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Lilliana and Leland's Medical Appointment

Posted on 31 May 2024 @ 2:28pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley

2,770 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51, Conference Room 11, Level 08
Timeline: Current


Hawksley walks into the Medical Center on the Station with Lilliana. Leland had the padd of information regarding their check-in for the check-up on their yet-to-be newborn, bundle of joy.

Hawksley had no experience regarding babies and doctors and what they should be looking for in a check-up. Leland rubbed Lillis back softly as he walked with, he up to the reception desk.
He looked at Lilli and then back at the receptionist. “Hello. We are the Hawksleys. We are for a 0220 Appointment to meet Doctor Findlay. Dr. Findlay was one of the highest-regarded pediatric doctors on this side of the sector.

Hawksley was keeping a sheet that Lilli didn’t know of up to this point. Leland had a file on Lilli of how and when she was feeling queasy. Hawksley felt it prudent to keep this compendium of Lilliana to help her and the Doctors in her checkup.

“Yes. Thank you for your prompt timing.” The Secretary then handed out a few padds each to Lilliana and Leland. This would form the basis of their medical history when Dr. Findlay reviewed the recent amount of testing, he had called for Lilliana.

Both Hawksley and Lilliana had gone to the Sick Bay on the Tomcat before they docked. This was to ensure that Dr. Findlay had as much information as she could.

After a few moments, Leland sitting in the waiting room with other couples there in similar appointments for their newborn. Leland glanced at the other dudes, wondering what departments they worked, in and what ships they belonged. Or they could simply belong on the station.

“These documents of our history get into serious questions…” Hawksley furrowed his eyebrow. “No, at no point in my life had I ever had a body piercing.” He chuckled looking at Lilli.

“Why on Earth they’d want to ask a question like that I really don’t know!” Lilli smiled. “I can understand questions regarding family background, and inherited conditions, but piercings don’t make any sense.”

"Oh... since we're in here waiting. I want to let you know that my Father, Daniel Hawksley will be here for a visit." He paused asking. "Will that be ok? You and my Father have rarely met?"

“Now you tell me!” Lilli gave Leland a worried look. “I would have liked a little more warning Imzadi. Not that I’m turning down the opportunity.”

Leland was understanding. Lilliana was someone who liked to plan for things and to pre-think things through. She was a betazoid, after all.

“I understand this can be a cause of stress.” Hawksley looked to the flooring; his feet were plunked down on it. “My Father only reads, eats, and takes calls from Mom. You won’t notice him, and it will be for one evening only.”

Leland felt better telling this to Lilliana. He was holding stress wondering as to her response. Hawksley didn’t want to upset his wife.

"Thank you. I love you Imzadi." Leland rubbed his hand in to hers.

“It’s not a problem” Lilli smiled warmly as she held onto Leland’s hand. “Your parents and I need to get to know each other better anyway. It’ll be nice getting to know your dad better.”

"Thank you." Hawksley smiled and leaned in to kiss Lilli on the lips.

"In all honesty, it will probably not be that long. Dad is here to visit some of his old Engineering buddies. They have a conference here now and then. So, he'll be around, but he usually keeps busy.

"Doesn't mean we both can't snuggle up to-" Hawksley was then met by Dr. Findlay. She held the couples padds in her forearms. "Please, come with me this way..." She gestured for them to follow her to her private office.

Leland was impressed with the sizeable layout of the stations offices. There was no bit of space left spared.

"Please. Have a seat. How are you doing. Rather, how are you doing Lilliana dear." Dr. Findlay placed on her glasses and then read in to her file of Lilliana and Leland, their hybrid birth and short stay on Starbase 51. She would be needed as primary pediatrician and family doctor to the Child and Lilliana.

Lilli offered a polite smile. “I’m doing much better especially now my morning sickness has gone.” She held onto Leland’s hand. “I am finding that I tire more easily, but I believe that’s normal for this point in a pregnancy.”

“Have you had any other doctors or naturopaths or taken any supplements? Anything other than your normal daily multivitamin?” Dr. Findlay had begun her scan of Lilliana in front of her, and then downward to her belly and smiled slightly, which had calmed down Leland. He gripped Lillis's hand in his.

“Nothing other than what I’ve been advised to take” Lilli offered a warm smile. “I’m a medic myself so I understand the dangers of taking the wrong thing.” She offered Leland a warm smile.

"Doctor how much longer before Lilli gives birth?" Hawksley was genuinely interested. Lilli had seemed to be pregnant forever. He could only imagine for Lilli's sake what it must be like to carry around a package of weight.

