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[BACK POST] Getting Medical in Order

Posted on 21 May 2024 @ 11:05pm by Lieutenant Vivian Corsair & Lieutenant JG T'Kara & 2nd Lieutenant Gavin Ross Dr.
Edited on on 24 May 2024 @ 6:28pm

1,430 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: USS Themistocles - Sickbay
Timeline: Before the events of "The Voyage Begins..."


The Chief Medical Officer had a lot to do to get things in order in medical. While she trusted her team - they had clearly been appropriately vetted - she had not met any of them personally. It was time to rectify that. She gently tapped her combadge.

=/\= 2nd Lieutenant, Marine Medic Gavin Ross, Lieutenant Corsair, please report to my office in sickbay on Deck 16. T'Kara, out. =/\=

=/\= Corsair, here. I will head there now. =/\=

Gavin, already along his way to Sickbay, touched his com badge. =/\= Ross here. On my way. =/\=

Entering the sick bay, his first impression was, “Wow.” Gavin’s eyes widened. There were more biobeds than he had ever seen. He walked through the main throughway towards the central office of the CMO, nursing terminal stations, etc.

Presenting himself, he knocked on the office's glass window and waved. He chuckled. Ross was giddy. This was going to be a great gig on the Themistocles.

"2nd Lieutenant, Marine Medic Gavin Ross, MD. Neurosurgeon. Reporting to CMO Lieutenant Vivian Corsair for Sick Bay duty."
Ross stood straight and even gave a respectful nod to his superior. He had heard good things regarding Dr. Corsair. She was a Vulcan.

"2nd Lieutenant Ross," greeted the T'Kara as she rose from her seat. She placed hands behind her back, giving an appraising glance as she moved to stand near the Neurosurgeon.

"I appreciate your timely arrival," she said. Her eyebrows rose at his misidentification of herself. "However I admit I was not anticipating the jovial greeting. It is refreshing nonetheless."

Turning, the Vulcan CMO moved to her desk and picked up a PADD. She examined it, turned back to face Gavin, raising an eyebrow briefly as she read over something, then set it back. She moved forward again, hands behind her back, professionally standing.

"I am Lieutenant, Junior Grade, T'Kara," she said, eyes staring into Gavins. "I am your new Chief Medical Officer and called you here for a, as humans say, a 'meet and greet'. I understand you are my Deputy Chief Medical Officer. Your service record compliments your history. I do have an inquiry, however."

A silence occurred as the Vulcan thought. Then, T'Kara added, "Why are you not the Chief Medical Officer?"

Gavin raised a brow. That was an odd question, if not obvious. "Because you were trained and had the skills, leadership, history, and education for the position." He was a bit perplexed. The whole situation gave Ross the giggles on the inside. This is how he felt through the mess of an introduction he walked into. It was comical; you had to laugh, and he did it on the inside.

Just then, LT. Corsair arrived in sickbay. "Hello, Lt. Corsair reporting as requested." She spoke in a firm voice and while the new CMO was not the exact same rank, Vivian was not concerned as she enjoyed her duties as a surgeon and would do what was asked. "Nice to meet you LT T'Kara, I read your file and I look forward to working with you." Then she added "Hello Ensign, nice to see you and I also look forward to working too working with you as well."

"Greetings, Lieutenant Corsair," T'Kara said as she inclined her head respectfully. "It is an equal pleasure for me to meet you."

T'Kara took a moment to glance between the two, then took a step back so she could appropriately take in both Vivian and Gavin.

"Thank you both for your timely arrivals," she began. "I called you here to establish a dialogue between myself and my subordinates in Medical. I also recognize that, in many ways, we all are peers and equals in experience."

She allowed that to sink in briefly before continuing.

"The USS Themistocles is a highly advanced Sovereign-class warship," T'Kara continued, "and as such has a highly advanced sickbay complex. This one on deck 16 is the secondary, but will be my primary office. The one on deck 7 will need and require attention as well."

Another moment to allow her words to be conveyed. She then continued.

"2nd Lieutenant Ross," T'Kara said as she addressed her Deputy, "As my registered Deputy Chief, I would like you to manage deck 7's sickbay complex. And Lieutenant Corsair?" she continued, turning her attention to her superior. It did feel unusual addressing Vivian as a subordinate, but roles were designed to be respected for a reason, which the Vulcan was doing. "I would like you to assist between both decks 7 and 16."

A pause as T'Kara allowed the orders to sink in. She then looked between the two. "Any questions thus far?"

"Ma'am, I am good with that. I have already looked over the surgical bay on each level and they are all up to code and stocked for any need. I have also claimed the secondary office on in the overflow sickbay as my personal office if that is alright as I felt it would keep the offices in the main sickbay for you and the deputy chief." Vivian replied as even if T'Kara was not the same full rank, Vivian knew how to respect the chain of command and was just happy to be surgeon and a doctor.

Digesting the dialogue, Gavin nodded, "Acknowledged Ma'am." He was fine and cool with the orders.

T'Kara was observing the subtle changes on Gavins expression. They were extremely subtle, and he did an excellent job at hiding them. However the Vulcan sensed something was off.

"Is there a problem, Ensign?" T'Kara asked, but not with a harsh voice. It had been conveyed in a surprisingly soft and caring manner.

“No problems, Ma’am.” The 2nd Lieutenant Gavin Ross, Marine Medic, remained firm to cause. He held a solid face, recovering from his introduction.

The Marine chuckled inside some more. He would be a doctor in a fantastic sick bay. He knew his work. Whether he was in Sick Bay or needed at Deck 07, he was fine, whichever. He would practice with the Marine Units throughout various mission objectives on the planet side as a Medic, getting out if needed.

Ross was relieved to accept the Sickbay as DCMO, working with and around the Chief as his mentor, and essentially why he needed to see the doctor in surgery and practice otherwise.

"I thank you for letting me practice in your Sickbay T'Kara." He gave a slow nod as his eyes followed the Vulcan's face.

"If I may, I know we have enough personnel to have a nurse on duty for every shift on Decks 7 and 16. That is why I wanted my office on Deck 7. While it is not the primary location, it is closer to the bridge, and if any bridge officer needs immediate treatment, that is the first place they can get to. Also, for my surgical duties, it is better as I can operate with out as many interruptions that the primary sickbay is prone to have being so active." Corsair stated.

"That is an acceptable compromise," T'Kara stated. "It is logical. Therefore, Lieutenant, you are to make your office as proposed. I will maintain the Deputy Chief with me on Deck 16. Is this acceptable?"

She looked between the two for confirmation that they understood her change of direction.

Ross gave a slow nodded agreement. "Acknowledged." The Marine Medic could practice both in the Main Sickbay Surgical Theatres and attend missions with his Marine Unit as 2nd Lieutenant Gavin Ross, Marine Medic a newbie.

"Ma'am, I am alright with that arrangement. I will schedule all of my surgeries on Deck 7 while we are on this ship. I am fine with floating for treatment between Main Sickbay and Deck 7 Medical Bay." Corsair replied. She always was rather easy going and having junior officers over see her was not a bother so why should she have to make a stink about duty location as long as she got to do what she loved to do.

"Very good," T'Kara said. "You're both dismissed. I will be available should you need anything."

With a restful, grateful nod, Gavin, The Medic and Sick Bay Doctor, 2nd Lieutenant, would focus on practice and further patient-doctor relations.

"Alright, good to meet you all and we shall make a wonderful team." Corsair replied and departed for her quarters.




LT Vivian Corsair, MD
USS TOMCAT, Surgeon/Doctor


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