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Sharing news with a friend

Posted on 18 Dec 2023 @ 10:56pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

2,467 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Dodd’s Quarters
Timeline: During Shoreleave


Having told Chris the news, Lamia wanted to let Remington know as well both as her friend, and as Executive Officer of the Tomcat. Making her way to his quarters she hoped he wouldn’t mind her just dropping by as she reached out and pressed the chime.

Sensing the approach of someone, Remy had slid a pair of sweat pants on just as he heard the chime.

"Enter." Dodd stated as the door's chime sounded.
"How nice to see you, Lamia."

“Hi Remington” Lamia smiled warmly as she walked in. “I hope you don’t mind me just dropping by? I’ve got some news.”

"I would jump to say, Congratulations." Remy smiled and offered his open arms to give his friend a hug. "I had sensed a new presence. Out of respect, I held my peace until you came to me."

Lamia grinned as she walked over and gave Remy a hug. “Thank you Remy, I’m glad you did. Chris and I decided to try for a family, but little did we know I was already pregnant! Six weeks so far according to Doctor Corsair. Actually she’s placed a restriction on my duties, more so from later on though if I understood correctly. No more than six hours a day, with 3O minutes exercise either side of my shift.”

"I can understand the doctor's concern." Remy replied while in the hug. "I know you and if I had said something first you may never have spoken to me again. I really value you in my life as a friend and need to keep you in my life for a very long time to come."

Lamia smiled and nodded as she let go and stepped back. “I don’t plan on ever losing our friendship Remy.”

"So now comes the difficult decision that will affect your future or maybe Chris' future." Remy stated with a grin. "While this is very happy news, I am looking to the future. Who will raise the child?"

Lamia’s heart sunk, her smile fading. “I...don’t know Remy. I was so excited about being pregnant I never stopped to think...” She moved to sit down on the sofa. “What am I going to do?”

"I don't mean to make your news any less significant, I truly am happy for you. I know you have wanted this for a very long time." Remy stated as he sat down beside her. "I just wanted to let you have this out with someone who loves you no matter what as we have a bond that is beyond what you have with Chris. I am here to allow you to talk out your thoughts and work it out with out any judgement."

Dodd then stood back up and walked over to the replicator and requested to glasses of sparkling cranberry cider. He then walked back over to Lamia and sat back down handing her a glass.

"Here this is to help you celebrate and relax you." Remy stated. "If I didn't care for you, I would never have mentioned this situation. I also think it is a little selfish as I don't want you to leave the ship, but as a friend I am going to support your wishes."

Lamia offered a smile as she took the drink and sipped it. “I guess I do need to get this out in the open, I don’t want to be off ship and I don’t want Chris having to stay behind either. I wish...” she paused. “I know it’s dangerous, but I wish our baby could stay onboard with us. After losing Mia, I’m not sure how I’ll cope if I’m stuck out in space separated from my baby.” She paused to sip more of her drink.

"I am certain that the captain will not allow your child to remain on the ship after their first birthday. This is a combat vessel more or less and while we do have a nice science team on the ship, we are definitely not a family ship. I would love to have a little one on the ship as I would be spoiling him or her so rotten that their parents would not have the chance to do so." Remy stated in response. "Maybe it could be worked out to rotate the term of service so each of you can remain active but rotate a few weeks on a few weeks off."

Lamia nodded seemingly more at ease with that suggestion. “I guess that would be a more acceptable idea. I’ll have to discuss it with Chris and see where we go from there.” She placed her glass down on the table instead of cuddling it. “Chris is planning for us to get married soon, seeing as I don’t have anyone here to walk me down the aisle would you consider doing it?”

"Lamia, I would be more than honored to give you away, even if I want you for myself." Remy got a tear in his eye. "I want you to be happy and I would love to be part of your wedding day."

Lamia smiled although she couldn’t help but feel guilty. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to...” She paused. “If I hadn’t met Chris before you were left alone things between us would be very different, I’d have willingly been at your side. The bond we formed the day we made love, even under those horrible circumstances, is unbreakable. I love you Remy, you know I do.”

"Guilt for loving Chris and making a commitment with him should never be part of your emotional spectrum. You are happy and I am certain you will be happy with Chris." Remy replied. "Things between us made us have a bond that can't be explained nor can it be ignored. Chris is aware of what we shared and he loves you for it regardless. He is a good man and you have a good future with him. You needed him after all we had to endure in our captive state. The pheromones and other chemicals used on us had an inverse affect on our telepathic chemistry and thus linked us like paired Betazoids. We are Imzadi but yet we are not as well. We were forming a friendship when that happened and the experiment somehow made that friendship transcend to a new level."

Dodd offered an embrace as he did have a tear roll down his cheek. He really loved Arderne but it was a love that was beyond the physical side of things. He had put his love for Ardrene in a place that a spouse would be but to Dodd she was more. While he knew she was with Chris, he would never want her to leave him. Besides Dodd now had Coleman and she was making him have a new lease at a love life.

"I need you to know that you are a part of me no matter what happens and we have what we have that allows us to love one another without having to be lovers." Remy added. "Do you understand where I am coming from?"

