The Voyage Begins...
Posted on 29 May 2024 @ 2:58pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Captain Patrick Jackson & Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant JG T'Kara & Lieutenant JG Margeurite "Maggie" LeFebvre & Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle & Sergeant Connor Sharpe & Ensign Angelica Wright & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson & Petty Officer 3rd Class Ramon Machado & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem
2,738 words; about a 14 minute read
S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Main)
Location: USS Themistocles
Timeline: Mission Day: 01
- Bridge of USS Themistocles -
Dodd was ready to get the mission officially started. So as the bridge bustled with life, he sat in the captain's chair watching all the crew settling in and getting to work. He was under review and knew he needed to be himself and do his best to prove himself on this mission. He wanted to have this mission end with a positive for the natives of Arth as well as fix an issue that was caused by a bad Federation seed in a position of power.
=/\= All hands, prepare for departure. All Departments, please send all final preliminary reports of your status to Captain Falk within the hour. As for the crew, I am looking forward to leading you on this mission and I am proud to serve with all of you. Dodd out. =/\= Dodd posted to the ship to let all know that the mission was on.
"Helm, Do you have to proper coordinates laid in for Arth?" Dodd asked.
"Sir, the coordinates are set and ready to go," Wright said from her position at the helm.
"Great, thank you," Dodd replied.
=/\=Engineering, is your team ready and are the engines ready for warp?=/\= Dodd asked of Thex.
Down in engineering, Thex stood at the main console her blue eyes fixed on the display. =/\= All systems showing green commander we can go to warp whenever you want.=/\= she said a smile forming on her face.
"Wonderful, I am looking forward to working with your team on this mission especially because of this ship. I wish I was in your shoes on this one." Dodd replied.
"Captain Falk, will you please assemble a meeting of your top three human marines and have them report to the ready room once we are away from the starbase," Dodd asked of his XO.
It was indeed a strange position to be in. Being the XO for Dodd so much has taken place from the first time she and Dodd first met. "I will do so Commander." giving a small smile.
"Thank you and when all the departments have reported in please let me know their status if it is not a go for departure and how long they will need if you could," Dodd added.
The lift doors opened onto the bridge "Greetings people, hope all is well?" Captain Somers asked.
"Greetings, Captain," Dodd replied. "All is so far so good."
"Aye will do so," Mazal replied, then she looked towards Captain Somers, sort of having a look in her eyes almost like a deer caught in a bright light. She drew in a deep breath letting it out slowly.
Dodd had a smirk on his face because he could sense the thoughts of Mazal and he was able to let it go as he rose from the captain's chair since Somers arrived on the bridge.
"How are you this fine day, Captain?" Dodd asked of Somers.
Somers went to a smaller seat to the left of the counsellor's chair "The center seat is yours for this mission Commander Dodd" she said and then looked at Falk "Relax Captain, I am here to observe mainly Commander Dodd and what he does" she said and looked to the lift doors.
Mazal could feel her cheeks heat up, she was acting like she was just barely out of boot camp or for that matter just out of the academy. She looked back to Dodd. How successful Remington will be still also depends on how well the crew follows his orders. "Sorry Commander Dodd." a slow smile drifting across her lips.
Lamia stepped out of the turbolift next, she’d been slightly held up by her Counselling duties but had managed to get sorted. She offered a warm smile as she greeted both Somers and Dodd. “Captain, and Captain..” She gave Remy a warm smile as she addressed him in his current position as Captain. “My apologies for being late, I was held up.”
Somers simply nodded and smiled.
"Welcome, and I understand you have duties that keep you on the move," Dodd responded. "Nice to have you on the bridge with us."
Lamia nodded and smiled. “Thank you, Commander.” With that, she took her seat.
No doubt Serina was a tad late but she was supposed to be on the bridge at the helm, she hastily made her way to the bridge. Stepping from the lift, "Sorry for being late", she said as she relieved Wright and took her station.
"Why are you late this time Serina?" Somers asked with humour in her tone.
"Well for starters, I had to get Paul up and fix breakfast which took forever. Then shower and dress. All the whole, Paul being stubborn and not wanting to get up", Serina said laughing. "Ah the joys of being married ", she added.
