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Dinner Date

Posted on 07 Oct 2024 @ 7:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Ensign Autumn Cole

3,671 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Dodd's Quarters on the Themistocles
Timeline: The night before the Themistocles departed Starbase 51

A chime sounded at the door of Remington's quarters on the Themistocles. The person who rang the chime was Autumn. Her auburn hair was loose and flowing, gently caressing her shoulders. She wore a dark green summer dress with a pair of matching sandals. Around her neck was a simple gold chain with a heart shaped pendant that had small emeralds around the outline. Upon Autumn's left wrist was a gold chain bracelet with some small emeralds as well.

Autumn felt excited and nervous at the same time, wanting, hoping that Remy will want to have dinner with her.

"Come in." Dodd replied to his door's chime as he slide on a pair of shorts. He sensed it was to be a pleasant visit but he had the habit of going in the buff in his quarters so the shorts getting slipped on at the door chime is second nature.

Dodd turned to the door just as the door slid open to review his charming girlfriend. "Well aren't you a pleasing vision of green with a splash of red." Dodd was standing there almost in all his glory but he was covered as much as he was when they went swimming so she should not have been exposed too much flesh she had not already seen.

"Oh, wow!" was Autumn's first initial response when seeing Remy clad in nothing but his shorts. Her eyes took in his fine toned muscles, having an appreciative expression. "You are just as gorgeous as ever." walking towards Remy. "I was wondering if we could have dinner together. Its been awhile and I do know you have been busy, such is the lot in life for an XO." stopping just a few scant inches from him.

As Autumn stopped just short of him, he could feel the temperature rise and something started to stir inside. "Dinner would be nice, what did you have in mind?" Dodd replied as he also had to shift his mental focus to cooling himself down. Autumn was more than accurate in it had been more than a hot minute since they had the chance to spend time together. Seeing her in all the green ignited a vision within him of a picnic they had in a holodeck a little while ago.

"Well perhaps dinner just the two of us, here. Nothing fancy, and spend a quiet evening here. Maybe even watch a movie, cuddled up on the couch. We've not done that yet. It is something I've been thinking about for a little while now. Along with how much I've been wanting another kiss from you, and have your arms wrapped around me once again." Autumn's heart was beating so fast, and her eyes focused on his now. She could feel her face heat up.

"Well, I am down with that." Dodd replied as he leaned down to kiss her. He gently applied his lips to hers and felt the rush of passion that she held for him. Suddenly the temperature was too hot for even just his simple pair of shorts. "So let me just do a quick rinse since I had just got off my shift. Go ahead and fix yourself a beverage. When I return, I will whip up something to satisfy our appetites." Dodd then turned and stepped away from the stunning sprig of poison ivy in his quarters and headed to his bedroom to get a quick shower.

Autumn went and got herself a sparkling lemonade, as she waited for Remy to come out of the shower. She went to have a seat upon his sofa, crossing one leg over the other knee, and taking a drink, allowing herself to relax, and to put herself in a more calmer state of mind.

To be as quick a he could be, he used the sonic setting in his shower. Upon exiting the shower, he could see Autumn in the mirror and he felt his temperature rise slightly. However, he would not rush this new passion and wanted it to grow naturally. He grabbed a nicer pair of shorts and a polo shirt and got dressed. As he entered the living area, he had to stop and absorb the vision of green on his sofa. Autumn was just so stunning and it had been a while since any warm blooded woman sat on his sofa. "Well, what shall I concoct for dinner?" He said as he moved to his kitchenette.

Autumn rose from the sofa after watching Remy move across the living room to the kitchenette, she couldn't help but watch. To her, his very movements were worth watching. Sometime they will have to take a chance and dance together, just to dance, to connect on another level. Intimate and yet not wholly intimate. She was also realizing something about herself, Autumn was heating up and she needed to cool herself down, control herself. Before she answered Remy about what he should concoct for dinner, Autumn closed her eyes to focus on an image in her mind, that of taking a plunge into a rather icy lake. It was something she had experienced before, and this was helping to cool herself off.

