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[BACK POST] Holodeck Exercises

Posted on 02 Aug 2024 @ 1:23pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Karyn Somers
Edited on on 21 Aug 2024 @ 11:26pm

1,960 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51 Holodeck 3
Timeline: Prio to Current Mission


- Sharpe's Married quarters -

Paul and Alex were talking, she was in the bedroom dressing he was in the kitchen area, then the door buzzer sounded "ENTER" he said and in walked Karyn in a form-fitting black material that showed every curve of her body and combat mission boots, she had a carry bag with her, Paul gave her a welcome hug then looked at his Sister in Law as he checked her out.

"Okay Karyn why are you dressed like that, I bet every sentient eye was looking at you as you walked here?" He asked

After the hug she got and in response to Paul's question, she looked down as she smoothed areas of her one-piece outfit. She looked up "I do not know, Alex said to wear this bring some armour pieces with me and she will tell me!" Karyn responded just as puzzled.

Both looked up as Alex came out in a similar outfit, but her figure was curvier than Karyn's, but then again Alex had given birth to two children Karyn had not, he looked at his wife, while her base outfit was the same she had thin-looking armour patches strapped on at key points on her body and a form-fitting chest armour piece that has the same in the back.

"Oh, so that is what you are going to do on the holodeck!" Paul said.

Karyn looked at Paul then to her Sister who was getting some combat webbing, and a weapon holster and out of a locker came a familiar backpack, she groaned "You cannot be serious, dammit Sis, not that program!" Karyn said pained.

Paul looked at Karyn in sympathy "My condolences and wishes of good luck to you" he said with a wan smile.

Alex was now kitted out, but carrying the pack which she put down and looked at her Sister "Okay sis put your armour plates on" she said and Karyn sighed in resignation mumbling something derogatory under her breath.

Sharpe looked at the reader thus freezing everything around him as he looked directly at the reader "Sisters, these two *indicated with his thumb* may seem to be upset with each other or angry at each other, but it is their dynamic, makes me glad I am an only child" he said returning his attention to his wife and Sister in law as the scene unfroze.

"What was that Sis?" Alex asked mock-seriously.

Karyn looks up "You are a psychotic ass you know that Alex, you like too much action and violence" Karyn rejoindered back.

Alex indicated at Sharpe with her thumb "My excessive action is wearing him out" Alex said.

Sharpe looks surprised and then looks at the reader and gives the reader a Scooby Doo-inspired embarrassed "hehe" type laugh.

Oblivious to all this the Sisters continued to argue playfully, Paul sighed "Will you pair stop it and go to the holodeck already!" He said exasperated, both women looked at him surprised and nodded, so they picked up their stuff and left.

The moment they had left and the door had closed "I need a drink!" he said to himself and went to go and find a bottle of brandy, the way his wife and sister-in-law argued you think they were kids.

- Holodeck SB 51 -

As the Sisters arrive at the holodeck Karyn looks at Alex, you have never done this with me before, why now?" Karyn asked puzzled.

Looking at her Sister "You remember on your 16th birthday and that boy who assaulted you sexually! The one you thought I did not know about?" Alex said.

Karyn's face was showing utter shock that her sister knew about such an event "b-b-but how did you find out?" Karyn was gobsmacked as memories of that fateful time resurfaced.

Alex saw the shocked and surprised and pained look on her Sisters face "Let me just say the guy looked embarrassed about something, I cornered him and I must have scared the shit out of him somehow and he spilt the beans and told me everything that happened, the only thing that saved his life was he felt guilty, but boy did I beat the crap out of him, why do you think he and his family moved away, Ironically they moved to a Colony that was attacked during the Dominion War and lost their lives, we are here so you can get some form of revenge as at the time you were too traumatised and young, so this is the holo-program I usually use, I have adjusted the image files slightly so you my Little Sis can have closure" Alex said as she tapped in something on the holodeck wall panel.

"Program is ready, enter when ready," the computer said.

With that, both sisters entered the holodeck, for Alex the silent scenery was nothing Karyn seeing it for the first time whistled in amazement at the design.

"A desolate landscape" she commented and looked at the defensive area, she saw a proper defensive setting with the Rifle flag flying in a simulated breeze "I remember you mentioning this program some years ago, but I imagined from the way you described it" Karyn said.

Looking at her Sister "Choose your weapons, there is a selection of vintage weapons or energy ones" Alex said as she walked up to the long table and picked up two Desert Eagles, then a special pack, this was a replica of her own, it came with usable twin swords, she began to load in some extended Desert Eagle magazines and did so until the pack was full.

Karyn looked at the pack "Interesting setup there Sis, it deployed a mag rack so you can eject the old mag and quickly reload huh?" Karyn asked.

