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A briefing for Male Marines

Posted on 01 Aug 2024 @ 4:16pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Captain Patrick Jackson & 1st Lieutenant Gavin Ross Dr. & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang & Gunnery Sergeant Ernst Rommel

2,160 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Various
Timeline: MD: 1.5


There were four men who she wanted to have to go with her on the upcoming mission. Those were Sergeant Major Chris Kildare, Sergeant Sharpe and Gunnery Sergeant Rommel. As well as Lieutenant Gavin Ross She tapped on her Commbadge and sent out the message.

=/\=Sergeant Major Kildare, Sergeant Sharpe and Gunny Sergeant Rommel, Lieutenant Ross, please meet me in my office, ASAP.=/\= then she waited for their arrival.

Rommel heard the call while doing his daily lifts. Not often you get a call from the CO and you definitely don't make her wait.

=/\= Rommel here ma'am, on my way.=/\= he closed the channel, grabbed his tunic and made it double time to the Captain's office.

Chris was in married quarts on the Themistocles when his Commbadge sounded, he tapped it to activate and Captain Falk's message came through.

=/\= On my way, Kildare out =/\= he responded and signed off, standing up he went into the sleeping area and got dressed, it took him all of a few minutes and he was dressed, with a tunic in hand he leaves his quarters and heads to the nearest turbo lift putting his tunic on as he walked.

Connor was keeping himself busy becoming familiar with the marine country when the call came down. Being summoned by the boss wasn’t always a good thing, =/\= On my way Captain =/\= he replied before changing course to head for Captain's Office.

=/\Acknowledged =/\= Mazal responded.

In the heart of the medical department, Medic G. Ross, a recent addition to the prestigious Tomcat 95th Regiment and Sick Bay Doctor on call, momentarily halted his duties. His unwavering focus and precise movements reflected his determined youth. Clad in a crisply pressed uniform with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, he swiftly paused his current task to answer a call from his Marine Captain over the com.

=/\= 2nd Lieutenant G. Ross, Acknowledged. Captain. =/\=

Gavin navigated the bustling corridors from central Sick Bay to Marine Country with a sense of duty and anticipation. As Ross approached the meeting room, he straightened his posture, prepared to offer his expertise and support for the upcoming mission. As always, he was the newbie; it didn't bother him. He took it as a moment to learn from others. He did his best to dedicate himself to his work and service in the Marine Corps.

- Marine Commanding Officers, Office -

One of the first to arrive Chris straightened his tunic and pressed the buzzer on the MCO's office door and waited, unlike most other Rifles in the Sector he had the white band around the base of his shoulders indicating that he was a chosen man, the only other one at this meeting with such would be Captain Falk herself, the only thing he did not wear was the Officers Cross Belt that all Rifle Officers were given upon joining the Rifles.

"Enter!" Mazal called out, standing up from where she sat. When Kildare stepped inside she smiled. "How are things, Sergeant Major? Can I get you something to drink?"

"Please, a glass of water would be okay, Married life is a challenge especially when you are married to an empath," he said with a smile as he took the glass of water and sat down thanking Falk.

And it seemed that mere moments passed by when the others arrived as well. "Gentlemen thank you for arriving, would any of you like a drink before we begin?"

From his position "Hello, guys I do believe we have not yet met I am Sergeant Major Chris Kildare Rifles Demolitions expert, callsign is Maverick" Chris said with a smile as he greeted those arriving.

Ernst hustled over and rang the door chime. He walked in as the door opened and saluted. "Gunnery Sergeant Rommel reporting as ordered ma'am." His mind takes a quick inventory of those currently present.

"It looks like everyone is here. Splendid." Mazal handed some water to Kildare and gave a smile to those there. The smile faded though as she prepared herself to speak of the upcoming mission.

"Alright, I first off called this meeting for all of you to meet each other, and get to know each other. This is going to be very important in this upcoming mission. Also, on this mission, since it is a matriarchal society, men, I am sad to say are second-class citizens, instead of being equal with the women. This means you will need to be serving whichever women that you will be assigned to."

Staring off into nothing and with humour "Those of us males that are married are familiar with the concept, so no change for us" There was deadpan levity in his tone, and then he looked up "Sorry dirty and dry humour, it is terrible I know" Kildare said.

Mazal gave out a laugh, at Kildare's comment. A beep upon her padd and she pulled up the message. "It looks like we've got another member, coming in to meet up with us." she tapped on her commbadge, =/\= Master Sergeant Zang please report to my office, this is Captain Falk.=/\=

Thomas didn't keep them waiting long before he stepped through the sliding doors. He stood around 5'9" with short spiky black hair. He offered a boyish grin before going to attention, his body straight and stiff as his face turned neutral, hiding all emotions as he snapped a sharp salute. "Master Sergeant Zang reporting as ordered Ma'am!"

"At ease, Master Sergeant, take a load off your feet. You're just in time to hear something of the upcoming mission, and also to meet with the men who will be going on the mission. As I had just mentioned to the others here, the men where we are going are second-class citizens, the governing base is matriarchal. You will be assigned to one of the ladies who will be going on the mission. It still grates on my nerves the fact we are going back but it is necessary." she looked at the other men. "Introduce yourselves please."