Lamia nodded. “Yes, I do. I’m glad you’ve put our connection in a way that I’ve been unable to. When you’re young your parents tell you that Betazoids only bond to one person at any one time, I’ve never been able to explain the fact that I feel bonded to you, and bonded to Chris.” She smiled warmly. “I’m a lucky woman to have both of you in my life.”

"It is I who is the lucky one, you have been my friend no matter what." Remy replied. "While we are not a couple, you are that one missing piece of my complete puzzle, so when you are in my life, I am whole. I need you in my life more than I can explain."

“Promise me something?” Lamia gave Remington a curious look. “When you’re choosing away trans from now on, if it’s deemed safe for me to go you’ll let me go? I know there’ll come a point where I won’t be able to go, but I don’t want to be passed up simply because I’m pregnant.”

"I will promise to include you when and only when I can be one hundred percent certain of your safety." Remy responded. "While I know you are not carrying my child, part of me feels like I must protect this child as if he was mine."

“Understood...” she paused for a moment. “He?” Lamia looked at Remy curiously. “Is that just a loose term, or is something telling you that I’m having a son?” She looked at him waiting for an answer. “If you know you can tell me, I want to know.”

"Betazoids can typically tell around a month, so I am rather sure he is a he. I am sorry for letting it slip. I didn’t mean to say anything as I know most people want the surprise." Remy commented back. "My thoughts went to Joel Christopher Arderne-Kildare as the name."

“Joel Christopher...I love it!” She grinned. “but I think Chris might feel somewhat left out if I pick the name.” Lamia offered a wry smile. “Did you pick Joel through our connection? It’s just, Joel is my father’s name. I will keep it for the short list though, I’ll keep what I know a secret for the time being. I’m not sure if Chris will want to know the sex of our baby or not.”

"I knew Joel was your father's name from the personnel files and from our telepathic connection. I do not want to take over your celebration of the new one joining your crew. I merely acted upon what I sensed." Remy replied.

“I know” Lamia offered an understanding smile. “I like that you’re so willing to help me. You know that this baby will never take the place of Mia Tabitha, I wont ever forget her.”

"Mia Tabitha will be a spirit of our lives no matter what happens. I only wish she would have been able to survive but the circumstances of her existence were likely also the downfall. I do think about her often. I know the new child will never replace Mia. I know that you are more my family than my own family. While you are getting married, I think of you more as a sister than just a friend. You are important to me and I hope to be there for you no matter what happens." Remy replied.

“That I will treasure Remy, that I swear!” Lamia smiled warmly. “Actually the news of my pregnancy came as something of a shock for Chris, I was left sitting on my own for hours! It certainly made me worry for a while, but we’ve talked it all through now.”

"Well, at least you have started the plans." Remy responded. "The wedding will happen before the birth or after? I only ask so I can get back in shape, as I sort of added an extra pound and now I am not sure I can look good in my dress uniform." Remy sort of said in a playful tone.

“We’ve decided it’ll be before the baby is born, Chris doesn’t want a child born out of wedlock.” She offered a warm smile. “It means it’ll be a smaller, shorter wedding but I don’t have a problem with that.”

"I expected that of Chris. I think it is for the best to have the wedding before the baby is born." Remy added. "I am willing to help you with anything I can to make it a smooth event."

“I would most definitely appreciate that!” Lamia smiled. “I know for a fact that I’ll be stressing out over the slightest detail if I try and sort everything myself. I do need a bridesmaid, do you think Autumn would consider it?”

"I am sure she would enjoy that." Remy stated in response. "Are you going to try to get married during leave or wait until after our next mission?"

“Well we don’t want to take the limelight away from others so it’ll probably be after the next mission, I’m waiting on the say so from Chris for that one.” She smiled excitedly.

"No worries, I can respect that." Remy commented. "I just want you to be in the right frame of mind and not in a full on motherly mode when the ceremony happens. I can recall how you got when pregnant with Mia and I don't think Chris would want that at your ceremony."

Lamia nodded. “I didn’t really have much time to be a pregnant mother then, we lost her all too soon. I’m going to be more level headed now, though if I fail just give me a nudge and tell me!” She grinned a wry grin.

"You know I will do just that. I will be on top of it as I will be certain you will fight me over some things as time goes on." Remy replied. "But I do it all for love and friendship."

*Smiling* “That will be my favorite saying from now on, for love and friendship.”

"You are something else. You truly are a unique individual and I am glad to have you in my life." Remy replied. "In Love and Friendship, for all time."

“For all time” Lamia smiled and nodded. “Anyway I guess I should be getting back, Oh one more thing, would you and Autumn like to join us for dinner one evening? I can make arrangements with Chris.”

"Well, you can count on us for dinner and will confirm it with Autumn." Remy responded. "I am so happy for you and Chris and the future that will be so wonderful for the little one."

“Thank you” Lamia smiled warmly. “For everything.” She stepped closer giving Remington a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “I’ll see you on the Bridge Commander!” With that she smiled and headed for the door.

"Indeed you will, Lieutenant" Remy replied with a huge smile on his face. "You have this all in the bag." As he followed her to the door.

The door slid open and he watched her walk into the corridor.





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