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Meeting a new doctor

Posted on 24 May 2024 @ 6:31pm by Captain Mazal Falk & 1st Lieutenant Gavin Ross Dr.

1,987 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sickbay


She didn't know how it happened but Mazal injured herself. Perhaps it was due to her somewhat being distracted by the fact of her being asked and she agreed to become the second officer. In not having her whole concentration with her working on the heavy bag, her last punch she felt three fingers pop and then pain. It was her right hand, granted she was ambidexterous but still this was going to cause some issues.

Gritting her teeth against the pain, Mazal headed for the station's medical. She was a little bit angry at herself for not paying attention. Even so, she wasn't going to take any chances of it not being seen to. Steppinjg inside she looked around to find someone to help her out.

Ross was at the back of the station's medical office. He was working on patient treatments for rNA nucleotide therapies for Station Patients.

Gavin felt alone in more ways than one. He was alone on the graveyard shift at Starbase 51 Station. The medical bay was built with tall, overarching ceilings that met white-walled, silhouetted pylons holding up the station's structure.

When meeting Falk at the main entrance, Ross noticed her from the Tomcat. A Mazal Jafit Falk had then stepped aside—Dr’s. Cassells and Hanlon were already processing patient examinations and minor surgical treatments. Until this point, Gavin had been spending his time off working in the medical lab on the base. The one he had just left, the USS Terry Fox, to the USS Tomcat. He then learned from his Commanding officer, Captain Somers, that a temporary mission aboard the Sovereign Class vessel, as opposed to the Akira Class Medical Facilities, would be first. Either way, he would be working with advanced medical equipment, a generous medical laboratory complex, and mission-specific modules for medical sciences; all had sold Gavin on the Tomcat. The Tomcat chose him, and he was incredibly proud of it.

“Hey. You. Captain Falk. Please come in…” Ross gestured at Falk, glancing at her with a cool and calmly collected, sure of himself, by the book, by the computer, and by the medical science Doctor. Ross aimed, waving Falk in. He could tell Falk was in extreme pain and that her fingers were in a badly stressed position. Gavin addressed pain management first; he could tell that as much! Ross sat Falk down at one of the tidy and ready-to-be-used bio beds.

He Checked Each finger and scanned it with his trusted Medical Tricorder, a 3-dimensional video scan and cat scan of Falk’s fingers, finger bone structure, and blood vessels. Ross checked through the data and then made sub-routine care commands.

“Ok.” Ross smiled, breaking a big white-toothed grin. “I am Ensign Ross. Nice to meet you, Captain Mazal Falk.”
Ross had started by checking Falk's respiration, blood ekgs, cbcs, and all types of pressure and arterial scans from the Main Starfleet Medical Computer Program. Reports were completed and reported to Dr. Ross promptly. “Looks like you're getting 44.457 mcg of Vanxylenth hypo. A 17th-generation pain medication that is directed at the pain receptors. Not habit forming.” “It is a pain receptor agonist. It will allow your body to relax, and I, Dr. Gavin Ross, will do it.” He held his hands to his chest. “I will re-set your fingers. -” Ross then cracked his knuckles as he slipped on medical gloves and snapped them tightly.

“I have a Hypo Spray of 44.45 mcg of Vanxylenth for you, Mazal.” He prepared the hypo spray with the vial of serum medication. I will administer it to help the pain receptors in your hand’s joints.” He then distributed the medication.

“How are you feeling now, Mazal?” Gavin curiously looked at Mazal, checking her cognitive, sensory, and auditory abilities.

“I will go ahead and re-administer their correct articulation. When resetting the original joint, these shall be a few short manipulative moments at work. I will let you know, and it will be ok. You are going to be ok, alright.” Dr. Ross then checked over the other screen views…

He was calling over Nurse. Denton Lee, Dr. Ross had 14 medical instruments, wrist bandages, and bio neuron regeneration cast materials brought over by his assistant.

Mazal listened in awe at the quick work he was doing on her hand.

“Could you tell me how this happened? Why do you think it is so swollen? You have been leaving it for a while, Captain Falk?” Gavin felt concerned.

"No, this just happened I wasn't going to let it just sit. Not when there is medical available. I got a little bit distracted and didn't hit my strike zone properly. So here we are. I had just been made the Second officer of the Tomcat and that really I guess weighed heavily on my mind." Mazal explained. "Hopefully I haven't broken anything, just got them jammed up badly." though she was thinking that she may have done a wee bit more damage than what she had done. "Serves me right for being so distracted."

“Job positional requirements dictate such of a Starfleet officer on a Mission. Be it on the ship or in a surface location. You have objectives of force. Congratulations, Captain Falk.” Gavin smiled and relaxed by Falk. Gavin then repaired and relocated Falk's fingers. “So. We will lay off our strike zone for a while now. I must insist on it, Captain Falk. I want your digits to have their best chance at resituating correctly.”

