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Ross Meet Zang

Posted on 07 Jul 2024 @ 7:17pm by Master Sergeant Thomas Zang & 2nd Lieutenant Gavin Ross Dr.

775 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Sick Bay, Deck 16
Timeline: Current


Gavin, a dedicated and compassionate 24-year-old marine medic, his professional demeanor instantly transformed into a warm smile. As a 2nd lieutenant, his responsibilities were vast. Yet he never let that deter him from providing the best care possible.

Today, his focus shifted to a patient who had walked in seeking medical attention. Gavin approached the patient with genuine empathy, attentively listening to their concerns. With his calm presence, confidence, and extensive training, Gavin reassured the patient that they were in capable hands.

"Master Sergeant Zang here for my physical to keep my records up to date." Thomas said as he entered. He was dressed in his daily uniform though his hair was short, it was styled to look spiky and unkempt. He had an easy going smile on his face.

“Master Sergeant. You’ve come to the right place.” Gavin scrubbed his hands clean at the nearest bio-eviscerator station for hands.

Turning, drying his hands, he looked at the Sergeant. “You’re new. Just like me, aren’t you?” Ross questioned with an upturned left eyebrow.

"Yup, just got here a day or two ago. Figured I would come in on my own instead of waiting for you to call me." Thomas grinned wider as he offered his hand. "You can call me Thomas if you like. My last team preferred to use first nemes to avoid any opposition knowing the chain of command.

Ross led Zang to the nearest biobed. Gavin was a doctor within a historical divide. He liked to use his stethoscope, as it kept him grounded in his patients' health.

“Zang, if you sit on the side of the biobed, I’m just going to listen to your chest.” Ross reached forward when Zang was ready, placing the metal circle stethoscope on his chest. “Good. I want you to breathe inward deep, hold, and then release…” Ross asked Zang.

After a moment, Ross looked satisfied. “Ok. Just checking your temperature now.” Ross pulled out his tricorder. “Good. No fever.” Ross continued his physical of Zang. “Thank you for showing up, prompt Master Sergeant. I appreciate. You have no idea the lengths I have gone to get certain patients in a sick bay.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Bunch of babies!” He gruffed.

“How have you been feeling? Zang. Your 25. Fit, Healthy…” Gavin offered to start a dialogue regarding health concerns, issues, etc. Gavin wanted no-barred access to health care, questions, etc.

Thomas had sat still and complied with all directions through the first part of the exam. "I have been fine. No medical issues to declare at this time. I'm glad that you have found me in good health."

"Have you recently traveled to Cestus II, Sk'Ara One in the Orion Nebula, Bantos Colony, Bantos Colony IV, Ariva Colony, Elysium II, or any other worlds with a level 2 health watch?"

"Negative Doc." Thomas replied as he remained as still as possible.

Ross nodded as he continued noting the reports and data biometrics streaming across his Medical PADD from his tricorder. "I am going to give you a beta hydroxyzine KEL-4 hypospray. You are now fully updated with planetary mission-transmissible diseases for the Tomcat and the Themistocles mission requirements. Thank you for stopping by Master Sergeant Zang."

Thomas nodded and accepted the medical treatment before he smiled. "That's good, I'd hate to be excluded from a mission due to not having had my shots." He shot Ross a mischievous grin.

Gavin couldn’t help but chuckle at the list of potential side effects he had been instructed to watch out for in his medical literature. While the vaccines were necessary to protect the team, some of the possible reactions seemed straight out of a science fiction movie.

“Sergeant Zang,” Gavin held a straight face, laughing behind the joke. “Potential side effects include suddenly speaking in binary code.” He wondered how the mission commander would react if the Sergeant started rattling off lines of 0s and 1s while giving orders.

“The second side effect. A slight chance that you develop superhuman strength overnight.” Gavin imagined the tough-as-nails soldier accidentally bending metal bars or lifting heavy objects without breaking a sweat.

“Let me know how it goes, K.’ Ross held his composure.

"If that happens, I'll let you know." Thomas said with a laugh. "See ya around doc." He headed to the door with a wave and was gone.





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