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Posted on 16 Aug 2024 @ 5:50pm by Lieutenant JG T'Kara & Captain Mazal Falk

1,840 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Sickbay

Taking a look in the mirror at herself, Mazal could see the signs of some stress. The cause of the stress? It is due to returning to Arth, and what could happen there. The big thing though is some of the water that is charged to up the sexual drives of both men and women, that was going to be a danger that needed to be addressed. Giving a bit of a sigh, Mazal headed out of her quarters and went to Sickbay. The new chief medical officer needed to be apprised of what could happen and help to come up with a solution to keep those going there from being affected.

The doors to medical swooshed open and Mazal stepped inside, looking around for the CMO, Lieutenant T'Kara. "Excuse me, is Doctor T'Kara present?"

T'Kara was in the midst of testing blood samples taken from some of the crew. It was a routine sampling to ensure that the crew were getting their required nutrition and were healthy, as well as to provide DNA samples for the ships computer to have sensor logs of. She blinked when she heard her name, however, and rose above the console station. She turned her head, seeing Mazal, and immediately went to attend to her superior officer.

"Captain," she greeted as she approached, "I am Doctor T'Kara. Is there a medical emergency?"

"Actually... I want to prevent an medical emergency. May we speak in private?" Mazal requested. Something of this nature she felt would be best to discuss on a more one on one basis.

T'Kara nodded, waving her to follow. Once the duo entered her office, she gave a nod, saying, "You may proceed," in a gentle but questioning tone.

Drawing in a breath to settle her nerves. Mazal then began her tale once she sat down. "The mission that we are going on, to a planet named Arth, there is a civilization there, that someone had broke the prime directive on. The people there have only a short time to bear children before they are considered too old. Well that is my thoughts, on it. They have a ceremony where the women step into a pond and in it the nature of the pond makes those who go in, become more fertile. The men are sent to a shed which has eel like creatures which stimulate the fertility of the men. I do not know if that is a prevalent thing in all of the water or not. The former medical officer Jane, had created an inoculation which would counteract something like that."

T'Kara raised an eyebrow. "If your previous Medical Chief produced an inoculation, then I am positive it's still on file and capable of being replicated."

The Vulcan then thought for a moment as she mulled over what the Captain had said.

"However," she continued after her short pause, "the unusual symptoms you have stated are similar to an incident on board the original USS Enterprise when it visited Gamma Hydra IV. As I recall, First Officer Spock produced an adrenaline-based compound as an antidote to that situation. I can do some research on this, if you'd like?"

"If you would please Doctor, I would be very grateful. I want to keep the crew as safe as we can all be." The concern Mazal was feeling was disappearing at the calm manner of the new doctor. " doctor if I may ask, where did you serve before coming to this crew? "

"I was assigned as a Medical Officer on the USS Odyssey," replied T'Kara as she gently turned and approached a console. As she fingers danced and her eyes quickly took in the information. "I served for 24 years on the Intrepid-class explorer before requesting transfer to here."

A moment of silence before she raised an eyebrow. "May I ask why this would interest you, Captain?"

"If I am stepping into too personal of a territory, I will back off." Mazal spoke up with some concern. " However, I wished to know more about you, it is something I do when I find out there are new members on the ship. I am someone who doesn't just socialize with just Marines. I strongly believe that those who are serving on the same ship, be it Star Fleet or Marines, we are all under one roof, and are a team. That is how I feel."

T'Kara considered Mazal's words thoughtfully, appreciating the captain's concern for the well-being of the crew and her inclusive leadership style.

"Your curiosity is not unwelcome, Captain," T'Kara began, her expression calm and composed. "I too believe in the unity of those who serve together, regardless of their specific roles or backgrounds. It fosters a stronger cohesion and mutual respect among the crew."

Pausing for a moment, T'Kara continued, "As for my service on the USS Odyssey, it was a challenging yet rewarding experience. The Intrepid-class ships are known for their versatility and their commitment to exploration and discovery, qualities that resonate deeply with me."

She glanced briefly at the console, confirming the information she had sought earlier. "Regarding the situation at hand, I will retrieve the inoculation formula developed by your former Medical Chief and ensure it is prepared for deployment before we arrive at Arth. Additionally, I will begin researching any similar cases, such as the incident involving the USS Enterprise, to consider alternative measures if necessary."

T'Kara's tone remained measured and professional, yet there was a subtle warmth in her demeanor.