Ross stressed the last part as he suddenly dehydrated the cast to a poly substrate casting near her wrist and forearm. The aminotransferase compounds of the cast combined with daily tricorder therapy waves allowed her wrist to heal to 100% again.

Mazal looked down at her now encased wrist and hand. "Well then, yikes. Thank you for this. I had a feeling I did something more than just hurting my fingers. You are newly arrived? Who have you met so far?"

Newly arrived yes. I have only had my coworkers, Gavin gestured. The large staff around him. “I barely even get to know these officers, only by name, then some as we are soon off on another vessel with a different crew, at least for me to get used. He had given a slight smile, tired.

“Ok,” Ross remembered to ask, closing his eyes and opening them.

“Is there anything else that you need? Let me know how it is healing. You should have next to zero inflammation.” Ross then gave a quick shot of anti-inflammatory medication before he forgot about Falk's hairline wrist fracture. "You have a hairline wrist fracture. It is good that you decided on medical."

"I am leaving on the Sovereign Class vessel that is in birth. By Commander Dodd, Captain of the... H... I am bad at names. All I know. Sovereigns have nice sick bays." Ross winked.

"Well then, we will probably see each other as I will be on that ship." giving a return smile. "I don't know the name of the ship at the moment. It escapes me, probably due to my injury. However can have drinks, when I am allowed to do so. I can't drink synthehol. It gives me trouble."

Adding in pain medication, and a few binary targeted medical diodes went to work on the fracture in Mazal's wrist. "Just relax your wrist." Ross took the hand of Mazal resting it outward the bio bed on an extension attenuation.

"Just relax. Let the biodegradable nanites do their work. You'll be ship shape, in no shape! In any shape, a good shape." Ross gruffed and winked.

Falk chuckled, "I will do my utmost as to be patient, though can I say I am not too patient at times?" holding her hand still."So what do you like to do on your personal time anything you enjoy?"

Gavin smiled. Mazal was an interesting character. She had the body, wow. However, as a doctor, that was a line Ross would not cross; however, off duty was another situation.

‘Did she say drinks? Falk asked what do you like to do for fun?’

“Is that so?” Gavin crossed his forearms regarding Mazal. “Well. You're lucky. You're impatient, and I extend my hours to visit you for a drink. I like many things. Rainbows in fields. Baby golden retrievers.” He continued as he ran a bio mark scan over Falk’s hairline fracture. “That first cup of coffee in the early morning. The smell of peonies in June.” Ross then paused, cocked his head to the side at Mazal. “And I enjoy drinks to boot!”

“What does Captain Mazal Falk, 2IC of the USS Tomcat, do for fun!? Lordy knows. You need to destress in that position, Ma’am.” He remembered he was speaking to his superior.

Mazal gave out a laugh. "Relax Doctor Ross, or should I call you Gavin. I am off duty, you can call me Mazal. I normally like to work out, do some dancing, spend time with my boyfriend, make weapons that sort of thing to help me destress. Even go do some drinking at times."

Gavin listened and formed a smile. Mazal sounded like a down-to-earth, salt-of-the-earth officer. “Rather, that sounds all like fun and games and no work now, Mazal.” Gavin mocked and shook his head.

He sat down on his stool, pulled off his gloves, and then wheeled up to his padd to enter the information of his formal procedure and work and logged it in Mazal's medical records. Watching her, he typed in on the padd: “Mazal has a boyfriend. She sounds exactly happy… Fixed Mazal's fracture, too!” Ross winked.

“So, we are all good. Just be easy on the wrist the next while. I’ve given you a few booster immunes and updates to the latest federation metrics.” Hewitt paused. He breathed outward.


"What, is there something wrong?" Mazal taking a look at Ross. "That doesn't sound too good." her eyebrows raising.

“You’ve got a boyfriend.” He clasped his hands on his thighs, slowly beginning to swing around in his seat as he thought.

“Then we will all have to go for a light drink. I’d love to meet your boyfriend. I need to meet new people and get in with the crew.”

"I think that would be lovely, and as for my boyfriend. Now I get to talk to him about what I did." giving a sort of wry smile. "As it is, I need to be off and go meet with him." Falk smiling warmly towards the doctor.

"Of course!" Gavin was detached from anything, not even thinking about it. "You rest now, Captain, OK? Have your Boyfriend do the work." Ross winked and chuckled.

Mazal laughed, "I can't say I am going to a patient person and have him do work around the place. I've got another hand I can use. I promise not to overexert myself, though." She reached out with her good hand to shake his. "Thank you, Gavin." With that, Mazal made her way out of medical, pausing for a moment to look back at Gavin before she stepped out.

"Mazal, Captain. Please. Please do not overdo it. Go easy. You don't want to go and ruin the healing applications, remember. It will only make it take longer to heal. No lie." Ross knew it all too well.

Shaking the Captains, even gently, Ross resigned. He didn't need to give the fine Captain more stress. "You are strong. I can sense that. You have a high pain tolerance as well. Are you a mother?" Gavin asked before Mazal passed the threshold of the doorway.




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