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Hot Dang!

Posted on 25 Jul 2024 @ 7:28pm by Lieutenant JG Margeurite "Maggie" LeFebvre & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt
Edited on on 26 Jul 2024 @ 9:46am

3,691 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Backpost


Maggie had a free day and was finally cleared medically to return to duty. She would start again the next day, and she was excited for that. Today, though? She thought she would get some exercise, fresh air, and do a little people-watching.

She dressed in a cute little pink sundress and strapped her feet into super-high heels. She put on some makeup and when she was satisfied that she looked ok, she headed out into the Promenade.

Hewitt had awoken that day to a game of racquetball in the gym with Ramirez from station engineering. The game was a fast-paced, testosterone-driven need for speed and ability to win. Todd grunted, losing the game to skilled Ramirez. He let him win, telling himself smugly.

Walking down the station's main concourse, Hewitt was relaxed. He wore his raglan grey, long-sleeved sweatshirt and pair of khaki brown shorts, complete with his chunky silver analogue wristwatch. When he spotted her, he stopped in his suede boot-cut shoes on the promenade.

She was walking the concourse atop the next level. It was her! LeFebvre. Always noticing her around the ship, he was sure she was seeing someone. How could she not?! ‘Damnnnnn!’ Todd said to himself. Her swagger, her lithe body as she seamlessly walked across the promenade, oblivious to the looks she was receiving from any male.

Hewitt remembered hammering Leland on the status of her relations. She was free, or so Leland knew. That was incredible.
Spotting the nearest staircase leading up to the next level, Hewitt dashed for them. Slipping off his pair of vintage, ancient headphones plugged into his waist side Walkman cassette player of mixed music.

Nearly stepping out in front of LeFebvre, Todd kept it light. Sending Maggie a genuine and respectful smile, hoping to catch her attention. “Lieutenant!” Hewitt spoke with excitement yet nervousness. His Dark eyes searched Maggie's blonde hair, the blue-eyed vision of female sensuality.

Maggie heard a voice. Lieutenant! She ignored it a moment; there were like a million Lieutenants here, surely, they meant someone else. But after a second, her curiosity got the better of her, and she turned her head, blonde hair bouncing as she did. She smiled. "Hello," she said, red lipsticked-mouth forming the words carefully, head tilted to her "good" side.

Hewitt felt a verbal bout of diarrhoea take hold. He swallowed; he found the look that LeFebvre shot him was enough to weaken his knees on the spot. God.

“I… Hey…” He spoke, not looking away. There was a long pause, starting to edge on the uncomfortable. Feeling that his moment was about to slip away, Todd spoke. “I’m Todd. I’m an Engineer on the Tomcat. You're Lefebvre!” He smiled. Almost like a child being strung with what to say, his brain in the shock of her beauty, the blonde hair flowed down from her shoulders just as she turned her way. “I….” He gasped. “How are you?” Further continuing the uncomfortableness.

She laughed. "Indeed, I am," she said. "Call me Maggie, or Mags. I am good. Glad to be back on my feet," she said. "Todd. I don't think we've formally met," she said. She would remember this cute face, for sure. "I was just on my way to get a drink. Would you like one?" She asked. There was a cafe close by that did, supposedly, the best Italian sodas on this side of the Quadrant. It was too early in the day to drink anything harder.

“Soda?” Hewitt questioned. His brain was on LeFebvre.
Switching gears in his brain. He acknowledged Maggie's proposition to have a Soda at the Stations bar. Even though it was a bar, at this time of day, it was only serving refreshments to the various Station inhabitants and travellers on stopovers between vessels.

“That sounds nice.” Todd again smiled. He was happy. He put himself out there. He finally had a chance to meet with Maggie, even if it was a Soda drink!

Hewitt turned to his side to avoid blocking the way to the Parlour serving Italian Sodas. In his head, he knew the way. Engineers never forget their footsteps; in most cases, even before they set foot on another vessel, they already knew its territory. Perhaps this was what threw Hewitt off.
“I was not stopping you from anything important?” Hewitt questioned the tall and blonde-haired Maggie.

The walk through the concourse was light and relaxed. Everyone seemed to be focused on their tasks, errands, and relaxation.

Maggie smiled. "No, I have a day off," she said. "I was finally cleared from Medical, so I start tomorrow," she said. "I have plenty of time,'" she said. "Well. Yeah, a soda, it's only 11 am," she laughed. "I am wild, but not that wild," she said.

“Really?” Hewitt beamed. This means Maggie was available. To hang out with him!... If she wanted to. “You were injured on the mission.” Hewitt knew as much, but he had heard she was doing well. Or he had thought. “How rough was it? I heard back from Zellers; she was spooked by it.” Todd stated that she was involved in the unit. He frowned. It was rough for them. He felt terrible for them all.