Looking up at the new arrival "Hello there, I am Sergeant Major Chris Kildare, 95th Rifles Demolitions" Kildare said with a smile as he took a sip of water.

“2nd Lieutenant Gavin Ross. Team Medic. My call sign is ‘Echo.’” Gavin shot a sharp one-off salute.

“Captain Falk.” He lent down his salute. The room was filled with the assembled members, Ross realizing that someone new joined just like him to the Tomcat’s 95th Regiment.

He stood ready to listen and await a mission update for the Marines. Ross was more than ready to get to work. At 25, this was his time to explore and make haste his service history.

"It's great to meet all of you and I look forward to working with each and every one of you," Thomas said with a nod to each person in turn. He then turned his attention back to Falk to await the rest of the briefing.

Rommel slowed down before entering, pausing at the door for a quick moment to double-check that his uniform was as it should be. Satisfied, he went in and saw the Captain. He snapped to attention. "Gunnery Sergeant Rommel reporting as ordered ma'am. "

Thomas nodded to the newcomer as he took a seat to await the continuation of the briefing.

"There we go now we're all here together, now and you can see who is whom so to speak. " Mazal giving a bit of a laugh. "anyway, what do you think of the situation so far?"

Gavin cleared his throat, taking a seat. Ross finished a Sick Bay surgery just a few hours ago, nothing serious. He had at his side a briefing of the 95th Regiment and an introduction to the Marines Medic Unit. Ross sat, taking a drink from his silver mug of coffee and checking his silver wristwatch. The meeting started on perfect timing. He nodded to his Regimental colleagues.

"Sounds like it's going to be an interesting mission, Ma'am. What are the details and who are our female counterparts for this mission?" Thomas asked as he leaned back in his seat, steepled fingers resting on his chin.

"That will be figured out when we have the huge meeting for all those involved in this mission. This current meeting is for you to meet before the division into groups. Which gives me an idea, and I am going to have Sergeant Major Hardway join in on this. You certainly do not need me to be around for the bonding time." Flashing a grin. Tapping on her commbadge, Falk summoned Bronc to the briefing room.

The door opened a couple of minutes later revealing a powerhouse of a man, tall and strongly built. "You called for me Captain Falk?" His voice rumbled from his chest.

"Yes Sergeant Major, I wanted you to meet the others. I've got to get to another meeting matter of fact, I am also thinking that Captain Jackson needs to meet you as well. "

Mazal sent out a message for Patrick to come to the meeting.

Looking up "Hey Bronc, welcome to the briefing" Kildare said with a smile at the bulky Rifleman.

The medic assessed the well-being of his fellow marines, emphasizing their fitness and his support. With a personal attachment to their lives, Ross aimed to enhance medical support through improved training. Proud to be part of the team, he was committed to keeping everyone healthy.

Thomas looked the newcomer up and down before he stood and saluted the sergeant major. "Ready for our instructions Sir." he said before he took his seat again.

Bronc gave a smile to Kildare. "Okay as what Captain has spoken, it seems that our orders is to get to know each other, without, her." looking up at Mazal giving a slight smirk towards her.

Mazal just slightly shook her head at Bronc, who seemed to be a bit in a better mood. She wondered, then let it go away from her mind for now. "Yes gentlemen, you will be doing bonding time, once Captain Jackson gets here."

Slipping into the room as quietly as he could manage, Connor quickly took note of those in the room. These marines were going to be the ones he was responsible for keeping an eye on from whatever high perch he could find for himself. Catching Captain Falk's eye, Connor gave her a nod of acknowledgment.

“Gentlemen! Marines! .... and Jokesters!" Gavin huddled to the group, clasping his hands and rubbing together some excitement and some mischief. A big grin on his face.

"Welcome to the only meeting of Marvelous Medics and Mirthful Marines!” 2nd Lieutenant Ross gestured as he took a drink of his Diet Coke and swallowed.

“I'm your host for today, the honorary jester and proud medic, ready to mend both bones and hearts!” Ross gestured to the four men. “Hey, you are strapping young Men. Now, I've got a special mission for you two - let's call it Operation Bonding in Full Swing!”

“The Marine Medic is here to save the day; my mission is to inject laughter and camaraderie into this humble gathering. But first, let me take a selfie...” Gavin huddled up close to the four Marines,” *Click* “Memories!” Gavin smiled

Kildare looked at the Officer with a raised eyebrow "oh how young you are Sir!" Kildare said in a dead-panned tone, he found the young officers joviality a spot of fresh air.

Patrick walked in to the meeting and noted everyone around. "Jackson reporting as ordered Ma'am." He said and made his way over to Mazal's side.

Mazal gave out a chuckle. "Well now that Jackson is here, I will take my leave" Flashing a smile. "Once you all get acquainted then there will be a briefing called for all those who will be a part of the mission." Mazal turned to Patrick. "i will leave them in your good hands." then left the room.

"Aye ma'am. I'll keep them in line." He said as she began to leave. It was nice to be alive again and around his family again.









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