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Physical Therapy....

Posted on 23 Aug 2024 @ 1:22am by 1st Lieutenant Maria Zamorano & Captain Patrick Jackson

1,929 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: On the way to Arth

As the ship drew nearer to their destination, Maria had on her mind what could possibly happen. She didn't want to die with a regret, just in case that unforseen detail happened on this mission. She mulled over her thoughts, then decided upon something. She had worked with Patrick off and on with his physical therapy exercises, including doing some zero g activity. She kept it light, friendly, filled with lighthearted banter. Just enjoying his company and it was relaxing.

What Maria had on her mind though, may well put an end upon the fun banter, might sour things with Patrick. She drew in a deep breath, then decided what happens will happen, whether it be good or bad. She tapped on her commbadge.

"Captain Jackson, uh can I have a moment of your time? What is your location?" Maria queried feeling a bit nervous.

Patrick waved at the reception desk as he walked out of Medical. He had spent a lot of time there and got to know the staff. The wave included a smile since he was finally released back to a modified duty, but back to duty. His com chirped as the doors closed. He tapped the com.

=/\=Jackson here, I'm free Zamorano, just leaving medical. Do you want to meet somewhere?=/\=

A deep breath then letting it out Maria answered. "Yes, meet me at the holodeck please." making a quick decision. She was feeling so nervous about this. One thought though came to her mind, the best setting for her to have some calmness would be something like her quiet spot back home.

=/\= On my way. Jackson out.=/\= closing his comlink he made his way to the Turbolift. It was nice to finally go do something without that exoskeleton. He didn't think they had a therapy appointment today, but as the lift opened infront of him he thought that being around her was a little like therapy, he always seemed to feel better around and after leaving their time.

Patrick made his way to the holodeck that was available. It was close to the turbolift, which was close to Medical. Thankfully they had worked on endurance and he made the walk with only a little effort.

When he arrived, Maria felt like a ray of sunshine had chased away the cloud of uncertainty there. She did feel some trepidation still, however he was now here.

"Hello Captain, er, Patrick." she began, stumbling over her words. Maria stopped and sucked in a deep breath, then began once more. "I wanted to have you see where I am from, care for a visit?" placing her hand upon the door to have it open. Beyond the archway was a panoramic view of tall pines, a smooth path which led towards a two story ranch style home. The sky was blue dotted with fluffy white clouds, and the wind whispered through the tops of the pine.

"That would be nice Maria." Patrick said and walked in. He looked around, feeling the breeze as it made the trees sway. It was a beautiful place. He had never been to the Midwest before, but heard about it. It never crossed his mind to try to go out and see it.

"It's very beautiful here. I spent my youth living in the urban jungle. Only nature I've seen like this was in the Marines, and I'm not being shot at," he paused a second and looked at the ranch house, "and that looks much more comfortable than a bivsack."

"Oh it is, definitely much better." Maria giving a huge smile, stepping in, the archway disappearing behind them. "Just on the other side of the house there is a porch and a good view of the lake. " Maria walking up beside Patrick. "What do you want to see first? Inside the house or what the rest of the property looks like on the other side. Though I do recommend seeing more of the natural scenery, as we're inside rooms most of the time. And I do like the sense of freedom this program gives me."

"Outside works for me." He said looking around. "Never really enjoyed nature or got to experience it until the Marines. Never really had a need being locked deep in the city." He walked next to her and noted her smile, it was a lovely smile. "Lead the way tour guide."

She led the way along a path which wound its way around the house, passed a garden that was not too far from the house. "There is a greenhouse as well where we can grow things that won't grow in the climate here. " Maria giving a chuckle.

Beneath an arch of pine trees then there was the view of the lake, the water sparkling beneath the sun, and reflecting the blue sky above. "I have loved this view, especially when the sun starts to set and it lights the lake on fire, so to speak." she turned to Patrick, "Want to head down there and dangle our feet in the water?"

"Sure." He said and allowed her to lead the way. It was a beautiful area. He could easily see why people liked living outside of the city. If he ever retired, this would be the kind of area he would want to live in. "Have you always lived in this ranch or move into it?"

