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[Back post] Last minutes of freedom

Posted on 30 Aug 2024 @ 6:28pm by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Paula Winchester & Lieutenant JG shakram Coro & Ensign Lauren Jordan

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Winchester's and Serinas Quarters
Timeline: Right after Col. Somers Announcement 2 Days later


=Paul's quarters- SB51=

Paul stood in front of the Mirror adjusting his white jacket that bestowed the color of his department and the shiny new pip that designated his rank that of Lieutenant, in a few minutes he was soon to be married to Serina Donovan who was expecting their first child. He knew Lauren had done a fine job organizing the after-party and that Serina had made her a bridesmaid. But the position of head bridesmaid had to go to his Sister Paula.

Davina had been given the role of maid of honor and Shakram had organized the Klingons into a guard of honor for him and Serina without her knowing, his door chime went off, and he said "Enter"

Paula entered the room with her brown hair down around her shoulders dressed in her white dress uniform looking at her brother, "Are you ready for this Paul?" giving him a wide smile as Paul turned to face her straightening his jacket.

"Yep I am" replied Paul as he offered his sister his arm and continued "Let's go and not keep Serina waiting," as they exited his room.

= Serina 's Quarters =

Not sure which gown to wear, she opted for one and put it on again after trying on both Klingon and the traditional ones. Looking in the mirror, she tugged on it and it surprisingly it felt comfortable. "Oh my God, where's the bloody makeup bag?", she fussed. Of course, no one else was in the room with her, but she had a habit of talking to herself and sometimes would answer herself too! Looking for the bag she found it. As nervous as she was, "Ah, there you are", she said grabbing it and starting to put on the makeup. Once that was done, she started her hair and when her door chime rang, "Shit! Jeez, there goes the hairdo f***", she blurted out. The door chime scared the shit out of her making her hair fall. Ignoring the first chime, she returned to her hair calmly and began again.

Lauren entered the room in a blue/green gown that she had been saving for such an occasion as this she looked at her boss who looked like she was nervous as hell, " Hey Boss, you ok?" giving her a smile she continued, "And do you need any help?" as she walked over to her.

"Hi, Lauren. You do realize that you made my hair fall when you hit the door chime? Yes, I need help damn it. This hair refuses to stay where I put it. Can you help before I shave it off!!!", she said all frazzled. Nervous? Yes... Scared? Maybe just a little... "I chose this Klingon gown. Does it look right?", she asked. She hoped like hell it did.

"Oh Sorry Serina, Let me help you redo it," she replied as she walked over to her boss, she continued, "I like the dress, Did Paul's honor brother send it?" as she started to lift her hair.

"No, actually Paul gave it to me a few years back and I thought it would be a nice change. Being how the girl's Godparents are Klingon and well, to honor both cultures, I thought it would be fitting", Serina said as Lauren was helping lift her hair in place. After a few more minutes, her hair was done and she looked in the mirror. "Now, does that excite the fashion senses or does it?", she said laughing, looking at Lauren.

" It sure does" replied Lauren as she stepped back from her boss, just then the door chime went off as Lauren said to Sirena, " I wonder who that could be?" giving Serena a look.

"Honestly I haven't the faintest idea. 'Enter' and be quick", she said, finishing up her dress and hair. "Lauren, should I wear these earrings or those?", she asked Lauren. Serina waited for the door to open.

The doors slid open to reveal a tall Klingon woman who strode into the room and smiled at Lauren and then at Serina, She said "Hello Serina, Wellcome to House Stewart," replied T'legh moving towards her, She finished "I am T'leigh Stewart, wife of Eric Stewart who is honor Brother to your Paul"

Serina's jaw dropped! Mind racing, "I am honored T'legh to receive you and the House of Stewart", she said. She stood paralyzed looking at the Klingon woman, nearly fainting at her beauty.

"Today I come bearing a gift," replied T'leigh handing the box over to Serina as she gave a smile, "Consider this my wedding gift," as she looked over at Lauren and said, " I take it this is your lady in waiting?" posing the question to Serina.

"Lady in waiting? bridesmaid...yes Lauren is", Serina said slightly embarrassed.

" I take it you are the matriarch of this house?" replied T'leigh looking back at her "As Paul is credited as head of house," T'leigh looked back at Serina as Lauren gave a small smile to the Klingon woman.

Stumbling for the right words, "Yes, T'legh, I am head of this house. House of Donovan, I guess you could say", Serina chuckled slightly.

"In Klingon Circles that the Male Is head of the house" replied T'leigh looking back at Serina "As i am pleased to announce House Winchester" as she knew Paul knew of this and had not used it at all.

"Forgive me T'leigh I am not up on my Klingon culture as I would like", Serina said embarrassed.

" do not fret child, your husband did not tell you about the time he and Eric took part in a near-suicide mission," replied T'legh looking back at her "which resulted in my house being recognized and named House Stewart," she finished "and as your house".

"I am honored to be accepted as part of the House of Stewart," Serina said softly. Her mind looked frantically for a reason to get out of the quarters.

"Both House Stewart and House Winchester have equal footing " replied T'Leigh looking back at Serena, She finished " I better go otherwise Eric Might find Paul and get him drunk like last time they met," as she turned and exited the room.


T'Legh Stewart
House Stewart


Serina Donovan
House Winchester


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