The imagining of that was only mere seconds, though to her it seemed like too long. Opening her eyes Autumn smiled warmly, "Perhaps a seafood dish, with pasta?"

"I bet I could whip up a dish that would warm you up inside and out." Dodd replied as he sensed the cold vibe Autumn's mind sent out for second. "How about a Chilean Sea Bass with angel hair pasta in a Rigellean Butter sauce reduction. I could add in some Andorian chives and Bajoran Basil for a flavor boost." Then Dodd turned round to see the young woman as he held the spice jars.

"That sounds lovely." Autmun replied. "Would you like me to set the table for dinner, Remy?" this was something she could do to occupy her hands, and to also contribute to this dinner.

"Only if you feel you need to do so. I am going to take a freshly flash frozen sea bass out to cook. I happen to keep a small freezer unit for such specialties. The replicator just does not due seafood justice. It will be about fifteen minutes as I do have a rapid defroster for this purpose. I will have to use replicated ingredients for the rest but I will do the assembly of the meal as I enjoy cooking when I have someone special to cook for." Dodd added as he turned around to start the fish defrosting. He always had a kitchenette in his quarters since he had had private quarters. Just to do himself some good in keeping his cooking skills honed.

He could tell that Autumn was having a thought or two of dancing. He was disappointed that his holosystem was in storage until the Tomcat was back in order as it was hot necessary for this mission's temporary use of this ship. But he could figure something to pull a surprise for Autumn after dinner.

"Remy, even though there will be replicated ingredients, all that counts is how you prepare it the care and love you put into a dish, it will reflect in the food. Much like the first time when you prepared me the first meal made by you. When I was tipsy and at my most vulnerable state. That was so delicious, and I slept so well due to that." Autumn responded as she retrieved the items to set the table with.

"Aw, you remember the first food I prepared for you, even in that state of mind." Dodd stated with cheeky grin. "I was only hoping you would remember that I was all gentleman when I had thoughts of being a monster." Dodd then turned to face Cole with the same grin still on his face.

"A monster? Pray tell, as what I recall you were a perfect gentleman." giving an answering grin. "Oh I do remember what you had said to me on our date after that. You didn't ravish me, even though it would have been that easy. You are a true gentleman, with a strong drive, of which you have kept quite a tight control of. I am having to keep a tight control of my drive as well where you are concerned. Both of us want to take it a step at a time. Wanting to be certain of what we are developing will stand the test of time." her eyes growing to a more serious note.

As she spoke, Dodd felt a stirring in his loins and he knew he needed to focus on the time together and not the physical attributes. "You are one to desire and I can make it worth my while as well as yours. We are growing together and yet we have urges that will appear between us. We have made it this far and honestly I am surprised I have been able to remain an officer and a gentlemen. But I am concerned about what is coming our way on Arth. I have a feeling I will be extra stressed when the away team goes to the surface. So this time now is something I can recall to calm me down." Dodd replied.

"I will be included in the away team, I do know that. Captain Falk informed me of such. This is a huge sort of mission we are undertaking, and I do know that it is very important to finish what had been started." Autumn stated. "I am looking forward to this but also, I am worried."

"You should not be worried." Dodd replied. "You will do fine with your tasks on this mission. I will be the one worried as you and lots of good friends will all be on the surface and I won't be there to help protect all of you." Dodd then realized he was allowing Autumn to see his vulnerable side and that allowed him to be more of his true self, thus allowing her to get how he really was when he was comfortable with someone.

"We will make it back, I will have a definite reason to do so. Just to get a kiss from you, Remy" a huge smile appearing, Autumn moving over to give him a kiss, wrapping her arms around him.

"That is a pleasant thought." Remy replied as he accepted her arms wrapping around him and the tender kiss she applied. His arms in return also embraced Autumn and he held her in close. He was so holding back as he hungered for a meal that was needing to be planned out for a future time. The meal at hand was almost ready so he continued with this lovely round of hors d'oeuvres that she was serving.

