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Engineering Extravagance

Posted on 21 Jun 2024 @ 1:56pm by Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi

1,068 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Main Engineering - Deck 16
Timeline: Current


Hewitt, a figure of significance in the observation area, meticulously and with unwavering dedication, monitors various systems for the USS Themistocles. From power distribution and propulsion to environmental controls and life support, his vigilant eye constantly scans and analyzes data feeds from all corners of the ship. Hewitt's precision in watching for any identifying markers, anomalies, or malfunctions is unparalleled, ensuring prompt action is taken.

One of the standout features within the extravagant Themestocles in Main Engineering is the floor-mounted situational display strategically positioned to provide a comprehensive overview of various ship systems. In a user-friendly format tailored to Hewitt's preferences, this display presents a real-time visualization of critical information. It allows the Engineers to swiftly assess the health and performance of different components, even during highly demanding situations. The intuitive presentation of data ensures efficient and effective decision-making, reflecting Hewitt's preference as a visual learner. Now and then, Hewitt adds, changes, and inputs relevant data and protocol requests to the main engineering computers.

At the heart of Main Engineering's operations is Thex, the esteemed chief engineer. Thex is responsible for overseeing the smooth operation of all systems in conjunction with her engineers. Thex's leadership is instrumental in maintaining an efficient workflow and ensuring that each technician understands their roles and responsibilities within the team. Hewitt and others believed they were off to a good start, engineering-wise.

Hewitt, the deputy chief engineer, is assisting Thex. Together, they form a formidable duo, sharing the responsibility of managing Main Engineering. Hewitt's expertise is invaluable in supporting Thex, overseeing assignments, and troubleshooting complex issues. This dynamic pair must collaborate seamlessly, drawing on their combined skills and experience to maintain the starship's peak performance and tackle any challenges.

Leading Engineering on deck sixteen is not just a functional area; it is the nerve center of the starship. The diligent engineers and the expertise of Thex and Hewitt all come together to ensure that the Themistocles operates smoothly, efficiently, and safely in Federation space.

Thex was humming to herself as she went about her business. Keeping this ship in top condition had been a challenge but the academy had trained her to be the best and the best she had been. The Themistocles was purring like any federation vessel should. Now they just had to make sure the girl could hold up to the conditions she was likely to encounter during this mission. The Tomcat had taken a beating and this girl would likely be put through the same.

Hewitt updated his report to be handed to Thex. As per usual, Todd ensured his report was meticulously documented. Todd approached Thex with a crisp salute and presented the updated documentation. He assured that his report was thorough and outlined potential challenges on the upcoming mission.

“Everything is smooth.” The sound of the larger-sized warp core in the background ushered through its magnetic chamber a falsetto of beautiful music. It was quiet, incomprehensible EPS power taps vibrating a succinct engineering type of beauty. “She sounds almost like soft music. The core, that is.”

" Good." Thex said politely as she took the padd. She still wasn't used to being the one everyone was saluting. " You can stop with the saluting Hewitt were not on the academy parade ground." She added with a grin. " Looks like the mothball team kept her in good condition. Other than the gremlins everything seems to be running great."

Hewitt nodded. "Understood." With a grin.

"We have the transporters to work on updating phase variance amplitudes. We need to ensure the various mineralization on Arth doesn't flux the signal identifiers." Regarding the erroneous equipment to be beamed up the USS Themestocles.

" Well then." Thex added as she reached for her tool kit which was always nearby." Let's get them updated."

“That is if it is your orders, Chief.” Hewitt readily assisted the Chief. He just assumed this was the next on the list because it was on the list. “Secondary purpose Evacuation and Marine Transport, level 13. This is the most suitable industrial transporter.”

“Lead the way, Chief,” Hewitt stated.

Thex did so as they headed for deck 13. " So if we're going to be working together any questions or feedback you need to give me?" The blue girl enquired.

Hewitt paused. Nobody has ever asked him that question before. He cocked his head to the side in thought. “I am not sure I understand. Chief. We are of the same rank. We know this ship the same as each other; it is a completely foreign vessel, and as to the Tomcat, we are both used to it.”
Hewitt clasped his engineering kit, his engineering belt, and tools, such as his tricorder and phaser spanner.

“I think you are doing one heck of a job so far. The question for you is. If I get too much in your face, you let me know. I am not here to tell you how to be your engineering style. I promise I’ll only intervene if I see a pretty broad or a core meltdown.” Hewitt chuckled.

" Just don't want to mess up my first mission as acting chief." Thex admitted honestly as the two made there way through the ship.

"You know what I don't like about new technology?" Todd waited for Thex, as she was the Chief, and walked ahead first.

"Speak your mind, Hewitt." The blue girl replied.

"This..." Hewitt took his engineering kit and used the blunt end to rap it into the metal cowling. The cowling buckled a bit and vibrated. An automated alert from the panel in front of them sounded: "Warning. Abuse to Starfleet Equipment Terminal J-998. Warning issued."

His face lit up as his gruff mid-day scruff peppered his grin to Thex. "The dang thing talks to you! It tells us, please don't hit the metal too hard."

" I see what you mean," Thex said looking over the metal. " That's going to get really really annoying during combat."

"Well. I should let you get back to the Mains. You have to give me something to do." Todd crossed his forearms.

" Sure you can handle it here?" Thex asked

"Sure can, Chief!" Hewitt acknowledged.





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