presence with her that was in addition to her own. But I did not feel I should say anything to her as it was important to her to be with her cousin and I really did not want to depart my career. While I do want to be a father and have a family, I do not regret letting her go as I feel it is best for both of us and for the possible children she was carrying. But I am happier now with my career and with the relationship we have growing between us."

Her cheeks turned warm, a fetching color of pink, Autumn's eyes aglow with happiness. "I do hope that the children that your other love, will live and become strong and healthy." Autumn replied softly, pulling him in for one more kiss. " I do understand why you said nothing, you are a man of honor. I am also glad you are becoming more happier." Autumn stated softly. She wasn't going to say former love where his other lady was concerned. It could be seen he still loved Ira. Should she be jealous? Autumn couldn't find a reason to be jealous. It just showed that Remy had a great capacity for love..

Sensing the thoughts within Autumn's mind, he knew that she did not find a reason to be jealous. He was at peace with what had come before and and he was moving forward with his personal life and Autumn was part of that life. "I am touched by how you have taken what I have share thus far." He smiled at her and let a small tear roll down his left cheek. "The moment I first saw you was a new door being opened for me thus allowing me to find the new direction of my life." Remy then embraced Autumn a little more. "I am more of a lover than a fighter, but I will fight for what I deem important and now I found a new importance in you and our relationship."

Autumn reached out to catch his tear upon her finger, seeing it glisten in the light an almost diamond like quality to it. She then wiped away the trail that it had left with a cloth handkerchief, which was soft and gentle.

"Oh Remy." Autumn pulling him closer to her. "I feel deeply connected to you. I-I..." words failed her at the moment all she could think of doing was give him a kiss. A kiss to convey just how she felt about him. Autumn felt like she was about to melt right then and there, but that would have made quite a mess. This going through her mind.

Autumn broke the kiss her forehead against his whispering, I accept you as who you are. I hope that you will continue to accept me, when you find out other things about me."

"I accept you as you are. You are beautiful inside and out, and you have a strange ability for a human, as you can seemingly control what I can sense. I sort of like that fact that you are not an open book and that I have to spend more time getting to know you. I feel myself craving to be with you and yet afraid to let you walk away from me when we must part." Remy replied with a new tear pooling in the corner of his eye. "You can't scare me away and I hope to one day be here for you to share your other things with."

"Well I can tell you what I love doing, but, it is best to show you, whenever you would like. Or do you wish to be kept in suspense a bit more." Autumn teasing Remy just a little bit, enjoying being in his arms. "When it comes to you, that saying holds strong with me, parting is such sweet sorrow, when we do part ways due to work and such."

"I must admit that you are sparking the kinky side of my personality and it has been so hard to hold it back. If you don't strap me down I may just act upon the raw emotions I am holding back." Remy had a look of passionate rage in is eyes and even a non-telepath should be able to sense it. "I am hungry like the wolf." Remy added with a little playful growl.

Autumn chewed on the inner side of her lower lip then came to a decision. "Remy, get the picnic basket, I'll get the blanket and come with me to the holosuite. I think it is time for me to share a bit more of myself." She could tell that Remy was seriously holding himself in check. What happens once she shows him one of her great loves, she can only find out afterwards.

Once all was gathered and they were on their way to the holosuite area, Autumn could feel her heart pounding, filled with excitement and maybe even a little bit of dread. Would he like what she was going to show him?

<< Wow, she is moving this forward and I felt like she may think it is too soon. But I am in it for the long haul and at this point nothing will make me drop this relationship. >> Remy thought to himself knowing she could not read his mind. "I can tell you are good at keeping a wall up in your mind. I must ask did you have any training to do this?" Remy was curious as he had never met a human this strong at holding back their thoughts. "I am sort of liking this side of you, by the way."

Autumn flashed a smile, "Remember when I asked if you'd help me work on my mental martial arts? I have had training. A friend of mine had decided that I needed to learn those skills. Especially since I was going into intelligence. " her voice became colored with emotion as she thought of him, her voice became husky as she continued on. "He... didn't want me to break under pressure and not worry about someone deciding to just go into my mind whenever they wished. I had that happen... once. And it wasn't him that did it." Autumn pulling the blanket closer to her as they continued on. She stumbled just a little bit, as her mind was drifting towards that awful memory.

Autumn stopped, "Whoops, sorry I feel like I am ruining our date." turning towards Remy.

"I need you to open up to me as I am willing to open up to you." Remy replied. "I am not going anywhere. I am wanting to share in your experiences and share mine with you. I want you to let me help you no matter what it is."

A solemn nod, a shimmer of tears in her eyes. "When we get to the holosuite I will share." Autumn replied. Shifting the blanket to one arm, Autumn pulled out her padd and went to see if there was a slot for her to utilize. A brief smile like a flash of sun coming from behind the clouds she booked a time slot. "Oh good there is one available." putting her padd away, then took Remy's hand as they continued on.

Arriving at the door leading into the holosuite. Autumn paused for a moment her grip tightening upon Remy's hand. Not hard enough to hurt but her tension could be felt, as her hand also shook. With her free hand, she keyed in her code, and words scrolled out. Autumn's Fantasia.

Taking in a deep breath Autumn looked at Remy. "Kiss me before we go inside, please?"

Complying with her request, Remy lifted Autumn up to embrace her in his arms and planted a passionate kiss upon her lips. The desire of his feeling would easily be felt by her and she would likely notice something else that was stirring.

