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My Heart had Had never Forgotten you [Back Post]

Posted on 08 May 2024 @ 12:50am by Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze
Edited on on 19 May 2024 @ 6:27pm

1,496 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Walk Way to Starbase 51
Timeline: MD:120


Ze had slinked off the bridge and grabbed the bag he had packed way before the mission had started, he hadn't bargained on being this broken, but hey he was still alive and that counted for something right?, He walked with a slight limp, his face burned like a mother and you could tell the shell shock on him a mile off. He walked the corridors like a man frozen in time, froze in that one moment before he pulled that trigger, resulting in deaths.

That mission would live with him for as long as his memory would allow, Counselling and psychotherapy would be on the menu for a very long time, and a whole bottle of whiskey would be calling his name also.

The bag was heavy in his hand, as he made his way to the docking ring, his brain etched with thousands of screams, blood and his tear-stained cheeks. Ze stood there tapping his feet hoping, praying that one person he needed would round that corner and tell him everything was going to be ok, those tears had been threatening to slam out of his eyes the moment he had got back on the tomcat, now they were at the precipice and as he waited for that docking ring the count down in his head had started, the doomsday clock inside his head ticking to midnight as his psyche threatened to spill over into a thousand cups of wine around him.

The Roosevelt had docked back at SB 51, and she went to see if there was any sight of the USS Tomcat. To her dismay, it was there but it had been shot up pretty badly. With an anxious feeling, Mazal scanned those who were disembarking from the Tomcat hoping that Ze was arriving, was okay. Her eyes lit up with she caught sight of him.

"Tos, Tosrol!"Mazal called out to him, her heart sinking seeing the slump of his shoulders and the drooping of his body language.

Tos heard it, her voice, voice, he turned to see her and he broke into a run. Dropping his bag on the floor, his arms wide open as he almost tackled her to the floor "I've never been so happy to see you my love" he wrapped her in a hug and refused to let her go.

He buried his head into the crook of her neck and sobbed, sobbed like he hadn't sobbed before. The pain, the anguish it all came pouring out of his eyes. His arms found the small of her back and crushed her to him "Please never leave me again" he muffled into her neck "I fear I am not the person you left" he said as tried wiping his eyes on his uniform.

Mazal had her arms around Tosrol a concerned expression in her eyes. Whatever happened on his mission, he was certainly not in a good place. She had him move for just a moment, turned her back to him and said, "C'mon let to medical." This was the way to carry the walking wounded, and once he was on her back safely and secure, she picked up his duffle rose and moved swiftly towards medical. "Let you look at my love." she wasn't about to have anyone or have him transported to medical. She was going to take him there herself.

Ze felt Mazal pick him up, he was done he just let it happen the mission no matter how much success had cost Tos his health and now he was paying for it, cradled in mazals arms he just nuzzled into her neck tried to calm himself down before entering the starbases medical facility.

When they arrived, Mazal was looking around for someone to assist Tosrol. She wished that Jane was here but with her having left, Mazal was at a loss of who was available on the starbase. "Excuse me I have a wounded man can we get some assistance?"

Tos Moved a little in her arms, clinging deeper onto her he winced in pain "That'll teach me" he said as he tried to contain the pain, his hands slinking around her neck as he tried to steady himself.

Otes had been in the back cataloguing the hypo-sprays, he had only just got onto the base and the chief medical officer had finished her shift hours before and the nurse who was on before hadn't left much of a handover let alone any pads
"Coming I'm ever so sorry", he said as he exited the office dropping his padd to the floor. hands clasped around his mouth "TOS" He said stepping forward "What in God's name happened?" he said turning to the female carrying his brother, he was in absolute shock, hands unfurling from his mouth he gathered his steely nerves "Otes Ze Nurse On Duty and Tos's Younger brother lets get him set up on a bbiobedand I'll start my tests" he said swallowing hard as he held his hand out for the female to take "I'm assuming your LLieutenantFalk? My bbrother'sGirlfriend?" he said with a weak smile.

Mazal carefully put Ze onto the biobed then turned to shake, Otes' hand. "Yes, I am his girlfriend." Giving him a slight smile then turned a concerned look towards Ze. "He's been injured severely, I could just send him via transporter. Please take good care of him." her eyes shimmering with unshed tears, almost ready to spill over.

Tos felt himself being put on the biobed he was groggy and in pain. But the familiar voice of Otes cracked a smile from his injured lips "Ote is that you?" he spoke in a hushed tone as he slipped back into sleep.

Otes looked to Mazal "Dont you Worry Mazal he's in the safest hands" he said squeezing her hand gently "he's my brother this isn't the first time I've nursed his wounds and told him to stop trying so hard" eyes filled with tears, this was a situation he'd rather not be in but he was the only nurse on duty, Grabbing his tricorder he started sweeping it over Tosrol's body "You want the good news or the bad news first?" He said gulping as he looked at Tos.

"Best to give me the bad news first. I can see that Tos has been injured severely but, how bad is it?" a lump forming in her throat. However, she also smiled towards Ze, reaching out to hold his hand.

Otes looked at her "Phaser burns have caused some damage they are slightly infected, he has a broken left wrist and he has to bruise to his right temple. Most of this I can fix easily the internal damage could take a while" he said swallowing hard "Good news is His healing factor has already started kicking in beauties of both Tos and I being betazoid we heal a little faster" he said squeezing Mazals shoulder "Ill get him back to health Mazal don't you worry"

"I am glad to hear that and, thank you. What a way to meet part of the family, right?" Mazal gave a woeful chuckle. She drew a deep breath turning her attention to Tos, leaning in to give him a gentle kiss. "What will be your recommendation for his care? A sickbay stay for a day or two?" Or just be careful in what he does?"

Otes looked at her "Right? At least you know he's in safe hands" Otes said as he placed his hand on her shoulder "Once he's healed it'll be a few days maybe a week he'll have to go to the tTomcatsmedical bay for check-ups but I'll check in every day to make sure he's ok" he said smiling as he looked to his brother "He's a lunkhead and has always gotten himself into some sort of trouble and I've always saved his ass" he said laughing once more "Zes are notorious trouble makers" he said winking.

"Does this mean I can take him to his quarters now? Get him settled in, give him some much-needed TLC?" Mazal had a concerned and pleading expression in her eyes. She truly wanted to get Tos to where he could be comfortable, and her to spoil him like crazy.

Otes looked at her "I think he's gonna need a day or two here but after that, I'm sure I can get him back to you but I need to make sure nothing else is untoward happening" he said smiling at her as he looked at her.

Mazal gave a nod, "Well then, I will leave Tosrol in your capable hands." she leaned in to give Tosrol a heartfelt kiss. "Welcome home love, welcome home."





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