“I was here.” Taller than Maggie, Hewitt exercised his forearm outstretched, his large bear paw of a hand clanking his fingers at the metal cowling. “Stuck in Engines room making this bucket tug along!” Hewitt joked.

Taking seats at the small tables in the soda shop, Hewitt had chosen root beer, his favourite. “What did you choose again?” Hewitt cocked his head sideways, lending a furrowed brow in the interest of what that color of beverage could be?

Maggie smiled. "Eh, just a broken leg," she said. "You should've seen the other guy!" She joked. "OH! You're an engineer?" She asked. "Cool!! I find that interesting. I would've done that if I couldn't fly," she said. "As it is, I do repairs on my plane myself as often as they'll let me," she said. Finally, she lifted her glass of pink sparkling liquid.

"This? Italian lemonade," she said. She held it out to him. "Try it," she said. "Let's sit down," she said, leading the way to a bistro table.

Hewitt noticed the red lipstick on the Italian soda straw; complete in the summer sun, the cold drink began to sweat, and the outside was full of ice and drink. "Wow. Mnnnn That's nice!" Hewitt enjoyed it. It was refreshing. "Try mine. It is Root Beer."

Maggie made a small face but leaned forward and sipped it. "Not bad. A little sweet," she said. "Like the Federation," she said.

Todd nodded. He sat at the small, uber-small size of the bistro table. He instead felt funny as a large man seated at something so petit. Perhaps it had a bit of French street flair?

The candle on the table at this time of day… “What’s with the candle?” Hewitt had asked the server lady as she had come around to drop off his drink for Maggie and him.

“Those? On the tables.” The Betazoid Server stated. Todd nodded once more. “Isn't it a bit early for dining tables?”

“The Candles. They represent an Imizadi connection. Here. Candles are sparsely lit. Only special couplings meet. Only here on this station, this soda diner, at this time of the year.” She bristled and smiled brightly at the eccentric Betazoid youth. She watched at Maggie… You have both… Yes? You’ve sat down at a candled table. This means you are both lovers of one. A special tale! Has been made once more this seasonal Imzadi.” She blessed the couple and then brought fertility tea, which Todd and Maggie later learned wasn’t a complimentary tea serving.

Maggie stared open-mouthed at the teen. "The WHAT?" She shouted. She looked at Todd. "I swear I didn't know that," she said. She was dumbfounded. A bit later, tea appeared. She sniffed it carefully. "It doesn't smell bad,' she said, with a shrug, and picked it up and took a swig.

Todd had also taken a drink of his cup of ceremonial tea. He was not sure what to think of it or the old tale that had been told. It was oddly enough.
“Well, I will stick to my root beer for now.” Hewitt gestured his soda at Maggie.

Maggie laughed. "Probably a good idea," she said. She sipped the tea again but pushed it aside. "Anyway. What do you like to do for fun around here?" She asked.

“Oh, F it.” Hewitt then lifted the ceremonial teacup at the other end of the table for good measure. He sniffed it, his face showing that Todd was not impressed at all!

“Holy Hannah! That stuff is nassstyyyyy smelling….” He pinched both nostrils and chugged the tiny teacup as quickly as possible. He narrowed his eyes, the aftertaste taking its hold. His eyes looked at Maggie's. “Maggie.” Todd grimaced.


“DrinNK! Drink PleasE!!!!! Now!!” Todd had called, getting up from the table and down to the bar area. Then, he was served the largest drink of cold root beer, which Todd swallowed.

Satisfied, he sat back at the table with Maggie. “Well. That was a massive mistake. Let’s. How can you remember that fondly?” Hewitt shook his head, looking at the empty cups on the table, taking them and moving them aside to the following table. The smell made him queasy to be around them.

“Ceremonial. Yeah, what that came from was dying!"

"Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt, Engineering Officer. Grunt work. I like it. It helps pay the bills, plus it's interesting." He gestured to the structures around them. "New stuff to work on each day. I'm on the Tomcat Roster Team, Even on the Fighter Engineer back up support lead Hewitt puffed his chest a bit, grunting.

"Now. We know you fly the ship, Maggie." Todd stated. "What have been some close calls you have made with the Tomcat? I have known them since I was in Engineering. Well, let's say. I know the closer calls of the close calls, and I am fixing things. What are some situations of your Tomcat flying career thus far?

Maggie laughed. "It does smell bad, but I've had worse. Space stew is disgusting," she said. "Well. I haven't been on the Tomcat SUPER long, but at my last posting, we had a MACO wing come through for six weeks for training. I had to shuttle them out to various places, and one guy puked on the floor of the shuttle. He never lived it down," she said.

"Yeah. I dunno. I always seemed to be able to keep down my stomach contents." Hewitt shook his head, taking a drink of his root beer and setting it down. "What do you think about the starbase?" There were bizarre sights, not so weird, and just plain old standard.

