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Fun Plans [Back Post]

Posted on 24 May 2024 @ 5:37pm by Ensign Autumn Cole & Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle

1,408 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51
Timeline: During Shoreleave


Autumn had to make her escape from the crowd that was there in the lounge. There was a lot going and she was having some difficulty to process it all. She was one who read body language and there was a lot of unspoken conversations happening. She had noticed that Alexi had been injured. Autumn hadn't found out what went on mission wise. She sent a message to Alexi.

Want to make an escape and we can go do something or even just talk and eat chocolate cake? -Autumn

Alexi felt a small buzz and took a glance at the small 'wristwatch' on her arm and smiled at the incoming message. Now that she had moved to a less crowded area she was able to respond.

Sounds like a good plan. Where did you want to meet up? She sent in reply as she simultaneously headed for the exit.

I am just a few doors down from the lounge near an ice cream shop, meet me here. I'll be waiting. Autumn was very happy that Alexi was agreeable to join her. Autumn watched in the direction of the lounge for Alexi.

Alexi smiled to herself as she exited the lounge and turned towards the ice cream shop. Lifting her eyes she immediately saw Autumn looking her way, She lifted a hand to indicate she'd seen her new friend and made her way quickly. "Thanks for the escape plan. It was getting a bit... crowded," Alexi said humorously, "and I really did not want to sit and listen to wedding planning."

"You are welcome, I just had to leave myself. Okay so chocolate cake and ice cream?" looking towards

"Maybe just a little bit of ice cream for now," Alexi replied as she looked over at the list of flavors. While is sounded delicious, she just wasn't that hungry. "Make it chocolate ice cream though."

A fist bump from Autumn, a gleeful smile as she said, "Let's do this then." linking her arm with Alexi's. "Chocolate Ice Cream here we come!" raising her free arm in jubiliation. Then she giggled, as several individuals took a glance towards the two ladies. "Lets find a table." she paused then said. "Ooh there is a booth available. Which one would you prefer?"

Alexi returned the fist bump and allowed Autumn to guide the way. Alexi gave her head an amused shake, but also felt her face flush with embarrassment when people began to give them funny looks. "Right now I think I'd like to hide in a booth," She replied as she headed that way, "Are you always so... excited?" She knew she was a bit. well, shall we say not a party girl, but Autumn just seemed full of energy all the time.

"Well, not always, I can actually sit still while reading a book. Or when I watch a movie, or just get caught in the moment when watching nature and I am just very still and quiet. Yes, I can get very excited when I see the people I like."Autumn giving a wry chuckle as she slid into the booth. "Someone compared me to an excitable puppy when it comes to my exuberance at seeing those who I am fond of. At least I don't try to lick them to death." Autumn added with a deadpan expression. "Seriously though just being alive and well, gives me a bit of a positive charge."

Alexi chuckled, "Good thing you don't lick. I am sure people would stay as far way as they could get if you did." Alexi sat back and looked around before she spoke again, "speaking of people you like, didn't I see you blow a kiss to a certain officer? That's an interesting match." She placed her order on the small screen and waited for the waitress to bring her chocolate sunday. "Tell me, just how did you get involved with Dodd?"

Autumn looked shyly down at her hands which she had in her lap. Her cheeks were heating up as she thought of that first meeting. She glanced up towards Alexi, "Well, I met him at that very same lounge, there was a gathering there, and well... Jane, who was the CMO for a time had drew me over towards that group of friends and crewmembers. I had a few more drinks than I should have, on an empty stomach. He escorted me to my quarters as he didn't want me to get lost. I was a bit tipsy, made certain that I got something to eat, and made certain that I went to sleep. Then he left. He didn't take advantage of me, he was such a pure gentleman." Autumn wrapping her arms around herself having a huge smile.

"We're taking things slowly, and I am enjoying it very much. We are both of the mind to just enjoy the journey, as we get to know each other." Autumned covered her face as her cheeks turned a darker color of red. "He makes me feel rather bubbly inside. "

Alexi nodded as she scooped up a spoonful of her ice cream, "Nice. And I hope you two have a long and beautiful journey together." Alexi sighed and then slid the spoon in her mouth and let the ice cream melt on her tongue. Placing the spoon back down in the now empty bowl she glanced around. "I doubt I will have as much luck as you, though. It seems all the good ones have already found their perfect partners. Besides, I get the feeling that, when people find out my job is investigations, they tend to stay clear of me, even if they haven't done anything." She shrugged slightly as if it was really just not that big of a deal.

Autumns eyes softened as she heard Alexi's words. "One never knows when someone takes an interest in you or me. Mine just happened, I wasn't expecting it to develop as much as it has. I do hope it comes about being a good journey." taking a spoonful of her dessert. "I hope also that you find someone. Why wouldn't they find you attractive. You are not a plain looking person." Autumn commented.

"It's not the looks," Alexi replied as she pushed the bowl away, "It's my job. I mean who wants to get involved with someone that has the skills and tools to into their backgrounds? Not that I would do it, but."

"Well if someone gets nervous about your skill set and where you work, its their problem not yours. There are people who don't judge by where you work but are more interested in who you are. Those are the people who you want to be around. I'd say keep an eye out for someone you are interested in, and make the first move. Start things up." Autumn giving a bit of a smile.

Alexi blushed at the suggestion, "I don't think that would go over too well. People already are wary, and that seems awfully aggressive, don't you think?" There really wasn't anyone she was really interested in anyway. At least not romantically."

Autumn thought over what Alexi had said. "You never know, however..." noting Alexi's blush. "I'll quit pestering you about the romantic side of things. Unless you want me to do matchmaking?" giving a teasing wink. The one thing about Autumn though she won't push things upon anyone.

Alexi let out an embarrassed laugh, "ah, no thanks, I'll just have to wait to see if someone special turns up in my life in the future." She glanced at the time and sighed, "While I hate to put an end to this little girl talk, I think I'll head back to my quarters and get some rest." She stood up and grabbed her empty ice cream bowl, "Thanks for hanging out and helping me escape the crowd in there."

"I've enjoyed this as well, hopefully we can do this again, when time permits. Thank you again for this impromptu meet up. I truly enjoyed this." Autumn giving a nod. "And I've got to get going to do my work as well."





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