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Confidences Shared

Posted on 27 Aug 2024 @ 3:28am by Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare

1,695 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Lamia's Office
Timeline: Before Mission to Arth

After the briefing, Mazal went up to Lamia. "Hi there, so... can we go talk someplace? Someplace a little bit relaxing? Any suggestions?" Mazal was radiating a little bit of nervousness.

Lamia offered Mazal a warm smile. “Sure, I’m not sure if this ship has an arboretum so how’s about the Counsellor’s office? It’s probably going to be quieter than most other places."

"That sound like a lovely idea." Mazal replied, having a relieved expression in her eyes.

When they arrived at the counselor's office Mazal asked, "Might I have some tea, some ginger tea?" she felt this would be a good thing to settle her stomach.

“By all means” Mia smiled and nodded. “Grab a seat I’ll get us both some ginger tea, I could use some to settle my stomach.”

Mazal gave a nod and took a seat, "If I had thought of it I could have gotten tea myself. My brain was, this is your office not mine so I didn't want to assume." Give a wry chuckle. "Okay so, are you okay? You seemed to have eaten something that didn't agree with you."

Lamia walked over to the replicator and ordered before looking back at Mazal. “Actually it’s a lot more than that. It seems I’m twelve weeks pregnant!” She picked up their drinks and returned with them, handing Mazal’s to her before taking a seat. “There’s a small bump already!” She grinned.

"Twelve weeks? Congratulations!" Mazal responded, with a smile. She did some mental calculations in her mind then commented, "I won't be having you stay behind and not be part of the away mission. I need you there as part of it. Honestly, I truly need you there. With your insights and the fact that you were part of the mission early on." taking a sip of her tea.

Lamia nodded. “I want to be there, I know there’ll come a point when I can’t go on away party duty, but I want to be useful while I can be.” She smiled warmly.

"I truly understand that." Mazal closed her eyes briefly, just taking in the quietness of where she and Lamia were at, slowly she opened them back up. "I am so nervous though, I am leading the away mission for Remy and acting as his XO. Me being a second officer now, and also being the Commanding officer of the Marines? That is so mind blowing for me. I feel guilty about now being the CO of the Marines and not Captain Jackson."

Lamia sipped her ginger tea, pausing as she held onto the cup. “You were promoted because you’ve proven you’re capable Mazal, have faith in yourself. Remy knows he can trust you to do this, I know you’ll look out for all of us down there.”

"I will do my best most certainly." giving a firm nod. Mazal took a drink of her ginger tea, enjoying the spicy warmth of it. Lowering the cup, she asked. "How are things with Chris?"

Lamia finished off chewing on a piece of ginger biscuit before answering. “Actually we’re doing great! I gave him the shock of his life when I told him I was pregnant, but he’s come around to the idea of being a father now.” She smiled. “The hard part will be once the baby is born, I’m not sure what we’re going to do once our bonding period is over and our son has to go off ship.”

"Do you have family on the station? Also in you estimatation how long is the bonding time? The most informative time is during the first five years of a childs development. At least that is what my mother had said. Also we're not going to be forever going on the ship. Since we have to go back to SB51 after every mission."

Lamia nodded. “I know, it’s just the thought of either having to stay on the station and be separated from Chris, or stay on the ship and be separated from our son. I get six months bonding time but after that our son won’t be allowed to remain onboard.” She paused. “Having lost Mia I’m not sure I could face being away from my son.”

"So the rules are as follows, only six months?That isn't enough time to wean a child. Perhaps I need to speak with the captain and make some suggestions as to such. I do not think she realizes that you will need at least a year where that is concerned. " Mazal stated.

“She is a mother herself” Lamia reminded Mazal. “I’ll most likely have to depart ship with my son, right now I can’t see myself being able to part with him for unknown amounts of time. I’d miss out on so much!”

"If you are meaning our CO Captain Somers she has no children. If you are talking about her cousin, Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers she has childrem. However, with what you have gone through, I don't see you wanting to miss any part of your child's life." Mazal remarked gently.

Lamia nodded. “Exactly.” She sighed. “Ohh and you’re right, How could I mix up Captain and Colonel Somers? I know them well enough by now! Baby brain!” She grinned.

Mazal chuckled, "Its okay." she took a drink of her tea. "Well, with that I do think we can be careful, and you will make it back in one piece. "

“I have no doubt about that” Lamia grinned. “I aim to be extra cautious.”

Mazal smiled "Of that I feel assured. How are things with you and Chris, what is he feeling about becoming a father?"

Lamia grinned. “We’re fine, it came as something of a shock at first. I kind of blurted it out all at once, his response was to go out and clear his head!” She shook her head. “He scared the life out of me! We sorted it out though, so we’re good.”

Mazal's jaw dropped down with an expression of surprise, at Chris Kildare's reaction, then she just shook her head with a soft chuckle. "Well glad he came back. Bet he could have been knocked over with a feather." she then started giggling as she imagined what his reaction was, and being knocked over by a feather. "I am sorry for laughing just my imagination went into the odd zone. of a large feather knocking Chris off of his feet."

Lamia couldn’t help but laugh at that image. “It is a funny image I’ll admit!” She gave Mazal a wry smile. “Considering that smile of his can floor women from as far as the eye can see! I’ve watched them swoon as he’s walked past.”

Mazal giggled. "Oh I have seen a couple of ladies having walked into a wall after seeing his smile. He is handsome I will acknowledge that but he isn't one that will make me swoon." grinning.

Lamia grinned. “I knew the first time I saw that smile that Chris was the man for me, and here we are!”

"Definitely once again, congratulations on both accounts." a look around Mia's office then Mazal looked back to her. "I know i've got a newly budding relationship with Tos, I am slightly worried that I may mess up. However with both Tos and I being honest with each other, it certainly helps out a lot."

Lamia nodded. “Honesty is always best, that way you don’t end up in a pickle at any point!” She smiled warmly. “I’m happy for you both.”

"Thank you." Mazal paused as a thought occured to her. "Lamia, have you ever been in a leadership position on an away mission?"

“Leadership? Me?” Lamia shook her head. “No, I’m just the Counsellor whose along for her opinion or abilities, I’m not usually in charge of anything.”

"Well, I need you to lead one of the teams that will go on Arth. You have the capability and we'll be in contact during this mission. Since you have had experience from last mission, I really want you to be a lead." Mazal watching Lamia carefully.

Lamia opened her mouth to object but soon closed it again. “If you think I’ve got what it takes, then who am I to argue? Are you sure those with me will want to orders from the ships Counsellor?”

"Lamia, I have faith in you and they will take orders from you. You are the team leader and also be aware of the skills that the group you are assigned to, you have good instincts and I trust you. You also proved you've got what it takes to lead a team with how things went on the first part of this mission." reaching and taking Lamia's hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I know I can count on you." a smile of confidence appearing.

Lamia nodded offering a warm smile. “Who am I not to believe you, if you have that much faith in me then I won’t let you down. That’s a promise!”

"I am glad to hear that. Also never doubt that you are a strong woman. Now though I had better get going. You have helped me a great deal, thank you. Also, there will be a little bit of a bonding time with the ladies who are going on the away mission. I don't know if all of us have had a chance to get together in one spot. Hopefully it’ll turn out well."

“Fingers Crossed” Lamia nodded and smiled. “I’m glad I was able to help.”

A quick embrace from Mazal and then Marine Captain left, glad that Lamia was willing to lead one of the teams.





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