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[BACK POST] The new Doctor

Posted on 07 May 2024 @ 11:25pm by Lieutenant JG T'Kara & Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51

1,700 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: Starbase 51 Security office
Timeline: Prior to mission briefing


It was the start of her shift when Samantha Smithson sat down and officially took over from the night shift did the terminal light up, curious she called up the alert and sighed "Well new Chief Medical Officer has arrived I see and a Vulcan to boot, this is going to be interesting" she said quietly to herself to en jumped as there was a knock on her office door, looking up she saw a Lieutenant Jg in medical colours, she waved the officer in.

The Vulcan entered. She wasn't much to look at, though she did have an appealing but modest physique. She gives a slight nod to the Chief Security Officer of the Starbase. Briskly she handed over the PADD she carried, along with gingerly setting down her duffle bag beside herself.

"Chief Medical Officer T'Kara reporting for inspection," the Vulcan stated calmly, and smoothly, as she handed over the PADD. "These are my transfer orders from Commodore Gregory Paladin."

*Smiling at him as she took the Padd and read it over* "Thank you, Lieutenant, please have a seat" she said transferring the Padd data to hers before putting the Padd on the left side of the desk, during this time the required items were being produced when he was sitting.

"Okay, I will give you a brief rundown on current events, for the next mission the USS Themistocles a Sovereign Class has been temporarily assigned to the crew of the Tomcat. The reason is that the Akira Class Tomcat is undergoing a Retrofit and upgrade, something that has needed to be done after sixteen years without any major updates to the systems of the ship. Exo Comps and automated drones are dealing with the major rebuild, the engineering teams will go in when that is all completed" Smithson paused.

"Okay, now onto what is expected, as your title implies you are the Ships Chief Medical Officer and unlike some ships Fleet Captain Somers expects her Department Heads to run their own department, she does not micro-manage and accepts that there are officers on her ship that know more than she does in their respective fields. Your deputy is Ensign Gavin Ross, he is young and very bright I am told, a little raw at the edges, but his file says he knows his stuff if it is needed. Shortly you will be given some required items, hopefully, the one item you will not need to use, but it never hurts, besides your given Starfleet clearances you will be given an extra one among other things" pauses as she inhales.

The Tomcat work out in the Mira Sector as you probably read about and as such the ass-end of Federation space is vast and lightly patrolled by the Fleet, so Security will be and has to be high as the Tomcat will have the sector clearance codes and such, so when I give you the following items you will know in which context they are being given, any questions before we proceed?" Smithson asked.

T'Kara was admittedly taken aback by the new information, however, she didn't let the emotion show. She curtly nodded.

"None at the moment, sir," she replied.

*Nods* "Okay, being Department Head as you know has certain responsibilities" paused as she took the dispensed items from the tray, then she held the ID Card out "This is your ID Card it does a lot more than just say who you are, when the Tomcat is up and operational again it will need to be worn on duty at all times, if there is a point that is not logical to wear it on the outside the ID can be on your person but in a pouch, the only department that has an exception is Medical, when you are in surgery it is kind of hard to have it on you at all times, as long as it is in the area you are that will be acceptable. When off duty it is to be kept on your person when leaving your quarters, the only time it is not worn is on away missions, then it is left in your quarters in a secure place for the duration of the Away mission, any questions so far on this?" Smithson asked holding the ID card to her.

T'Kara took and examined the ID card. Her eyebrows raised as she looked quizzically between it and the Security Officer.

"My apologies, sir," she said, "but am I incorrect in my knowledge that our identification materials are stored on our Starfleet Badges?"

"This is extra Lieutenant, it is down to where the ship operates and the area it operates in it is an added measure and it is the Captain's orders, you have to understand Lieutenant these measures have been over sixteen years in the making, ever since Captain Somers was given command, the ship has history, so hopefully you will understand why such security things are in place!" Smithson responded and picked up the next two items.

"Understandable," concluded the Vulcan who stored the items appropriately. "Thank you for the explanation. While it is unusual, the extra security measures as approved by the Captain are within Starfleet regulations.

Sam smiled "This data Crystal contains your extra Department Head codes, they essentially supplement your Starfleet-given ones" Smithson said holding out the Data Crystal "All-new crew have gone through this, so you are not unique on this" she added.

The Vulcan nodded, taking this also but without the previous minor criticism. While she felt it was completely over-protective, the nature of the ship she was on seemed to warrant extra security. She stored the data crystal also on her person as she stood, prepared for the next instruction.

Looking at the Vulcan briefly Smithson turned to the device on her right and pulled out a long paper strip, she was sure the Vulcan would find this bit unwarranted or simply strange, but it was a requirement.

Tearing the strip and holding it up for the Lieutenant to see, it was a Red Paper strip with black alphanumeric writing "This is the lowest we go in tech, this strip of paper while archaic also serves one function is to save the ship should all else be lost, now luckily none of the codes given has been used and I hope they never will, but better to be prepared than not" Samantha Paused.

"This is your alphanumeric emergency code, memorize it then destroy the strip of paper, this code is a last resort code if you will as in should it ever happen and the Tomcat gets boarded and taken over by hostiles and you are the ranking officer still with this life then you are to use this code, it will lock all the systems down preventing the hostiles for getting any information from the ship's databanks as she will have a sector codes all for the Mira Sector and the listening posts and such out this far" pauses.

"If hostiles try to access the data, will be wiped from the system, it is a last act of defiance, if we cannot have the information, no one can so this code is a logic bomb in computer parlance, it scrambles then wipes everything. I recently found out that when this is used and its accompanying sub-routines activated upon total database deletion the ship is essentially a drifting paperweight the code fried the connections to the impulse and warp core thus only allowing for the use of RCS units, after this code is used and IF the enemy tries to break into the system and wipes it, the ship will have to be towed back to SB51. But if it is used and the boarding parties are repelled then should the Commanding Officer, First Officer or Second Officer survive only they can unlock the lockdown, but if the lockdown is still active the ship can be flown at warp four with basic navigation capabilities only" Smithson said holding the strip of paper to T'Kara.

Samantha had thought right, T'Kara did find this archaic and very strange. She again raised an eyebrow at the red strip of paper but did as instructed, easily memorizing the code. She then disposed of it temporarily to be later destroyed in a replicator. She inclined her head.

"I am hesitant to ask, but, is that all of the safety procedures?" the Vulcan asked. A rather unusual question, but she was reaching the edge of her tolerance for such.

*Smiling* "Yes, apart from the usual daily vigilance which is normal on a ship, those codes are for the Tomcat only, as you will be temporarily assigned with the rest of the crew to the USS Themistocles for the upcoming mission, your standard given codes will suffice, you will need to secure Starbase quarters as even when the retrofit and upgrades to the Tomcat are completed the ship will not have the space in the crew quarters for excess and large stuff, you can speak to the Station Quartermaster for obtaining Starbase quarters, all that out of the way do you have any questions before I release you to your own time? But bear in mind the new mission will be set out in a day or so" Smithson asked.

"No, thank you, I believe I have sufficient information to conduct my duties," T'Kara replied.

"Okay, well then, you are released to your own devices until the next mission, welcome to the Mira Sector Lieutenant," Smithson said standing as she raised her arm and hand and made a V shape "Live long and Prosper Lieutenant" She added.

T'Kara stood more straight, presenting her hand and raising it. She initiated the Vulcan Salute properly.

"Live long and prosper, Lieutenant Commander," she replied formally. Turning, she departed.

With that Sam watched the new arrival leave her office, she sighed and sat back down again and attempted to catch up on her paperwork.





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