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Transmittere ad Novus Dies Part #2

Posted on 05 Dec 2023 @ 2:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

901 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Various
Timeline: Weeks prior to Epilogue/Aftermath Post


A few hours later the shuttle arrived at ESD and as they entered the station their ship came into view, "Look kids that is the ship we are going on to see your mum, aunt and Cousin Jasmine on" he said to his children...

The shuttle finally docked and all disembarked along with some items the two four-year-olds jumped up and down with joy, but both stopped as a Vulcan Commodore advanced upon them, stopping near Sharpe he looked down at the two kids and raised an eyebrow, before ignoring them and looking at Sharpe.

"Commander Sharpe, I am here to hand you your orders, although I am sure you have been given some knowledge about them!" he said in a flat monotone.

Paul mirrored the Vulcan "Thank you, Commodore, Are there any additional items that I must be made aware of before I board??" he asked in the same flat monotone which made the Vulcan raise both eyebrows.

The Vulcan recalled the Commander's file, this human had some schooling on Vulcan, so the man's neutral tone response suddenly became understandable, he may have been human, but he was in the Vulcan's eyes coming up to his level in speech and mannerism, he organized his thoughts before speaking "There is nothing further, but I am curious as to what is in those crates" he intoned.

Sharpe looked at the crates being moved from the shuttle to the USS Themistocles "They are items ordered for an upcoming wedding function on Starbase 51, why pay the transit fees when I can take them there myself" he answered blandly.

The Vulcan paused a moment and nodded once "You are clear to depart when you are ready Live Long and Prosper" the Commodore said making the Vulcan gesture.

Copying the gesture perfectly "Peace and Long Life Commodore" Sharpe responded and with that, the Vulcan about faced and walked away, little Samantha was savvy enough to wait until the Vulcan was well out of earshot, she looked up at him "Vulcan's are funny Daddy" she said.

*Smiling* "Yes sweetie, they are" he responded and looked at the carer that had accompanied them, he nodded and she gathered the children together "Okay let's go" he added and led his family to the Sovereign class ship.

- ESD -

A short time after they had settled in Sharpe went to the bridge, the crew he had was a caretaker one, he looked at the Captain's seat dubiously he never wanted the chair, but was thankful this was a transport mission, sitting in the chair "switch to internal power and disengage power umbilical and passenger walk-ways" he ordered and his instructions were carried out the lights flickered as the ship switched from Spacesock power to internal power.

=/\= Engineering to the bridge, the power supply is steady and maximum warp is available =/\= came a voice from engineering.

=/\= Thank you engineering, bridge out =/\= Sharpe responded "Disengage safety clamps" he said and a moment later the Themistocles was floating not connected to ESD "Helm we have clearance, take us out at three-quarter thrusters" he said.

"Aye, aye Captain" the helm officer responded as he went through the motions the officer expertly flew the ship out of ESD it was some time before they cleared it.

"Full Impulse until we clear all gravity wells, then set a heading for Mira Sector Starbase 51 max warp, Communications has the Tomcat returned from its mission?" Shrpe said ending with a question.

"She and the Roosevelt are on their way back Captain" the Communications officer said he nodded and watched the viewscreen as the stars became streaks of light as the ship sped up to full Impulse and eventually to starlines as the ship jumped to maximum warp.

Three Weeks Later...

The Themistocles dropped from warp at the defence perimeter of Starbase 51 Sharpe looked at the Communications Officer "Contact the Starbase and get us docking clearance and open communications to their flight control" he said and his orders were carried out.

=/\= Fifty-One Flight control, this is Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe on the USS Themistocles, I am bringing a ship to be permanently assigned to the Starbase and for the Tomcat Retrofit =/\= He said.

=/\= Welcome Commander Sharpe we have been expecting you, the Tomcat has not long docked, do you want me to notify Colonel Somers of your arrival and have her meet you at Disembarkation?=/\= the voice asked

Paul thought for a long moment =/\= yes please =/\= he responded.

=/\= Understood, you are cleared to dock, fifty-One flight control out =/\= the voice said and signed off.

The Themistocles entered the mushroom part of the Starbase and was guided to its assigned berth.

As the ship was secured and a power cable extended along the walkways "Switch over to Starbase power and shut down engineers and warp core" Sharpe ordered as the lights flickered as power supply was transferred to SB51 power supply.

Activating a button on the chair arm =/\= Bridge to Crew, we have docked with Starbase 51, welcome to the Mira Sector, you are all given leave to disembark =/\= Sharpe said and closed the channel, he knew the Nanny he had brought with him would be preparing his Kids, he made sure to find Alex's Starbase quarters, he wanted to surprise his wife when she finally returned.




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