Maggie laughed. "Same," she said. "It'd be an occupational hazard otherwise," she said. "I love starbases. There's so much to do, so many people to meet, so many parties," she said. She was very much a social butterfly so it was always a fun time for the pilot. "Just last night, I was at the lounge with a group of the Base staff. Drank a bit more than I should've but it was a good time," she said. And boy, was that Vulcan engineer cute or what?!

Hewitt grinned. “Astounding.” He was akin to the same social flyer dance-music advertisements in the various cultural subcommunities and station information corridors. “I trust you had your fill of alcoholic desensitization?” Hewitt laughed.

Maggie laughed. "Indeed," she said. "What kind of party would it be without libations?" she asked. "What about you? What do you do for fun?" she asked.

Hewitt chuckled. “Gee. You are a funny kind of Gal. I like that.” He checked along Maggie’s craft. "I don't like big, loud parties. Well, I like raves and dance music trances... I like orbital skydiving, mountain biking, hockey, bowling, and movies, especially science fiction action movies!" Todd nodded.

Hewitt whistled out. After reviewing one spec of Maggie's craft. “Magnetic Harmonizing Cyclonic Liquified injectors."

Deuterium intakes… Who signed off on those!” Hewitt’s eyes lit up as he viewed the installed beauties.

Maggie smiled. "A friend," she said. Truthfully, she had no idea. She just flew the machine, she didn't fix them. "Yeah, it's pretty nice," she said.

"Movies, huh?" She asked. "Anything in particular?" She asked.

Hewitt thought about it. “Buck Rogers, Stargate SG-1, Planet of the Apes, The Forbidden Planet…” He shrugged. “Just a few to name. I am open to a lot of genres. Anything interesting!” Hewitt wasn’t a picky guy. He got the job done as an Engineer, kept his head down to the grind, and didn’t stir any feathers. If he went at this pace, he’d be in a Starfleet Engineering Corps Designing Chair in maybe 20 years.

“So, you tell me, Sunshine Girl.” Hewitt grinned, giving a playful wink to Maggs.

“What do you do for fun other than get sloshed at parties? I mean, don’t me wrong.” Hewitt drank his… whatever it was. “Partying in Dubai, on a sun terrace 145 floors up in the sky… Roman holographic acrobatics and servers, plasma fireworks, tigers, edible diamonds…” Hewitt yawned. “It’s mostly been done before.”

"Fly," she said. "See holodeck movies. Run. Shop. All kinds of things," she said. "The moon here has a very bustling market on it in its capital city," she said. "I have already spent more Latinum than I should," she said. "I am trying to decide if I should smuggle a kitten aboard, too, but honestly, the boss would KILL me," she said. "How about you? What do YOU do for fun?" She asked. "Let's go," she said, standing up, having finished her drink. "We can walk around the Promenade."

Hewitt finished his drink. Twisting off the bar stool, he left his tip for his drink. Hewitt never purchased anything; he made things. Thus, the only Latium he used was disposable income gambling in card games with the Engineering crew off-duty. “I’m a craftsman. I work with metal, engines, and combustion types of the early Earth and early 21st century. I recently overhauled a 2023 Chevrolet Corvette. Road vehicle.”

He narrowed his eyes and thought about his hobbies. “I like playing hockey and working out.” He turned to gesture to Maggs that he was finger-thumping off his list. “That’s something we’ve got in common.” He turned back to the hallway concourse.

“I like downhill skiing, astrometry, politics, early earth history, reading engineering journals, cooking, and baking.” He nodded. That was about most of his hobbies. “OH, and the kitten!" He beamed. He always wanted a kitten."You have to take her; she needs your help. Now I want a kitten!! I will tell them about you unless you can get me a kitten as well!” Hewitt humored.

"Really, a 21st-century car?! Where did you even FIND that?" She shook her head. "Can I see it?" She asked. "I just might." Suddenly, she stood up. "Let's go!" She said. She led him out of the cafe, after tossing the waiter a strip of Latinum. She made a beeline for the pet store. "You should get one, too!!"

Hewitt jogged across the star base shops and arcade concourse, to the pet store that Maggie already had entered. Seeing a bunch of animals, exotic and otherwise. Todd had heard it. The unmistakable sound of young kittens mewing.

“OH MY GOD. Their So TINY.” He eyed them in the enclosure. There were multiple types and colors. “I do not know how to choose!! There are too many OF THEM!” Hewitt poked at Maggie beside him. “Which one are you getting? We cannot, though… But we will just do it and deal with the consequences later. How could you consequence these little FACESssssss.” The hulky Engineer gushed.

"By the way.." He scratched his hairy forearm, itchy. "The vet is a holographic recreation. However, a few changes."

"I want the calico!"