A few minutes later, Autumn pulled back and gave a deep contented sigh, "That was delicious." Giving a warm and gentle smile. "Shall we eat? I certainly did enjoy the appetizers"

"Yes, yes, we need to nourish our physical forms." Remy replied as he stepped back to turn and grab the meal that was now ready to serve. "I do hope you enjoy that which I present to you for consumption." Remy then slides a plate into place in front of his devastatingly beautiful companion.

Autumn took in a delighted deep breath of the food in front of her, breathed out almost reverently "This smells Heavenly, Remy." Picking up her fork Autumn tasted it and her face just lit up, "This is simply divine." She wasn't hiding just how good she was finding this dish he had prepared .

The look on Autumn's face made Remy feel warm and fuzzy inside as he doesn't cook for many others. The last meal he cooked for anyone other than himself was Walon. "Glad you like it. It has been ages since I prepared a meal for anyone other than myself." Remy replied.

Remy then took a bite for himself. He was very pleased with the flavor and it was much more appetizing compared to a fully replicated meal. The flavors of the Bajoran Basil and the Andorian Chives made the Rigellean butter the prefect sauce for the angel hair pasts side for the Chilian Sea Bass. "Wow, I think I have just surpassed my own expectations, this is very good if I don't say so myself."

Autumn was very intently watching Remy, as to his reaction to his own cooking, She just beamed once more, quite happy that he was enjoying his own cooking. "It is very tantalizing and makes me even more of a fan of your cooking. To me you have the artistry of creating something tasty. If you are not careful I'll be camping outside your door just to eat your fine meals."

oO Well I would love to feed her more than just my cooking. Oo Remy thought to himself after her comment. "Well, at this point you are likely the only one I would cook for willingly. As if the person I am cooking for is not worthy, I likely would not go to the effort. You are certainly worth it and so I must be on top of my game to make this something as special as it can be between us." Remy responded all the while having some erotic thoughts jumping in his mind. oO Good thing she is not telepathic. Oo

Autumn had glanced up from eating her food, catching something in Remy's eyes which made her blush. Another thought also went through her mind about rain, which caused her to blush a darker red. She pushed it to one side, Autumn knowing that she at times let leak out, what was on her mind. "I would like to cook for you as well, we'll have to work something out for that to happen."

Knowing, what she had a glimpse of in her mind, Remy quickly adjusted himself and refocused him attention to keeping the charming beauty he was feeding happy in the moment to make her long for more moments with him at her side. "You can cook for me and I likely would still love you none the less." Remy replied with a grimace as he felt she would always be holding a special place in his heart regardless of her abilities to prepare food or not.

Autumn gave out a laugh catching the almost hidden expression. " Oh don't worry I do know how to cook. I don't always serve burnt offerings, even if I worship someone."

oO Wow she worships me, I would really enjoy taking her to church. Oo Feeling the playfulness that he hoped she meant to portray, Remy smiled. "I can't wait to taste your offerings."

" Just hope that the offerings would be savory enough for your liking." A twinkle in Autumn's eyes, thinking of just how delectable his kisses were, sweet, savory with a bit of spice. She found herself looking at his lips, maybe way too long.

Remy is doing his best to keep control as he wants to be the gentleman that Autumn deserves to be with. While he hungered for the intimacy he longed for with Autumn, he needed to let it be her offer and it would be the way a relationship should be, pure. "I sense you are seeking a kiss, and I would be rude to not fulfill that wish." He stated to her as he stepped up to her and lifted her up tp plant his lips on hers in ever a gentle caress that suddenly made his skin radiate with the passion he felt deeply for her.