"i grew up here, was here until I went into the Marines." Maria responded, heading to her favorite spot, which had a flat top rock and a place where she could wade to there. She took off her shoes and rolled up her pant legs to step into the water, she paused and looked at Patrick. "You up for doing a small amount of wading?" pointing to the large rock. "I think you can manage to get there."

Patrick took his socks and shoes off as well. He was in athletic shorts from his checkup so he did not need to roll anything up. He did need to bring his eyes up however, while he was doing PT with her, it was all business, now that he was not "on a mission" he realized her legs gave a nice reflection in the water, all of her did actually. He shook his head a brief moment. "Should not be a problem to make it there, I belive I have sufficient motivation. "

Another warm chuckle came from Maria, then she made her way to the rock where she took a seat. She was nervous, not as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof, but almost as much. She watched as Patrick moved to where she was at, admiring the change that had come over him during the physical therapy. It made her feel happy that she was able to help him out.

She nervously moistened her suddenly dry lips. "So... besides wanting to show you where I grew up at, I wanted to talk to you about something." looking out over the water, and watching the sun dancing upon the surface.

Patrick sat down next to her. He shifted his weight a little and got comfortable on the rock. It was a beautiful area. The sun and the reflection warmed him a bit like his off time Superman simulator did flying over the ocean into the sun. Not uncomfortable hot, but enough to push all chill away. "I'm all ears. What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I wanted to let you know that... I am very interested in you. I like you quite a bit. I wanted to let you know before I go on the mission with Mazal. I know this maybe coming way out from left field, but... well..." Maria went quiet after she uttered her interest in him.

Patrick smiled and nodded lightly. He had a growing interest in her as well. Not just physically, but more. She had spent a lot of her leave with him getting him less and less dependent on the exoskeleton. Others were passing and encouraging, she actually helped him during the process. She invested in him, something that few did but it always paid out for him. He was aware just how peaceful it was here. Something just felt right.

"Maria," he started and took a quick beat pause, "I've got a strong interest in you as well. And not just because you helped get me out of that metal contraption. It just feels natural to be around you and I find myself looking forward to our next PT session just to be around you."

Her eyes widened at Patrick's words, and Maria looked into his eyes, right at this moment words were failing her. She shifted herself to where she was looking more directly at him reaching up to gent!y caress his cheek, then she leaned in and kisses Patrick on the lips.

He held her kiss and put his hand to the side of her head and gently brushed his thumb along her cheek bone. When a natural break came up he gave her a smile. "I take it the feelings are mutual?"

A shy nod from Maria, and then a soft smile. "Yes the feelings are mutual." she uttered then pulled him in for another kiss, her arms wrapping around Patrick pulling him close.

He returned the kiss and put his arms around her to match her embrace. He became aware of the taste of her lips and noticed the smell of her hair. He took in his senses and when the kiss came to an end, he rested his forehead against hers. "Are you sure you're human and not Orion? Pretty sure you've taken over my mind."

"I am one hundred percent human, but you have enchanted me as well. I-I wasn't certain if you'd be willing to have a relationship with me, so I just decided to lay the cards all out on the table." her voice soft and gentle. "Come what may, I just am glad to be here in this moment with you." running her hand along his back.

He gave her a soft smile and nodded. "Normally, I wouldn't. Mixing business and pleasure and all, but since my sickness I've had more than enough time to think, which is usually bad for a Marine. I've spent my life trying to survive. From streets and battlefields to the fever and cryo. I would have fought through recovery but it was a lot easier and faster to do with a friend at my side pushing me along."

He paused a brief moment. "Thank you by the way. This would have been a much longer and miserable recovery process without you."

"You are very welcome, I was quite happy to do so. And I am glad you haven't sent me packing. I was really worried. Even though I was worried I still wanted to take the gamble and roll the dice. And I feel like I won a jackpot." Maria grinning from ear to ear.

He kissed her grin and slid his hand from her waist to her hand and wrapped his fingers around hers. "Me too. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for us."

"I feel the same." leaning her head against Patrick's shoulder feeling a sense of contentment flowing over her.




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