Lilli couldn’t help but grin. “There’s a whole six months to go yet Imzadi, I’m only four months!” She gave the Doctor a smile, she had no doubt they were used to eager parents. “Let’s not wish away the time too fast.”

Leland grunted and gave Lilli a face, sticking out his tongue at her jokingly for a second. "Ok. I just made our young champion a baby bed out of wood!" Hawksley shrugged.

“It’ll get used Imzadi” Lilli smiled as she reached out and took hold of Leland’s hand. “Baby’s need time to grow and develop you know.”

Leland listened to Lilliana. He breathed inward a bit loudly as he caught himself about to fall asleep. All the work on the station with the Commander was taking attention, and attention took energy.

“I want us to take a spa package after this?” Hawksley opened his eyes and flexed his biceps, they were sore, stiff, and not enough working out. “I’m getting stiff.”

“I don’t see a problem with that” Lilli smiled. “You’ve been working hard, you deserve it.”

Dr. Findlay smiled. “I would like you to begin more breathing classes, Lilli. They will help you breathe and prepare for the pregnancy.” She paused. “Are the two of you sexually active?”

Lilli gave Leland a smile then looked back at the Findlay. “We are, but we’re always careful not to get too carried away.”

“Good. That is fine. That is very healthy, very normal with couples such as yourselves. This is perfectly fine for the baby; just remember to take it easy,” Dr. Findlay said, looking at her medical padd.

“Everything looks great. All the Imaging has come back.” Dr. Findlay pulled up the 3D holographic sonogram photos of the baby in the womb. It was a sight to see, the first time that the Hawksleys had laid their eyes on their bundle of joy.

“OhhhhHHhhhhh… WhhhHHhhhhhOoooAhhh!” Leland locked eyes on their child. A tingling within him, almost primal imprinting on the baby.

“Ohhhh Wow!” Lilli was practically speechless, but her expression and watery eyes said it all. “Our baby...” she looked at Leland.

Dr. Findlay waited, watching the young couple’s expressions, emotions take it all in. The visual showed everything except the sex.

“I assumed you would want to wait to know the Sex. It still is a time-honored tradition of birth?” Dr. Findlay stated.

“Actually...” Lilli looked at Leland wondering if he’d want to know.

Leland leaned in to view the 3D image of the child. “That’s ours.” He turned to see soft tears in Lilli’s eyes of joy. Leland beamed. He glowed. He was so proud of what they had accomplished together. “That’s our child, Baby.” Leland wrapped his forearm gently around Lilli’s lower back, rubbing it up and down.

Lilli smiled the biggest smile yet. “Do you want to know what sex our baby is?”

Hawksley broke into an unbeatable grin. This was incredible! His dream of being a Dad was finally getting closer.

“I’d like to know if you’d like to know, I don’t want to spoil it for you.” Lilli gazed at Leland curiously.

"Sure, why not?!" Hawksley took Lilli's hand into his, encompassing her tiny structure. He nervously looked at Lilliana, his Wife, his Child's Mother. He was so proud. Their family was becoming whole.

Lilli’s eyes lit up with excitement, before she turned to look at the Doctor. “We’d like to know please!”

Leland swallowed, his adams apple swelling in a gulp. He was oh so nervous. Although he was certain as long as he had Lilli by his side, they would be the best parents they could be.

Leland watched the Doctor, what would she say?

Lilli was curious too. She’d had slight inklings but she wasn’t sure if what her senses were telling her was true.

“You are both parents to a baby boy.” The Doctor smiled, watching the faces of the couple sitting in her office.
Leland was stunned. He paused, his face shocked. He then digested the information in his suspense-filled brain. “A BOY!!”

Leland stood up from his seat, he was going to be. “I am going to be a hockey coach! I mean, Father!” He burst like he was winning the lottery, as he turned to Lilli. Lilli, the woman, his wife, partner, and lover. She was the one to be giving this boy child to the world. Their Family!

“Baby! Boy!” He held out his large strong hands to hug his petite seated Wife.

Lilli couldn’t help but grin at Leland’s enthusiasm. She didn’t mind what sex their baby was as long as the scans showed the baby was well. “It’s definitely exciting! I’m just happy that you’re happy!”

Leland breathed and then took his seat back down again. His brain flushed with thoughts of what that had meant. The talks that he would have with his boy. What both Lilli and he would offer their child would be the world.

“Thank you, Doctor.” Leland grabbed Lilli’s hand and held it close to his. He leaned across and laid a big kiss on Lilli.

Lilli returned Leland’s kiss, this was an amazing day and she had no doubt their lives would be even more amazing once their son was born.

Hawksley was in a glow, a trance-like state. A certain feeling had become more ingrained in his psyche that he was going to be a father to a son.