"That would be wonderful" Mazal giving a smile, and relaxing at this point. "also welcome aboard, glad you could join us most definitely."

T'Kara acknowledged Mazal's welcome with a slight nod, her expression remaining calm and composed.

"Thank you, Captain," T'Kara replied. "I am honored to be part of this crew and look forward to contributing to our mission's success."

She glanced at the console once more, ensuring all the necessary information was at hand. "I will begin the preparations immediately. If there are any additional details or concerns regarding the mission or the crew's health, please do not hesitate to inform me."

T'Kara then looked back at Mazal, her eyes reflecting a sense of dedication and readiness. "Is there anything else you would like to discuss or any other assistance I can provide at this moment?"

Mazal thought for a moment then she responded with a bit of a smile. "Perhaps a time to get to know you better, would be lovely. I do like to get to know my fellow crew mates on the ship. What you like to do etc."

T'Kara listened attentively to Mazal's request, her Vulcan composure unwavering. While Vulcans are typically not known for their social inclinations, T'Kara understood the importance of fostering good relationships with her crew members.

"Captain, I appreciate your willingness to engage with your crew on a personal level," T'Kara began, her tone calm and measured. "As a Vulcan, I prioritize duty and efficiency, but I recognize the value in understanding and supporting my colleagues."

She paused briefly, considering how best to respond. "In my free time, I engage in activities that enhance my mental and physical discipline. I practice meditation regularly, which aids in maintaining emotional control and mental clarity. Additionally, I am proficient in the Vulcan martial art of Suus Mahna, which helps in keeping my body fit and my reflexes sharp."

T'Kara's eyes met Mazal's, conveying a sense of openness and cooperation. "I also have a keen interest in xenobiology and often spend time studying different life forms and their medical needs. This not only aids in my professional duties but also satisfies my intellectual curiosity."

She then added, "If you wish, we can arrange a time to discuss more about our interests and experiences. It is important to me that I understand the perspectives and needs of my fellow crew members to better serve this ship and its mission."

T'Kara's demeanor remained composed, but there was a subtle warmth in her eyes, reflecting her genuine willingness to connect with her captain. "I am here to support the well-being of the crew, both medically and otherwise. Please feel free to reach out whenever necessary, Captain."

With that, T'Kara awaited Mazal's response, ready to continue their conversation or return to her duties as needed.

"I will do so, also, would you be willing to come on the away mission to Arth? I think you will be needed and you would be able to see first hand as to what the people are like." Mazal raising an eyebrow.

T'Kara considered Mazal's request carefully, her Vulcan logic weighing the potential benefits and risks of joining the away mission to Arth. While the idea of firsthand observation was appealing from a scientific and medical perspective, she was also aware of the potential complications that could arise, especially given the unknown variables associated with the planet's unique environment.

"Captain, I appreciate your confidence in my abilities," T'Kara began, her tone even and thoughtful. "From a medical standpoint, being present on the away mission would allow me to monitor the crew's health in real-time and respond swiftly to any unforeseen circumstances."

She paused, her expression reflecting a deep consideration of the matter. "However, I must also acknowledge the potential risks. The effects of the planet's environment, particularly the fertility-enhancing properties of the water and creatures you described, are still not fully understood. My presence could indeed be valuable in mitigating these risks, but it is essential to ensure that proper precautions are taken."

T'Kara's gaze met Mazal's, her eyes calm but with a hint of hesitation. "If you believe my presence on Arth is necessary for the success and safety of the mission, I will accompany the away team. I will prepare accordingly, ensuring that all necessary medical supplies and countermeasures are at hand."

She then added, "However, I would recommend a thorough briefing with all away team members to discuss the potential hazards and the protocols we will follow. This will help minimize any risks and ensure that we are all prepared for whatever we may encounter on the planet."

T'Kara's tone remained professional, but there was a subtle undercurrent of caution in her words. "I am at your disposal, Captain. Whatever decision you make, I will ensure that the crew's health and safety remain my top priority."

With that, T'Kara awaited Mazal's final decision, ready to either prepare for the mission or continue her work in the medical bay.

"Lieutenant T'Kara, get yourself prepared for the mission. You will be very vital." Mazal coming to a firm decision. "Thank you for your willingness to be a part of this, as it is very important." rising from the bio bed.

T'Kara gave a nod and began to prepare herself for the mission.




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