Whether she noticed or not, Autumn didn't make a remark nor give anything away.

"The station always keeps a holosuite idle for my visits to the station as I am typically always inside one. So it worked out they have an opening for us." Remy stated as he sat Autumn back on her feet. "I had notified the coordinator of your info so he added you to my standing reservation. Once your PADD connected, it knew you were with me."

Her lips pursed in an 'O' then changed into a smile. "I am very impressed, even more so." Feeling a bit more calmer, Autumn stepped to the door and it opened to let them inside. There was a stage in the center of the room, with empty seats around. In the center suspended by an apparatus, was what looked to be like long pieces of material.

Autumn looked at Remy then said. "I do aerial silk dancing. And I want to perform for you. I also do pole dancing as well, but I will do that sometime later on. First, I need to change into my dance outfit. Take a good seat while I change."

"I am going to await your performance with baited anticipation." Remy replied and then headed to the seat that was awaiting him. He sat down and wondered << I bet she looks amazing practically tied up in silk ribbons in the air. >>

Autumn walked out after having gotten changed, and the music of 'Feeling Good' started to play. She started at the bottom of the silks and began to gracefully and sensually climb up the cloth, twisting and turning wrapping her feet, her body in the cloth, dropping down in a daredevilshly way. At the end of the song she bowed gracefully.

Then next a song arose, the title of it Set Fire to the rain. Autumn climbing to the top, once more wrapping the ribbons around herself performing some drops, then spinning around.

She slowly drifted down to where she was standing upright, then Autumn gave a smile as one more song started to play,

Mister Mister, 'Broken Wings ' Autumn still breathing heavily from her first two routines looked at Remy, held out her hand towards him tilting her head slightly.

"Come dance with me?" Autumn asked, then she said to the computer. "computer pause song." wondering if he would come dance with her, no silks involved.

Remy was entranced by her performance and rose to his feet when she reached out her hand. "So Take these broken wings and learn to fly again, and Learn to live so free, that when we hear the voices sing, the book of love will open up and let us in." He stated as he approached her waiting for him. His heart was beating faster as he was so in love with Autumn now more than ever. "Baby, tonight, we can take what is wrong and make it right. Know that you are half of the flesh and blood makes me whole, I need you so."

Autumn smiled, taking Remy's hand and hearing him speak the lyrics. She then said "Computer restart the song. And as the song started to play, Autumn did a slight spin still holding his hand to where she was now in his arms, smiling softly.

She wanted this dance with Remy, before they moved on to a more.... intimate dance, she opening up a little bit for him to get that sense from her.

"I can sense you are opening to me more of who you are but the more you share the more I fall for you." Remy stated as he closed his arms around the specimen of beauty before him.

<< She is the one, I am fairly certain as she is more interesting to me every time I see her and the more I get to spend time with her. >> Dodd thought to himself as he really knew she was preparing herself to move the relationship along as she built up her confidence with him.

Feeling his strong arms around her, Autumn's heart leaped in delight. They felt wonderful around her. She began to sway side to side, sliding her hands to where he and she were locked into a dance position. With gentle urging she began to lead Remy into a dance, her body going into rhythm to the beat of the song, tapping into the music. As they danced, her shields began to lower even more, it was as if she were becoming in synch with Remy's movements.

When the music faded away, Autumn kissed Remy passionately, then whispered a one word question. "Yes?"

By now Remy was hungry like the wolf and was so aroused that he wanted nothing more than to ravage Autumn, but he knew deep down he must control the urge no matter as he respected her too much to move fast. He heard her whisper "Yes?" in his ear and he thus slightly tightened his hold of her and lifted her up off the floor and embraced her as to walk carrying her to a pile the ribbon on the floor and then he lowered himself with her on the ribbon and proceeded to kiss her with the deepest passion he could control. He knew she needed to move slow even if she thought she needed to move faster for him. He would not respect himself if he took her here and now as it was just not really the right moment that he wanted her to remember as their first time.

"We have time and I want you to be at the ultimate point of readiness before we up our game play." Remy whispered in the moment. "I want this so much but I need to treat this relationship with more than lust as I feel more than just lust for you. I want to make this right as you deserve this to be the best relationship I can give you." Remy then continued to kiss her neck and shoulders as his hands caressed her as if she was fragile to his brute touch.

She could feel herself almost melting from his kisses and caresses. Autumn understood Remy's words and he was wise, and even more so stood out to be the gentleman she felt and knew he was. A few more kisses, her hands running along his strong back, Autumn gave out a reluctant sigh, "You are right Remy, you are so right indeed." There was longing in her eyes, she did want him very much, and yet it wasn't the time.

"I am wanting so much more and I know you are the one that I want it with but I do know we need the perfect time for that to happen." Remy replied and gave her one more kiss and then knelt over her to assist her to her feet. "We should go and get ready for the awards ceremony we are required to attend."

After helping her to her feet, Remy then stood. "I have had a wonderful time and hope to make this happen again before the next mission has to be put into motion."

Autumn gave an eager, excited nod of her head. "Yes, I would love that. And Remy? Thank you, I love being around you, feeling your arms around me." One last kiss for now. "I need to go change and then we head into the Awards Ceremony."

The couple kissed once more and it was so full of the passion they shared that Dodd felt the tremors of love move through his body. They then exited the holosuite and headed to their respective quarters to prepare for the awards ceremony.

"See you very soon my fiery rose blossom." Dodd's way to tie in the why his love was feeling at the moment as they parted to prepare.





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