"Yup, it does that" Alex answered as she placed the pistols in her hip holsters and proceeded to pick up and load a P90 and load mags into the weapon and then onto her person.

Smiling Karyn picked up a Walther P99 Pistol loaded it and put it into her holster then packing her combat webbing with extra mags put it on and then put two short swords into the webbing sheaths on her back. Then she proceeded to pick up a FAL Rifle and load it, then she filled up the remaining pouches with Magazines holding 30 rounds per magazine, and she got a strange look from Alex.

Karyn looks at Alex innocently "Jealous?" She asked chidingly

With a smile "It is not the size of the tool it is how one uses that tool!" Alex said.

Both women laughed so hard...

Eventually, both stood in the defence fortifications "You know this part of the program is a new addition, its initial version was an all-out crap shoot. *pause* Okay make ready" Alex said and both women loaded and primed their weapons "Start" Alex said and the program activated it was so realistic that Karyn felt the ground shake beneath her feet.

oO how many is charging?! Oo she asked herself alarmed as a massive horde of a mix of all the species Starfleet had fought through the decades appeared first on the horizon then yelling charge words thundered forward.

"Oh Karyn forgot to mention I have lowered the safeties so that injuries will happen but the program cannot kill only seriously hurt" Alex said.

Shocked Karyn glances over "You are crazy Alex you know that!" She exclaimed any response was cut out as Alex began to shoot, this prompted Karyn to divert her attention to the battle.

"Like a Fox, sweetie, like a fox" Alex responded with a smile as she opened fire on the charging hostiles, both women were 98% one-shot kills, at alternate intervals each woman announced "RELOAD".

As time went on Karyn thought that the waves were getting more numerous and decidedly violent and worse off she had just used her last mag on her main weapon, she dropped it withdrew her secondary weapon and began to use that with pinpoint accuracy, a moment later Alex did the same and switched to her twin pistols, both women were still at the defending base and had to kick some hostiles back before shooting them.

During a few seconds of quiet Karyn looked over and saw Alex kick a hostile backfire her last round expended she ejected the empty mag into the face of the nearest hostile, she used her other weapons to shoot it while her dispenser backpack extended a resupply bar and in one swift motion Alex loaded it and release the slide thus cocking the weapon, she fired it as her other one did the same and once again in one fluid motion she repeated the process.

Then the few seconds were up and Karyn punched a Cardassian in the face as she reloaded her sidearm, from this point on things got complicated as the women's ammunition was depleted quickly, eventually there was a pause and both women dropped their main weapons on the floor and holstered their sidearms, Karyn looked around puzzled.

"Why did it stop?" She asked.

"Despite the advances the holodeck needs to re-buffer, it usually stops at this level," Alex said.

Curious "computer what level are we at?" Karyn asked

"Combatants are at level One-Hundred" the computer dutifully replied.

Karyn looked over at her Sister who gave a knowing self-satisfied smug smile that did not waver with Karyn's hostile look.

"You have done well little Sis, Winchester never made it this far when I brought him here," Alex said.

"You brought Winchester here, why Alex and what level did you get up to?" Karyn asked.

"Level 80 and I was making him pay for pissing me off, plain and simple, prepare yourself for melee combat," Alex said.

"Wow, he made it that far, I am impressed, melee really! Have You ever thought of seeking out professional help to assist you with these death wishes you seem to have?" Karyn asked her Sister.

"Yes, those shrinks ended up in therapy after taking on my case, so now I avoid them, healthier all around methinks" Alex responded with a smile and at the look of exasperation on her sister's face.

Then all hell broke loose as the Sisters withdrew their blades and began fighting hand-to-hand, both Sisters had never fought side by side like this so their synchronization was unexpected, they both fell into a battle awareness state and three hours later both exhausted were overwhelmed as the program level was so high that even the Somers family had endurance limits.

As the program ended both were on the floor and hurt, both had cuts and bruises and were covered in dirt and grime, was she sat up what happened, why did the program end?" she asked.

exhausted and panting heavily "Game Over, the holodeck safeties as you remember are lowered to the point where bad injuries are allowed but not death" Alex responded.

"Computer what level did we die at?" Karyn asked the computer.

Which dutifully replied "Participants perished at level two-hundred and ninety-nine" The computer responded.

"My personal best with a partner, but damn I am getting too old for this shit!" Alex said as she stood up holding out her hand and helping her Sister up "C'mon, let's go get freshened up and then grab a nice cold drink" Alex said and Kayn also nodded exhaustedly and followed her Sister out who spoke "Computer save achievements and end program" Alex said and the program deactivated as the holodeck doors closed.





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