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Why don't we already have this?

Posted on 08 Jan 2024 @ 3:53pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Faith Benson

1,385 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51 Science Lab/Various
Timeline: Current


"I think I got it! About the time that I got it charged and set." Turning around as quickly as she could. No one knew about this little project, and for good reason. Slamming her elbow into a floor panel as hard as she could. "Any time is better than later. Sorry, guys. Went a different route." Backing up quickly to stand.

Eyes glancing at the deck. "Shoot to thrill!" The deck turned around on different Axis until each piece started to come together along her body. Snapping the headpiece closed.

"Alright, Victoria. Let's roll." The lines coming up on the HUD, "Well isn't this comfy." -- "Yes, Miss Benson, it should be. Should we initiate bootload sequences?" -- Holding her arms out a little more. Every plate, joint, sprigget, and screw. Flicking her head just a little to the left. This modified EVA suit if one could call it that, was nothing like what it used to be. Given how damn old she was, she remembered seeing things in movies and comics that were amazing. They were fantasy at the time but now?

Hell, even in 2060 they had things that could be this. They just didn't. Many races make exoskeletal armour. Just not to this..hopeful, efficient. "Alright...Keep the music going, Victoria, and..power up the disruptor arm."

Faith waited a moment, hearing the sound of something powering up. It just wasn't what she wanted. Instead of a blast hitting the target, it slammed her across the room into the bulkhead. Making a very nice outline of the suit in it. At the same time, it set off an alarm to Engineering and the Bridge.

Hawksley was warned of a potential 'equipment failure' general alarm for the Laboratory where Faith was situated. Unknown to Leland, he strolled down the hallway with his engineering kit.

Listening to music in his ears, he met the doorway and then touched the LCARs panel. Entering the room, all Hawksley had focused on was the crushed inward bulkhead and cowling. LCAR screens were shattered and spewing sparks. In the middle looked to be an exoskeleton suit. He narrowed his eyes. "Oh, Frack!!!" He realized someone was in a.... was it an EVA suit? "IS anyone IN THERE!" Hawksley shouted.

Leland took hold of the Labs Medical Kit, frantically opening it.

Captain Somers was walking the lower levels of the Starbase when she came upon Hawksley with a Medkit in hand over an armour-suited figure that was lying on the floor "Report Mr Hawksley, what is going on here?" She asked

"Report." Leland gathered as he lent his tricorder scan of the Iron Clad, EVA microsuit. "Someone is inside this suit. The Iron casing..." He narrowed his eyes searching for any kind of unlatching mechanism.

"Someone inside. I don't know if they're injured. I had a general engineering alert for this lab and arrived to find this... Suit." Leland tapped in a few more scans, and then a metallic, energy-sounding clasping lock had engaged on the suit. "Looks like we will find out whom..." The suit armour relaxed, as servo mechanisms could be heard disengaging.

Somers nodded closed in on the suit and waited to see what or who was on the inside of the suit...

Hawksley did his best to facilitate the suit to open. He furrowed his brow as he helped withdraw the helmet portion.

Somers saw who it was and incredulously "What the hell is Benson thinking?" She asked looking down at the unconscious Lieutenant "Oh Lieutenant Benson!" She said crouching down and gently tapping both sides of her face trying to bring her around.

Hawksley tapped his com badge and reported to the sick bay. "This is Lieutenant Hawksley in the SB51 Sciences Lab complex. I need a medical team."

Faith coughed a little bit before opening her eyes. Blinking a few times, looking up at the two of them. "Well, that was fun...I think."

Hawksley peered into Faith and checked her situation. "You think? What was it you think you were doing here?" He then took out his medical tricorder as he glanced at Somers... "How many fingers am I holding up Faith?" Leland checked her visual acuity.

"Looks like she was testing a new suit, an unauthorised one at that, get her out of it Lieutenant, then secure it away," she said to Hawksley as the Medics arrived, as her CEO was getting the DCoS out of her suit "okay Lieutenant after you have been cleared you and I will have us a wee chat," she said to Faith.

Leland watched the tone that the Colonel afforded Faith. He could tell she was not impressed. Leland couldn't help but state under a low breath to Faith as he was helping her out of the suit, ensuring she didn't have a concussion and everything else was OK. "I think the suit is pretty badass." He then caught a glance from Somers. "But you didn't hear that from me," He coughed.

As the medical team arrived, they began to take out their tricorders and scanned for further medical concerns.

"I mean... You pressed the wrong button or something, Faith.." Hawksley shook his head, a hand at his chin scratching his six 5 o'clock shadow. "You severed maintenance lines, cracked the neodymium cowling wall, and obliterated the LCARS interface... Impressive!"

"Still, I want that suit in a secure locker in Engineering and for future reference Lieutenant Benson, if you wish to do something as bone-headed as this again, clear it with Captain Somers when she comes back to duty, but for now the physical suit is to be locked away as it is currently too unsafe for use. You can however use all collected data and such and re-create the suit on the holodeck, you may be long-lived Lieutenant, but not even an El-Aurian is immortal" the Colonel said oO It is a cool suit though, but unauthorised Oo she thought to herself.

Leland looked at his silver wristwatch. "Since we are on the Starbase. I doubt I am in charge of cleaning this all up." Hawksley paused shaking his head at the damage to the lab. "Word to the wise, Benson."

"You might want to bring the Engineering Crew that fixes this mess a box of doughnuts and coffees." Leland grimaced.

"Well I guess if I can't do something half-assed then there's no point in there, Hawksley," Faith gave a half grin then looked to Somers, "What do you mean locked away? And only on the holodeck? It's a practical tactical solution. Though..maybe I should have asked Tosrol first, huh."

"He would have still needed to come to me with it and from what I have seen, the suit is dangerous and I will not allow it on my ship, be it the TOmcat or the temporary replacement ship Themistocles, I cannot have my DCoS getting herself killed now, I thought locked away spoke for itself, you can recreate the suit on the holodeck and have as much fun with it on the holodeck, but I will not authorise it for practical use, not after this and even if you first approached me before taking this action I would have said no. So locked up in Starbase Security the suit will be indefinitely but by all means, recreate it on the holodeck but it will only be there it will be able to be used, understood Lieutenant Benson?" Somers asked seriously.

"Not particularly, Captain, if I'm being honest. However, It's not like there's anything I can do about it. Much less change your mind." Faith gave a defeated sigh.

"There is always the holodeck, even if your design was genius it is too dangerous," Somers said as the Medics took Benson away, the Security officers that had been automatically called there she looked at them "Get the suit to lock up now," she said and the Security Officers nodded.




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