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Reason for alarm.

Posted on 15 Jan 2024 @ 5:29pm by Major S'arila Donovan & Ensign Teton

864 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Security
Timeline: TBD


- Security Office -

Teton had been busy with the Beta shift so he had missed the recent incident with Lieutenant Silvers's quarters and a nasty smell. But now he was back on the day shift the Andorran's interest had been peaked. When he read through the recent incident reports. It seemed to him to be the tip of a worrying trend. If someone could cause that mess without detection. Then there was a serious breach of security and that concerned the Andorian.

Anyone was at risk and this included the Captain. Teton needed to speak with someone on the Captain's security detail.

=/\= Teton to Major Donovan come in, please.=/\=

S'arila was relaxing in her quarters with her latest meet-up when her Commbadge went off startling her, she stretched over and picked it up and tapped it =/\= Donovan here, what is it, Ensign? =/\= She asked.

/\= I wish to converse with you over a matter of the deepest concern regarding the Captain's safety. This is a conversation that must be carried out in person. Rather than this non-encrypted media.=/\= Teton replied.

S'arila was intrigued by this =/\= Affirmative, where do you want to meet Ensign? =/\= She asked, her meet-up gave her a sad look from their position on the bed she whispered "I know" back.

Teton considered this if he was correct there was only one place suitable.

=/\= It would be advantageous for us to meet here in security. As the humans say doors have ears. Let us begin our meeting in 60 minutes. That is if you wish to meet at this time.=/\= He replied.

=/\=Affirmative see you in thirty, Donovan out =/\= When the line was closed she looked at her hook-up "Well duty calls" she said leaning over to kiss her lover and then she stood up in all her glory and headed to the refresher station and to get dressed.

- Security Office -

Half an hour later S'arila arrived at main security "Ensign Teton!" she called out remembering to duck as she passed through the doors.

The Andorian turned at hearing his name.

“ I am sorry to have called you out but a recent security event has given me great concern for our captain's safety!”He said.

*Looking concerned* "Speak Ensign, what is it that is a possible threat to the Captain?" She asked

“ A few days hence this timing a crew member. Was able to alter internal log entries to sensors so they could alter these devices so they could stink out Mr Silvers's quarters.” Teton reported.

"Sounds like a practical joke to me, so far I see no problem towards the Captain, but you should take all security issues up with Lieutenant Tosrol Ze he is the CoS, regardless you will need to notify him, but for now what is it that is a threat to the Captain?" Donovan asked.

“ If this person can alter the sensors and then cause this level of discomfort to Lieutenant Junior Grade Silver then there is a high possibility they will attempt perhaps other acts of vengeance on other members of the Tomcat including the captain,” Teton said

Donovan thought for a moment "The Tomcat is currently in the process of being gutted for the refit, the computers will be backed up and wiped before the updated files are put back on and there will be added security, so all would be safe, but as for the threat the only ones who have access to the systems would be the ship's crew and very few have the kind of access to hurt the Captain, reprogram replicators and such is easy enough, but why don't you speak to Lieutenant Ze, there is not much I can do and besides there will be a record of access times, regardless of how well the perpetrator hid their footprint, you can thank the old Commander Swiftpaws for such a tracking and recording sub-routine, so any records will be in the archives, so report this to both Lieutenant Ze and Commander Smithson, they are the security Officers I am not" S'arila said again wondering why the Ensign had called her and not security, she had the freedom to dismiss the suspicion, Security did not have that luxury, they would have to take it seriously.

“ This is why I am reporting this to you. Because they are secure and managed to prevent this incident from happening. Whereas you are part of the Captain's Guard I was told. You would be more vigilant as you have only one task. As they have a multitude of problems to deal with.” Teton said.

*Smiling* "Thank you for reporting this Ensign, I will let the Captain know, but I advise you to make an official report to Station Security and notify Lieutenant Ze as a matter of protocol, understood Ensign?" Donovan responded.

“ Then I shall leave now. Good day to you” Teton said.

S'arila nodded and headed off to seek out the Captain.





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