Maggie laughed. She had picked up a little black kitten with green eyes and was cradling it in her arms. "I want this one," she said. "I'll deal with the COs," she said, confidently. She didn't care; what would they do? Knock her down to JG? Ok. She didn't mind. "He's cute, do it," she said. "They can be friends!!" She started cooing at the two kittens. "You'll need some supplies if you're serious," she said, starting to move around the shop. "Is it a boy or girl?" she asked.

Hewitt held up the calico kitten so he was eye to eye with the Furr ball. He then nuzzled gently into the tiny kitten’s face. Due to genetics, Calico was a multitude of colors and usually identified as a female. However, Hewitt was none the wiser as he tried to lift the bottom curled little tail. His grey eyes searched the kitten. “I think it’s he!” Todd held the kitten in the palm of his hand.

“Ok. What do we need to get them? Where do they sell kitten food? Or do we replicate some?”

Maggie laughed. "He sells some here, but you can also replicate it," she said. She led him through the store, as they selected the various items they'd need. "What will you name him?" She asked. "I think I am going to call mine...Noodle."

“Hahaha… Noodle.” Hewitt thought of the name. And he looked at the adorable black kitten with green eyes. “Your cat is awesome! You picked a good one. It was so tough!” He grimaced at the thought of leaving all those fuzzy faces staring at them both, pleading.

“I wish I could have taken more. Wait.” Biting his lower lip, he shook his head at Maggie, Todd's grey/brown eyes locking to Maggie's. He would not be a cat person who was that insane. “We only take ONE kitten.” At least he felt like they were enforcing some rule.

"What? Why only one?" She asked.

"I mean, we only take one kitten each." He added that he was correcting his prior statement to match what he wanted to say.

"One for each. The rule has to be enacted. So that's two kittens boarding."

Maggie nodded. "Gotcha!! Indeed. This will be fun. Maybe they can be friends." And maybe the owners could be more than friends....

Todd held the kitten in his large hand, grinning. The small fluffs, furr face had blue beady eyes; the calico turned to watch back at him. The kitten is to be named 'Mittens.'

"AWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... You Think So?!" Hewitt had gushed, his oversized body and height allowing his head to hit an overhead bulkhead. "AWwwhHHhhh.." He grunted, thwacking his back head to the starbase steel.

"I would really..." A tear formed down from one eye, one part excitement of things to come with Maggie, if this were to turn out. Second, the bulk head, it bunted his fat head so hard, it burned like a.... "Our kittens should have play dates. I will bring the yarn!!" He grinned, halfway through the pain.

Maggie laughed. "Ok. Are you alright?" She asked. Men. Ridiculous. "Turn around, let me see your head."

"Honely... II waM Find." He felt his vision slowly blur before he remembered his last desperate act to stay awake, giving the his Mittins over to Maggie.


Ah, shit. She looked around. "Hey!!" She called out to the man behind the counter. "Got a first-aid kit?" She set the kittens down carefully. "We want those kittens, but...shit. He hit his head!!" She sighed. As the kid from he counter brought her a small medical kit, she got to work. A hypospray in the arm and an ice pack on his head. Hopefully, he wouldn't need to go to medical.

A world of a kaleidoscope flashed through Hewitt’s eyes. He frowned at the imagery. He felt awake, yet his vision was blurred. Focusing on the voice, he slowly narrowed the spinning to centre on LeFebvre.

“AWwwwwwwwwwww….” Leland let out a hiss of pain.
Focusing more on Maggie's face, hair, and blonde curls that flowed down to her neckline. Slurring his words, a bit of drool dripped from his left mouth. “Pooor MitttterssS… She’s allergiccc to milkkk.”

Maggie smiled lightly. "Let's get you to medical," she said, taking his arm firmly in hers.

“Someone in my head told me?” Hewitt's speaking finally entered the realm of cognizance. He blinked his eyes before setting his bear paw to the star base floor, helping himself up next to the kittens and Maggie.

"I know," she said. "I asked the worker to reserve these guys," she explained, "So you can go to medical and have your head looked at," she said. "You took a good slip," she remarked. "We can come back later on."

Todd grinned. "I would... Love... A date! Of course..." He spoke as he righted himself up. Looking at Maggie and gesturing to his forearm, he said," Thank you. I've hit a few bulkheads in my day; when you're an engineer, you must know that too." Since Maggie worked a lot on fighters and tight enclosed spaces.

They walked together.

She nodded. "I do," she said. "Same with flying. But still...and who said it was a date?" She asked. "But ok. Me too. Pick me up at fifteen hundred. Don't be late," she said.

Hewitt smiled like a drunken soldier. He kept on beaming at Maggie. He knew. He knew it well. She was so kind. So angelic… “I will. I won’t be late… Late for a very important date!” Todd began to riff off a bit of Alice in Wonderland.






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