Autumn enjoyed the kissing immensely, pulling her lips away to ask a question, "How do you feel about someone who likes to walk in the rain in private, skyclad?" she nervously chewed on her her lower lip worried that he would find what she asked too weird.

oO She is not asking me about being naked, is she? Oo Remy thought to himself after hearing her question. oO She is into being naked to a degree that is huge points in my favor. Oo "Well, if you are looking for a companion to walk in private with you in the rain, you need not go any further. I would join you as skyclad as you wish. That is one of my favorite pastimes, being skyclad that is. But I enjoy walking in the rain, I do like Pina Coladas, I am not much into health food if that helps anything else you were going to ask." Remy responded as he was all smiles with what she asked.

"Wait, you don't think that is weird?" her eyes lighting up. That was the last check mark she had on her list. "And you like getting caught in the rain." grinning from ear to ear. "I was worried, I know it could be considered strange by some. Oh Remy, I am ecstatic." Planting another kiss. She was probably worried all for nothing, still though his answer allayed her concerns.

"I can't say that is weird at all, I am naked every chance I can be, in fact, I have holodeck programs that are for me to go hiking naked in all sorts of terrains and locations. I am typically naked in my quarters when I am not on duty. So of the guys and I even go naked together in a Roman Bath holo-program that allows us to bond and strengthen our brotherhood." Remy replied. "So what made you ask that question? Do you like to be skyclad often?"

"It depends." giving a smile "I do like having clothing on as long as it is comfortable and soft. I can go naked for a certain amount of time then I have to wear something. If I am in bed with a significant other, its no clothing, unless the skin is way too highly sensitive. If that makes sense." a final hurdle,will he accept this quirk of Autumn.

"I am cool with that." Remy replied. "You are making yourself more appealing to me every time we are together."

A brilliant smile, Autumn leaned in for another kiss, before their lips touched, " I don't know when we can be together in a more intimate manner. I do know that you've been holding your passions in check, and so have I. I do know that you've been wanting to make certain this is something that will be lasting. I would love to share the nights with you, wake up in the morning and have breakfast with you. Would it be too soon for this to happen?"

oO She is ready for the next move, I am not sure I will be able to keep control as I can feel stirring where I have not felt it in a long time. Oo Remy thought to himself. "I am thinking we have been so good with one another and I have enjoyed our time together; However, we can make our relationship work with me holding back and I feel we can make it work better once we put our all into it. We are consenting adults and have lots of curiosity between us. I feel I am ready for the next step if you are certain you are." Remy stated and hope that his relief to have her know about his enjoyment of being naked when not on duty was finally fully out in the open.

"I am ready, Remy. Just wanted to see if you were." Giving a seductive smile, leaning in for another kiss. "Tonight, and always I am yours" Whispering against his lips.

"Well, that may change what I had planned for dessert." Remy replied after the kiss. "I had a simple creation made but maybe it will keep and we can then fashion a new dessert." Remy then pulled Autumn in closer and hoped she could feel the passion that was now pulsing through him as he knew she would maybe feel the temperature of his body heat climbing the thermometer.

He had her in his heated embrace and he lifted her up slightly and made his way to the bedroom to pursue the final course of this evenings dinner.

The next morning, the two lovers awoke to realize they had advanced to the next level and the bliss of the morning after.

"Did you enjoy the evening?" Remy stated as he felt her start to wake up in his arms.

Slowly her eyes opened, and a smile appeared, realizing that last night wasn't a dream. Autumn snuggled closer to Remy, caressing his chest. "Mmmmn I feel yummy, I enjoyed it immensely." it felt so right being in his arms.

"Well, maybe when we move back to the Tomcat, we should look to see about cohabitating." Remy slyly suggested as he was actually happier than he had been in a long time. "I am so happy we have let our relationship evolve and not rush it to happen."

"As am I, I feel so blissful and on cloud nine."she uttered softly, Autumn didn't want to leave the bed just yet, she could feel herself heating up with desire once more. "I would love to move in with you. And I love you." leaning in for a passionate kiss. In her mind it could be heard,

Sweet wonderful you
You make me happy with the things you do
Oh, can it be so
This feeling follows me wherever I go
( fleetwood mac you make loving fun)

"You know how to get to the heart of my mental being." Remy stated. "I just know we are destined to make a wonderful life together."





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