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Posted on 18 Dec 2023 @ 10:47pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare

2,493 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51 Quarters
Timeline: During Shore Leave


Arriving back from the infirmary Lamia was still in shock at the news she’d received, she wanted Chris to know right away she couldn’t wait or she’d practically burst!

She tapped her comm badge. =/\= Arderne to Kildare, can I see you in our quarters, please? =/\=

Chris was working out in the Starbase Gym when his Commbadge sounded, he put the weights down leaned over to his back picked up the badge and activated it =/\= be there shortly Kildare out =/\= he had known his Imzadi long enough to detect excitement in her voice, suddenly he had a foreboding, sighing lightly he stood up picked up his back and headed to the changing rooms, where he freshened up and dressed and finally made his way back to their new quarters.

- Kildare/Arderne's SB Quarters -

Chris finally arrived and entered, he came in far enough to allow the doors to close and he dropped his bag, Lamia was standing there barely containing her excitement, he tilted his head to the side "Honey I'm home!" he said.

Lamia grinned as she rushed over to him. “So I see! You err...might want to sit down for this one.” She was practically bubbling with excitement, so much so that she didn’t even give him time to get to sit down. “Chris I’m...pregnant!”

*Moment of silence at the shocking news, gives the reader a strange look then looks back to Lamia* "Where is that Klingon hooch, I need something with a kick" he said bushwhacked as he stumbled towards the drinks cabinet and pulled out a large glass and an old bottle and poured himself a large one and knocked it back, so fast was it that he hiccupped from drinking too fast followed by a burp "Pardon me" he said finally managing to sit down and massaged his temples, when he had recovered somewhat he looked at her "are you sure?" He asked.

Lamia responded somewhat calmer than she had before. “Doctor Corsair certainly is, 6 weeks and counting.” She offered a smile. “When we decided to start trying I was already pregnant.”

"Wow, just wow, if you will excuse me I need some air to be back soon," he said and stood up and left the room, he was shocked to the core, and he decided to seek out a friend to speak to.

Sometime Later...

- Alex's Quarters - SB51 -

Chris was hoping Alex was still here, he figured she would be as she was spending some quality time with her kids as her husband was due to start on the Tomcat upgrades, he now stood outside the Colonel's quarters and pressed the bell and Paul answered the door.

*Smiling wanly* "Is Alex in Paul?" he asked.

Paul studied Chris, the guy looked struck dumb with surprise, the guy was not easy to shock, so whatever it was did the deed "Yes, she is, come in Chris, what has you so bushwhacked?" Paul asked.

As he entered he was greeted by two children "Unky Chris!" Both kids shouted in glee, Chris had enough mind remaining to greet the kids warmly, then he sat, not plopped down and sighed, this was when Alex came into the room as her Kids sat on either side of him, he looked up.

Alex saw a look in his eyes that in all her years of knowing him, she had never seen such a look of shock before "Chris, what is it?" she asked concerned.

*Looking up at her as Paul sat in the chair with her opposite him* "I am gonna be a dad, Lamia just broke the news to me!" he said.

Paul and Alex shared a look and Paul raised an eyebrow as both looked at him it was Alex who spoke.

"That is great news Chris, I know Lamia was happy, but why are you here and not celebrating with your Fiancee?" She asked

"I handled this badly I know, but I came back from the gym and she just dropped the bombshell, she did not even give me time to sit down, I got the news poured a large glass of Klingon hooch and knocked it back in one go," Kildare said.

"That is not right Chris, you walking out just like that, Paul never had that reaction when I told him the news of the twins," Alex said and saw her hubby's body language. "Oh Paul, what did you do when you found out?" She asked.

"Oh you do not know the half of it, you told me over the communications, I went straight to the pub and got shit-faced, visited Medical got an Oxy injection to sober me up then I returned to you, trust me I was bushwhacked too," Paul said he got a look from his wife which made him groan inwardly.

*Looks back to Chris* "You have to go back and celebrate with her Chris, I heard of the ordeal she went through when she was captured, she was probably told that the chances of her having children had become a slim possibility if she was excited as much as you indicated, then be happy for her and you, not saying parenthood is easy, but it is still a new-life and you should be happy, so grown a pair, swallow it and man up" Alex said.

Paul looked at his wife "Alex, you have no idea how a man reacts when a woman side-swipes him with such happy news, especially when they were not expecting it" he said then turned to Chris "Were you both trying to get Pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes, Lamia said she had fallen six weeks ago so when we decided it seemed she was already pregnant, I wish I could have been as excited as she was, but I blew it" he responded and slumped...

Some hours later...

- Kildare/Arderne's quarters -

Finally, he returned, looking a bit sheepishly "Sorry Mia, I handled the news badly, it may take a bit of time to adjust, but I am happy" he said walking over to the settee and sitting down as he looked at her "so it is too early to tell what gender our baby will be?" he asked.

Lamia gave Chris a somewhat melancholy look, she’d been sitting alone for hours wondering whether Chris was happy at all. “I don’t know, I’ll have to ask Lieutenant Corsair next time I see her.”

She moved to stand up. “Sorry, I’m just...I’ve been sitting here for hours Chris! I know I didn’t exactly give you time to sit down, but I was excited. I’ve been sitting here waiting for you to call if only to say you’d be back.” Her eyes twinkled with held-back tears.