After they had closed the file with the Doctor, they then both got out of their seats and walked out of the office, back into the main concourse of the Starbase once more.

They passed an open cart of flowers, typical human and hybrid varieties from various cultivators. Leland picked out a bunch of fresh, earth-typical white roses—a whole dozen of them.

Wrapped to carry as they were, he presented them to Lilli. “For my lovely wife. My Imzadi.” He winked at Lilli.

“Ohhh Leland!” Lilli took the bouquet of white roses, inhaling their beautiful fragrance. “They’re beautiful, thank you!!” She leant closer kissing him on the cheek. “You are wonderful.”

Leland breathed outward blissfully. Content was the word. He had not an inkling of anxiety, not one string was panging him to remember to do something for the Tomcat Project. No instant memos he had to reply, at least yet.

He breathed outward through his nostrils and then inward deeply. The smell of the flowers truly did radiate. “Believe it or not,” Leland seemed more playful right now. “I have a favorite flower. I don’t know why. I guess it always arrives around June, reminding me of Graduation. The Peonie Flower. It has an intoxicating scent. I remember you wearing perfume mimicking that flower.

“Wasn’t that the first time we met each other?” Leland asked his Imzadi. “You were wearing something similar to that perfume which you drive me crazy, with lust.” Chuckling, he shook his head. “Where would you like to stop? I suppose we can have one of the Doctors' staff give us the replicator codes for the newborn's diet. That is a question. Are you going to breastfeed our newborn son?”

Lilli smiled at Leland’s willingness to get involved with everything to do with their son. “I certainly plan to try.” She smiled warmly.

“God. I am so jealous of him already.” Leland burst out a bit serious, a bit laughter busting outward till he broke and laughed, a few good hard ones, his eyes shut closed tightly, till he opened them, unable to look at Lilli now.

Lilli couldn’t help but grin, looking around hoping no one else heard Leland’s comment. “You always did like my err...assets!” She grinned a wry grin.

“What can I say…” Hawksley grunted. Seriously, with a big grin. “I’m a big fan of the assets my baby has got going on.”
Leland felt cheeky. “I enjoyed our ATV riding together on that terrible rut-riddled trail.”

Lilli couldn’t help but grin. “Well I’ll have even more assets going on up top for you pretty soon. Pregnancy has that effect especially when breast feeding.”

Hawksley cocked his head to the one side of his head, thinking. He had no idea that the female body could have their breasts swell when lactating. He digressed. He thought the idea was … AWESOME! He swallowed and ran his hand through his hair, pausing. “Ok. So, your breasts get bigger. That’s like such a gift.” Leland had blushed. He was not joking; this was such a gift. Lilli was perfect enough, but this is probably a temporary condition for birthing a child; feeding a child is all the functions of the human anatomy. Hawk understood.

Lilli couldn’t help but grin. “Let’s see if you say that when I’m the size of a space whale! Especially when I start complaining of backache, and swollen ankles!”

Leland swept Lilli up by her feet and carried her home to their family-sized quarters on the Base. It gave them extra room to breathe out and was rather relaxing and spacious. The engineer in Leland wondered about certain fabrications or materials that have been nano-carbon engineered.

Entering the threshold, Hawksley made his way, his large body and biceps carrying Lilli as if she were a metal alloy segment in engineering. Entering their bedroom, he laid Lilli on top of the bed. “When you have aches in your back, my dear,” Leland stated. I can efficiently work on them. I am… rather persistent.” Leland winked.

“And foot massages. Have you met Leland, Mrs. Hawksley?” He laughed, grinning. His eyes flashed, watching Lilli. She was his! Wow, he was lucky and wealthy because of it.

Lilli grinned. “In that case I would very much like a full body massage.” She gave Leland a wry smile as she sat in a saucy pose. “That and anything else you think I might enjoy.”

Leland grunted and cockily swallowed as his Adam's apple showed. He took off his tunic and undershirt, which are just in his slacks now. Leland’s biceps and chiseled six-pack showed off smooth and hairy growth to his chest. Wearing his silver necklace and a silver cross on it, he leaned downward slipping off Lilliana’s shoes to the floor.

Hawksley instantly put his large, calloused, mandible fingers at Lilliana’s short, petite, but long legs and feet. Leland took a warming rub to her foot, warming it with medium vigor, calling the room lights dimmed and Kenny G music playing. Leland took Lilliana's hand first to his and kissed the top of her hand. Hawk's eyes fixated on Lilliana above. While returning to her feet, watching her slender pose along the chaise as Hawksley began to deep tissue massage, eviscerating the stress out of Lilliana’s tired feet. This was the job of a husband, and Leland had no problem! “Je adore L’Imzadi.”





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