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Meeting one on one

Posted on 25 Jun 2024 @ 6:42pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Sergeant Connor Sharpe

635 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Falk's Office


Now that things had calmed down a little, Connor figured he might as well get the procedural stuff done and out of the way. First stop was properly reporting into his new Commanding Officer, one Captain Mazal Falk. From what he’d read on her. She was an Earth Born home grown Marine who’d seen her share of service. Something Connor respected in his superiors.

Walking through Marine Country, Connor eventually arrived outside his CO’s office, gave his uniform a quick pat down before knocking on the door.

Mazal set down the PADD she had been going over, leaning back in her high back chair. Being in charge of the Marines was just something she hadn't anticipated of coming so quickly. "Enter!" she called out. When she saw who stepped in, Mazal gave a bit of a smile. She had read about him, he had been part of the planning for the assault. She commented.

"I finally get to meet you in an official capacity? As in face to face." Mazal motioned to a chair, she coming out from behind the desk. "Have a seat please." Falk taking a seat near by. "It is good to finally have a conversation. You certainly got tossed into things didn't you?"

Connor nodded, “it wasn’t the first time Captain and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Dealing with those synths on Mars comes to mind” he said as he shifted around in his seat a little. Even the mention of those times were enough to cause a shiver to run down his spine. “Well it’s over now, on to the next assignment”

"And now you are having to put up with me." Mazal said with a chuckle. "What do you plan on doing with your shoreleave?" she was wondering, as there will be some downtime before the next mission.

“Captain, I just came off of an extended leave of absence, I don’t need any shore leave so soon. I will be getting myself squared away before introducing myself to the other non-coms” Connor answered, before thinking that he better call up his daughter and let her know he’s ok. “What about you Captain?”

"A little bit of shoreleave then, getting myself used to being the second officer as well, besides being the now Marine commander. A lot has changed in a small amount of time. Boggles the mind." Mazal replied.

Connor nodded, “that can happen, imagine being a corporal and being the senior most marine left in charge”

"I've been there, imagine being a newly minted XO of the Marines then dropped right into needing to be the CO. Okay we both definitely have some war stories to tell." a twinkle in her dark brown eyes. "Welcome to the trenches."

Giving her a grin, Sharpe nodded, “there’s nothing quite like it is there”

"I agree most wholehearedly. Anyway, are you being able to start getting intergrated with the marines here or even met any of the other crew members?"

Sharpe nodded, "I met some of the crew on the away team, But I'm going to get integrated with the other grunts as we go"

"They are a good bunch of people, most definitely." Mazal responded. "Other than that do you have any concerns you would like to address? Or do you want to just get to work." giving a smile.

"put me to work Captain" Connor replied with a wide smile


ms0DN2c.png MCapt Falk - MCO/2XO CM

nSkIuyZ.png Sergeant Connor Sharpe - 95th RIFLE REGIMENT


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