Looking at her "I will always come back, granted I handled things badly, but you did blurt it out and lump the news on me, I would have thought as a trained Counsellor you would prepare for all reactions and be excited as you were would have found a more... diplomatic way to drop the bombshell" he said standing and pulling her into an embrace "regardless of my reaction I will not abandon you or the child, I am sure the child will be beautiful regardless" he said.

Lamia nodded. “I’m sorry” She moved over to him cuddling up and burying her head in his chest, before wiping away a few over-emotional tears. “I was just...excited, after losing Mia Tabitha this is a miracle. I just want us to be happy that’s all.”

"I know, I know" he comforted her looking down at her "You know what this means don't you?" he asked holding her at arm's length as he spoke.

She looked up at Chris curiously. “No, what does it mean?”

"The Wedding will have to be brought forward, and it will have to be a more or less plain affair, I do not want my child to be born out of wedlock like most kids are these days, not sure how common it is on Betazed but we humans tend to do things like this without official vows, call me old fashioned but I believe that no kid should be born out of wedlock, I will go speak to the Captain see if she will do the honours, you find a Maid of honour, I will go find me a Best man, the downside is we will not be able to invite that many at such short notice, so what say you?" Chris asked.

Lamia’s eyes widened in surprise. “Yes...of course!” She was even more excited now than she was before. “I have been suffering from morning sickness, but I just put it down to being off-colour. I suggest we make it an afternoon wedding if the Captain will do the honours.”

"I will go ask her, you would look good pregnant in a wedding dress just as much as if you were not, but I figure that someone who has been planning this for some time will already have her wedding dress ready and by using it sooner, you will not have to have it adjusted for size! So go find a Maid of honour who will act as a Witness, we can only invite a select few guests and see if your *uses air quotes* wedding dress needs any adjustments, I will be back after speaking to the Captain" he said and gave her a quick kiss and left the room.

Lamia quickly set about organising what needed to be organised. She had an idea of who to ask but she needed to go find out for sure.

- Captain's Starbase Quarters -

Eventually, Chris arrived at the Fleet Captain's quarters and hoped she was in, so he pressed the buzzer and waited, he did not have to wait long as the doors opened and he walked in to see his Captain walking without her cane he hid a smile.

"Hi, Chris to what do I owe this visit?" Jasmine asked pleasantly.

*swallows heavily* "Recently I found out that Lamia is pregnant by six weeks, so I thought that we could push our wedding forward, a small affair with a few guests and such and I was wondering if you would officiate our union Captain?" He asked.

"Congratulations on upcoming parenthood, I will need to speak with Lamia and you are aware that babies can only remain on the Tomcat for a month and a half after being born, even with the Retrofit the ship will not be equipped for children, you okay with that?" The Captain asked.

"I am and I think so will Lamia, she knows the score, but I will let her know you wish to see her, so will you do the honours, Captain?" He responded.

She smiled Yes, just let me know, when, where and such I am sure if you speak nicely to Paul he should be able to get you a bottle or two of some real booze, so you chosen your best man, yet?" she responded.

"No, not yet wanted to come see you first and ask, now I have to go back to Lamia and sort out a time and date, and thank you Captain" Chris said and left the Captain's quarters and headed back to his.

- Kildare/Arderne's Starbase quarters -

An hour or so later he returned to his quarters to see Lamia running around like a headless chicken, he found this amusing, he entered far enough to allow the doors to close and waited till she noticed his presence.

Lamia paused as she suddenly realised she was being watched. *standing with hands on hips* “How long have you been standing there?”

Trying hard not to laugh he advanced "Long enough to see my intended in a headless chicken moment, both hilarious and adorable, just come from the Captain, two things, she wants to see you now that you are with child some things will change ship-side, the other is she has agreed to officiate, so now we need to let he know when and where I also have to speak to Commander Sharpe to see if he can get us a bottle of wine or something for celebration toasts after the ceremony, I also need to ask him something else," Chris said.

Lamia nodded. “When and where? Anywhere you’re happy to be, and when? As soon as it’s possible!” She grinned. “Also...would you mind if I asked Remington to walk me down the aisle? I also have an idea for a bridesmaid, I just need to ask.”

*pauses* "He makes a move on you, officer nor not he will pay!" he said matter of factly, a tone that did not give anything away just sounded matter of fact "But yes you can ask him," Chris said, so while you make arrangements from your side I will go find me a best man and sort out a venue for the ceremony, I will be back," he said with a smile and left the room.

Some hours later Chris returns to his quarters "Well Commander Sharpe agreed to stand with me, we have the holodeck booked for a week from now, the holoprogram will be a Cathedral, so we can have holographic guests generic of course besides those few we have invited and the Captain officiating our ceremony, so you will be able to wear that wedding dress you have in storage" Chris said.

Lamia’s head was buzzing, she’d been so busy organising she hadn’t yet set foot out of their quarters. She knew just who to ask though. “I haven’t even set foot out of here yet! For a change, you’re beating me to it.” She paused to sit down and take a breather. “It’s all so exciting! I just need to take a moment to calm down. I’m always telling my patients to relax, I should learn to take my own advice!”

Looks at Lamia and in a deadpan tone "Yes, yes you should" He said simply.

Lamia grinned. “I’ll calm down, then I’ll go and make arrangements. Right now being here with you is all the calm I need.




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