Lamia couldn’t help but grin as she looked towards Serina. “Luckily I don’t have that problem, Marines are trained to be up at the crack of dawn. If anything Chris is up too early!” She grinned.
"Well Mr Winchester is a law unto himself anyway Serina" Somers responded with a smile.
"Greetings, good to see you." Mazal greeted those who arrived.
“Thank you Captain” Lamia smiled warmly at Mazal.
"Hello, old friend. Such a blessing to have you back on the bridge."
The Chief Medical Officer stepped out of the turbolift. She had been busy getting Sickbay in order. She gazed about the bridge of the Sovereign class Starship and found it approving. It seemed .... quite modern. Her eyes then landed on where the Executive Officer and Captain sat.
"Greetings, Commander, Captain," she began, "I have concluded my affairs in medical and sent my reports. Permission to come aboard the bridge to observe the proceedings?"
"Greetings, Doctor," Dodd replied. "Permission granted and welcome to the Themistocles. It is nice to put a face to the name I have seen in my reports."
Looking at the CMO "Welcome Lieutenant there is a Bridge Medical station at the rear of the bridge" Somers said interjecting.
T'Kara generously inclined her head to both Dodd and Somers equally, closing her eyes briefly. "Thank you, Commander, Captain," she said as she then turned her attention to the bridge medical station as instructed. It had been a very gracious greeting and deserved a rightful recognition. She sat down promptly at the station, turning it on and logging herself in.
Lamia sat in her seat trying not to let the fact that she was feeling somewhat off-color show. She’d had a small breakfast in an effort to keep morning sickness at bay, but it remained nonetheless and she couldn’t be chewing ginger biscuits, or sipping ginger tea on the bridge. If she had to up and leave the bridge she would, but she preferred to be where she was supposed to be.
"So Counsellor, how are you feeling?" Dodd asked of Mrs. Kildare. "You know there could be a chance for you to participate on the away team, as they would need someone with your skill set and there is not much risk involved if teamed up on the correct part of the mission."
Lamia perked up at the thought of being included on an away team. “To be honest, Morning sickness is kicking in but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I’d would like to help in any way I can.”
"I feel that you can be a great benefit to the team and so if the doctor approves, I will allow you to go you are to be extremely careful, but it should be a smooth mission for your part on the team," Dodd replied to Lamia.
Lamia nodded. “I’ll be careful Sir, that’s a promise.” She smiled warmly.
"Doctor T'Kara, have you had any basic training on the major bridge stations other than the medical relay station?" Dodd asked of the new officer.
"Yes, Commander," she confirmed. "I have extensive Operations department training to supplement my Medical expertise."
"Great, since engineering is spread out with a few crew working with Hawksley on the retrofit of the Tomcat and the rest making sure our temporary bird is going to be covered. The bridge station is not currently manned. Would you be a good sport and just keep an eye on the monitor for any notifications? I would appreciate that." Dodd replied to the good doctor.
T'Kara nodded, heading to an Operations station to quietly monitor the RCS thruster backups as well as other critical functions. She programmed the computer with two macros to inform her of any changing parameters that might signal concern.
"Captain Falk, I am authorized no more than 15 personnel on the away team and so I would like to have you work on a list of 12 people to go. I would say at least two engineers, an intelligence officer and a few Marines. Also, keep in mind the more females you select the better the reception you should get on the surface. Lt. Kildare will be a member of the team and will need to be on your sub-team." Dodd requested his acting XO.
Mazal gave a nod, "Sounds good Commander Dodd, I'll get that list prepared and then present it to you sir." with Kildare being added to the sub team, she felt that was a wise decision especially if either they would be facing a possible trap or needing his expertise in opening a stubborn door or for that matter getting rid of some tech that the world should not be having.
Then something filtered into her mind, that there would be two Kildare's. Lamia was included. Mazal's eyes widened. And cast a glance over towards Lamia and there was a distinct blush in her cheeks. Yes, there were two Kildare's catching the glance from Lamia. She gave herself a mental reminder. She also realized that Lamia seemed to be a little green about the gills, she needed to check on Lamia after the briefing.
