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[BACK POST] More Rifles

Posted on 23 Jun 2024 @ 8:42pm by Master Sergeant Thomas Zang & Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51

962 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: Security Chiefs office SB51
Timeline: Prior to start of next mission


Samantha was looking through her files when an alert came up on her screen another new arrival was coming her way. she acknowledged the Rifleman's service jacket and waited for him to arrive, and unlike Officers and enlisted had a slightly different Orientation briefing, she pulled his file up and read it and sighed, at least it was not bridge crew or some other Fleet Officer this time, she was startled when her office buzzer sounded.

"ENTER" She said loudly and opened the door and in walked a Rifleman.

Thomas was dressed in his dress uniform, standing a little over five and a half feet. His black hair was in his typical short and spiky style. he snapped to attention with a sharp salute before he spoke. "Master Sergeant Thomas Zang reporting for service Ma'am!"

She looked up with a smile "At ease Sergeant I am Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson Day shift Security Chief now if you will have a seat we shall begin, as you are enlisted this Orientation will be a little different compared to what commissioned officers get, do you have any questions before we get started?" Smithson asked.

"No Ma'am, I do not have any questions at this time," Thomas said as he went at ease before taking a seat across the desk from Smithson. He sat with his back straight and kept a neutral expression on his face.

She studied him "hmm, okay" she said as she set her machine in motion. "Having been assigned to the Mira Sector, essentially the ass-end of the federation, the Rifles have an uncertain task, sometimes there will be a lot of action other times it will be like you are on a holiday. Starbase 51 has only recently been completed so I would get you Starbase accommodation as the Tomcat when she is back in operation the Enlisted quarters will be like posh bunk rooms so there will be little space for a mass of belongings" she paused.

"Security out here is very tight, on the Starbase and on the Tomcat, currently the ship that the crew are currently using for their next mission is the Sovereign Class USS Themistocles. When we are done here you will need to report to rifle Captain Mazal Falk the ship MCO and the Second Officer is your immediate commander, any questions so far, ask them while you can, like the ship's Captain I encourage new members to ask questions and get informed about their posting, if this worked, in reality, it would be nice, so before I continue have you any questions on what I have said so far?" Smithson asked.

"I do not have any questions at this time," Thomas said, he had served on both ships and starbases in the past and knew some of the special circumstances that could happen. Being a Marine, he had gotten used to things like this and more.

She looked at him carefully and inwardly sighed, then she looked over to the machine to her right and pulled out of it an ID Card and held it up "This is your ID Card, it has a security signature unique to you, it is not so important now, but when the Tomcat is back up and running you will need to keep it with you on duty when on the ship, during off duty hours it is to remain on your person, the only exception to this is when the Rifles are doing normal exercise as in physical drills, the ID IS to be left on the Tomcat if you are assigned to an away team, these rules about the ID Card should tell you that it is much more than it looks" She said finally handing the ID Card to Zang she was really hoping he had some questions this time!

"What exactly is the id card for if I may ask ma'am? I thought the computer sensors kept track of us while on board and external sensors kept a fix on our biological signature." Thomas asked kinda confused as he took the proffered id card.

"The ID Card is extra Security, also the only time the Bio trackers and sensors are used on the crew are in emergencies or on away teams, what normal starships do is not the same for the Tomcat, all personnel have a measure of trust, obviously the ID cards register your location periodically in case of emergency but no one is actively tracked or followed and the ID Cards cannot be hacked or fixed to give false positives like normal methods can. but for now, you only need to do things normally as the Themistocles does not have such a security feature" she fell silent as she pulled out a data crystal, the quiet moment was to allow any more questions.

Thomas nodded at the explanation he was given. "When do I report to my detachment Ma'am?" He asked, ready to get to work and meet his new companions.

*Studies him a moment* "You have been logged into the system, I would advise that you find some Starbase-side quarters, then seek out Rifle Captain Mazal Falk" Smithson said "otherwise you are dismissed Sergeant" she added.

Thomas stood at attention with a sharp salute. "Aye ma'am." He said. "Thank you ma'am." He turned in a sharp about face and walked out the door after it slid open.

With that she watched the new Rifleman leave her office, she sighed and decided to catch up on some filing, all of which had to be done before she had to inspect the main armoury.



Master Sergeant Thomas Zang
95th rifles


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