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Wedding talk

Posted on 08 Jan 2024 @ 3:48pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Captain’s Starbase Quarters
Timeline: Post Mission Day: 04


With Chris having told her that Captain Somers had requested to speak with her, Lamia made her way to the Captain’s Starbase Quarters. With them being on Shoreleave it was a bit less formal seeing Jasmine at home, rather than in her office, but it was nonetheless nerve-wracking.

Arriving at the door she pressed the chime hoping she wasn’t catching the Captain at an inopportune moment.

Jasmine was relaxing in front of a holographic fire and she had the heating mimic the heat of the fire, with a glass of red wine in hand, she was reflecting on all that happened over the current year and jumped when her buzzer sounded "Enter" She said sitting up and putting her glass down and turning to see who it was.

Walking in Lamia offered a warm smile as she greeted Jasmine. “Sorry to interrupt your quiet Captain, Chris said you wanted to speak to me.”

"I meant during the day *sigh* Never mind, you are here now, please have a seat and let's talk, can I get you some water or Soda?"

“Ohh no, thank you, Captain.” Lamia offered an apologetic smile. “I wasn’t thinking straight, I apologise for interrupting your evening.”

*Smiling* "Not to worry Lamia, please have a seat and let's talk" Jasmine said and began as Lamia was making to sit down. "First of congratulations on expecting and on the marriage, speaking of I have agreed to officiate your wedding, but my main concern is your state as that bairn begins to grow I know you are half Betazoid, but do you have a shorter pregnancy period like that of the Bajoran's or is it the same nine-months like us humans?" Somers asked.

Taking a seat Lamia offered a warm smile. “It would be ten months for a Betazoid, but in my case more like nine months. My worry is what happens after our baby is born, I know we’re not allowed to keep a baby onboard.” *sighing* “Remington...Commander Dodd has suggested rotating time off ship between Chris and myself, I’m considering the idea.”

"It is true even after the refit the ship will still not be able to accommodate a baby for a long period, newborns will be able to remain on the ship for about six weeks unless we are in the middle of a mission then it is another matter, but don't you have family that can look after your baby when you are on assignment, I think Chris has family that might make the trip out here if they are asked, but we will work something out when the time comes. I know you went through something when you were captured, Have there been any complications in the aftermath of your captivity?" Jasmine asked.

“The Doctor says there’s some scar tissue, but not enough to cause problems.” Lamia paused. “The main worry is that I’m a hybrid, it could cause problems later on down the line. I’ve been advised to reduce my hours to no more than 6 hours a day and take regular exercise. Though the restrictions only apply once I feel the need to slow down, or something else crops up.”

"Well, I have a feeling you may end up seeing Away Team Action when we return to Arth, that planet that is ruled by women! So has Chris said where the Wedding will be taking place?" Somers asked.

“A planet ruled by women” Lamia smiled. “Just like home then. As for the wedding, it’s booked for a week from now in a cathedral setting on the holodeck.
I’m looking forward to it!” She was buzzing with excitement just at the thought of it.

"What time is it starting as I have to prepare things from my end?" She asked.

“I have no idea, Chris didn’t mention a time.” Lamia paused. “I’ll talk to him and I’ll let you know in plenty of time. That’s a promise.”

*smiling* "Good, so you looking forward to this baby? When the time comes will you want to know what gender it is or will you be surprised? and what names have you both chosen both male and female?" Jasmine asked

"Actually...I already know the sex of my baby, more thanks to the insights of a friend." Lamia smiled warmly. "I'm having a son. but Chris doesn't know that yet. As for names we haven't gotten that far as yet, all this has come as a surprise for both of us. We decided to try for a baby, but it seems nature had already gotten ahead of us by a few weeks."

"Well from what my sources tell me Lamia, you too have been extremely active a lot when off duty and somewhat more since the engagement and the like, but as long as you know that for the first six months, a baby can stay on the Tomcat, do you have anyone that can move out here to look after your child after six months?" Jasmine asked.

Lamia nodded. "Maybe, but only in the short term. My parents have their careers so they won't be able to stay aboard Starbase 51 on a long-term basis. I spoke to Remington...Commander Dodd suggested maybe taking it in turns with Chris to stay aboard the station and take care of our son. I might consider it, but I can't say I like the idea of being separated from Chris. To be honest I'm finding it hard to reconcile being separated from my son, especially after losing my daughter."

"Wow, your son is not even born, perhaps you should talk to Chris about this, unlike most rifles, he has a speciality of Demolitions, but perhaps his relatives can help in the long-term, if not you may have to hire a nanny, but apart from the basics, I can only congratulate you both on the upcoming wedding and the pregnancy, but the sooner I know the time and place is set we can do the ceremony," Jasmine said.

Lamia nodded. "Well, it's one week from now, at the holodeck. As for timings I suggest consulting with Chris, he's the one that's arranged everything, I'll have him let you know the exact details and I'll see you there then!" Lamia brightened up at the thought of the wedding being so soon.

*Smiling* "I will do that so have you any further information on the Donovan/Winchester wedding and when it is?" Jasmine asked.

"Heavens! In the rush about my wedding, and with the baby, I'd completely forgotten all about their wedding!" Lamia sighed shaking her head, annoyed at herself. "Last I heard it's due to be soon, I should check in with Serina and make sure that she's ready for her big day."

*Jasmine Smiled* "Well the excitement of your recent news makes it understandable that it would slip your mind, but now I must end this meeting, it is late and I need some sleep as I am feeling exhausted" Somers said.

“Of course” Lamia nodded and stood ready to leave. “It’s been nice talking to you, Captain.”

*Smiling* "And you Lieutenant" Somers said and watched Lamia leave her quarters oO I should rename the Toomcat the Love Boat Oo Jasmine thought humoursly to herself and put her drinking vessel in the recycler and went to freshen her teeth before retiring to bed.




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