Lamia offered Mazal a warm smile. She was looking forward to getting involved in the away mission, as much as she had Counselling duties she enjoyed getting off ship as well. She looked towards Dodd for his response to Mazal.
"Great, I look forward to your ideas for members of the team," Dodd responded to Falk.
Maggie wasn't on the Bridge. What use would a shuttle pilot be up there besides to get herself in a pickle? Instead, she was making sure the shuttles and planes were ready, and bossing around Marines, which was one of the greatest joys of her life. She didn't quite "get" the whole Fleet Marine business, but she did get the fact that she was an excellent aviator and was well-skilled. She didn't boast about this fact BUT she did hold the other pilots and techs to a high standard at the same one she held herself to. "Thanks, Petty Officer, this is good," she said, signing off on the PADD for the load-out inventories the ATC/Tech had presented to her. "Make sure that Donovan gets a copy of that, please!!" She tugged at the red tunic. So itchy. She turned on her Comms. =/\=Serina, Paul. Hangars are locked and loaded. All planes and shuttles are ready, and the flight crew is on standby. =/\= The feckless blonde often pretended to be a ditzy airhead, but she was serious when it came to flying.
"Morning everyone," Paul said taking his seat at the Navigation console, He said " I had to wait for the Wife to stop taking so long in the shower" he stated winking at his wife. knowing that he was joking, he said" And I am sorry for being late Captain, it will not happen again,"
From her seat to Lamia's left "Honestly Paul blaming the missus again, don't you know you will eventually lose that battle?" Somers commented with a smile.
The Somers's Padd sounded so she pulled it from a pocket and looked at it eyes widening, suddenly she stood up and quickly headed to her ready room.
" I know, but she is not here to have a go at me, is she?" responded Paul giving a smile, he continued, " But she knows I am only joking with her," as he focused on his console.
- Lower Decks -
Deep in the heart of Marine Country, Patrick glanced over the last report that trickled in. The Armory numbers matched everything he expected and all man and machinery was present and accounted for. He held his thumb to the PADD to sign off on his reviews and was ready to relay the information to the CO.
=/\= Jackson to Captain Falk, all checks complete. The whoop ass you ordered is an excellent vintage and at your ready.=/\=
Mazal tapped on her commbadge answering Jackson flashing a grin as well. His voice brought some calm to her. =/\=Thank you, Captain Jackson, I am much obliged.=/\=
=/\= Of course Ma'am. We got your back. Jackson out.=/\=
- Shuttle Bay -
Down in the Hangars, Maggie was lying on her back, half her body under her bird. Preflight checks usually meant she needed to tighten screws, fix a wire, or something. Always something. She radioed up to the Bridge.
=/\=Serina? The shuttle is ready. I'll be on standby. =/\=
=/\= Maggie good news. Keep her ready to go=/\=
=/\=Yes, ma'am. Anything else?=/\= She clicked off and turned around to head to the office to get her paperwork done.
=/\= Yes Maggie, make sure everyone gets enough shut-eye =/\=
"Commander Dodd, Maggie on the hanger deck says that all fighters are ready when needed", said Serina grinning. Having Maggie take charge made her feel comfortable and reliable as she knew her responsibilities.
'Thank you, Donovan, I appreciate that update." Dodd responded.
"I think we are just about ready to depart for Arth," Dodd added. "I just need a few more verifications of our stats and we will likely depart shortly."
"Helm is standing by. Coordinates are loaded, and both IDF and SIF are also locked into them for my sudden banks and turns. Pity we don't have seatbelts for sudden moves. Need to speak to engineering about installing some", Serina said chuckling.
From where she sat to the Counsellors right Jasmine watched with keen interest on how her First Officer was running the ship, she was also enjoying being on the bridge and not really having to worry about giving orders.
- Security Office -
CPO Michelle was in the security offices trying to learn as much as she could on the Arth situation. She heard several other officers moving about and getting ready for their various duties, mostly normal ship patrols. She was certain she would be on rotation at some point, but for now, she just sat in the offices. She looked around and wondered who, if any of those around her, would be going on the mission. She took a breath and thought that only time would tell.