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Building A Family

Posted on 04 Jan 2024 @ 7:01pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley

1,005 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB 51 Quarters
Timeline: Current


The morning had arrived after what seemed no time at all, with breakfast out on the table Lilli sat enjoying her bacon, sausage, and toast. "So what would you like to do first today Imzadi?"

Hawksley chowed down on his breakfast. Classic eggs and toast with a side of bacon. Orange juice and coffee were on the table.

Leland swallowed and thought. "Should we first have a check-up of our baby?" Leland winked. "He must be getting big in there for you. How has your morning sickness been lately?" Leland had been unable to catch up with his Imzadi since the last mission prevented much contact.

"I would like to craft a crib from synthetic wood. My Father made one for me when I was a baby, and his Father did that for him. It is a Hawksley tradition. Unfortunately, I can't access real lumber on the station as I would back at home, but it should do." Leland stated. "What do you think of that? I know there are all new fancy cribs and stuff, but a simple one with comfortable baby blankets, maybe one of those hanging things over the top that circles?" Leland finished and took a big chug from his silver coffee mug while watching Lilli.

Lilli nodded and smiled. "That sounds wonderful Imzadi, a hand carved crib would be a true family heirloom. As for a check-up we can do that, at sixteen weeks I'm just entering my fourth month so my morning sickness should start wearing off from here on in I'm very glad to say. T his morning was the first morning I haven't felt queasy so it's looking good." she tucked into some more of her breakfast.

Leland smiled. I was happy to hear that his Imizadi was starting to overcome her burden of morning sickness. Hawksley could not imagine how it would feel to be queasy every morning.

"I am glad. You have been such a strong trooper for our Family. I have such a good Wife. You even continued on your missions while being burdened." Hawksley watched Lilli eat. At least she could eat and not feel queasy.

"What Doctors will we see for the baby? Are they on the Starbase? And I still don't understand why we cannot have our child on a mission, my love?" Hawksley raised a brow, confused.

Lilli offered an understanding gaze. “As much as I hate it Imzadi, it’s the rule that children over the age of six months are not allowed aboard the Tomcat. We don’t have facilities for families onboard, and the fact that this a ship sent on dangerous missions. As for the Doctors we can see the station doctors, or those here aboard ship, it won’t make much difference either way.”

Leland couldn’t argue with Lilli’s explanation. She was right. The Tomcat was a starship on dangerous missions. Past the six months, Leland would want to have the child onboard. He felt that the Tomcat was just as safe to be, given the experience and the prowess of the officers onboard. Not to mention that the Tomcat was fully being upgraded with weaponry that would be above the bar for any potential foes.

This was the risk of having a Family in space. It was unavoidable. However, the risk was just as present as being an Officer onboard the Tomcat. Be it a child or adult.

Leland breathed outward a silent exhale. He nodded, seemingly losing appetite at what was left on his morning plate. He slowly nodded and swallowed. “I agree. But what will we do? I am a Chief Engineer. I will have to be away from our child for six months. I don’t expect you to hold the burden of having our child alone for Six months. Will you be on the ship, Imzadi? Or will we have a trusted surrogate or family member take care of him/her for the six months?” These were tough questions. However, they needed to be asked and now was as appropriate as ever.

“I’ll be looking after our baby for as long as I can” Lilli offered a reassuring smile. “I want to make the most of those six months, the tough part will be what happens after that.”

“Well. I would trust our own Medical Staff on the Tomcat. They will need to get to know our newborn. However, I am not certain Dr. Cahill will be on the station if she is on shore leave?”

“Perhaps we should wait until after shore leave for the check up, let our medical staff have a well earned break. It’ll give us more time to do what we have to do as well.” Lilli finished off her breakfast and cleared away her plate. “I’m ready to go shopping whenever you are.”`

Leland had paused in his thinking. "Wait a moment." He slapped his large hand at his forehead. "I'm so stupid." Leland smiled, broadly. He felt a genuine relief that he remembered. Since he was told of the Tomcat refit plans everything happened so quickly. "I will be around for six months. The Tomcat will take at most a year in Space Dock during her retrofit. I will be here with you and our child for all of it." He looked Lilli in her eyes and then took her hand in to his, gently rubbing it as he did.

"Let's get our baby the very best of everything." He nodded, the need to shop. Hawksley disliked shopping. Unless it was in the parts storage room on the Tomcat. That was his extent of shopping.

"Whenever you are ready, my Love." Hawksley had taken the plates from Lilli and placed them back in the replicator.






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